PGP: More U2 in our beds, please

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I could use some vibes for my mother in law.....she was in the hospital last night with chest pains. They thought it might be gas, but she had pains all night. They are in my husband and his sister might fly down tomorrow sometime.
*sends positive vibes*

I cannot believe that pic is Bryan Adams, the one I see in a month and a half. Wow! I've liked him most of my life, but I have NEVER seen a pic of him like that. :drool:
That really is a great pic, isn't it? :drool:

Have I mentioned how jealous I am you get to see him in concert? :shifty:

It doesn't help that the 'rents can be cagey on the details of their health, you know? And his sister gets worked up easily - so she is in :panic: mode. My husband has to figure out if his parents are being straight with him and calm his sister down.

Bryan Adams looks a bit like Larry in that photo. Not many men have gotten better looking with age - but he has.

Tara, what is apple beer? it sounds yummy.

I'm giving in to my day-off impulses today and going shopping :D

Grace, hope your mom improves...

Apple beer is basically apple cider sold in a beer bottle. :giggle: I think. I just now it tastes like apple cider. And it's really good.

Shopping, ftw!

I sent him back "how great that you're sharing this with me :/".. he said 'well it happens'... I told him that doesn't mean the entire world has to know.. lol he said that he only told me... So I let him know that I don't need to know that stuff. And what woman would?

The response I got was "Muu" "Shi"

I have no clue what that means. :scratch:

Why are men so weird?
:lol: Well yeah, I didn't know that the thought of me eating could mean so much...

And I did actually, a few days ago I asked him if he was single. He said he was. Pff. Liar.

oh. Well then that changes a lot. Hiding is one thing. Lying is another. yes, two sides of the same coin, but very very different sides.

Really? When you're just being told out of nowhere just bluntly like that?

Maybe just me then, but really, could use some more tact and build up. :rolleyes: I'm not a fan of in your face "hey wanna screw" Kinda conversation. Which he attempted few days earlier as well.

yeah - I see what you mean. tact, ur doin it wrong. With no lead up to it, and after you telling him you're not interested in him that way...
Well, maybe that's part of his problem, or his confusion by you. You've said you don't want to mess around with him and you won't meet up with him, but you keep responding to his texts.

If you're tired of the game, just say hey, I saw your fb, and it seems to me you have a gf - why'd you lie?

Or just say, that's a bit blunt - I already told you I'm not just interested in a hook up so if you want more from me, you'll have to be a little more subtle/sweet about it.
If it was tactful and with a tiny bit more taste, it wouldn't be so bad. But just like this, out of nowhere, after I told him a few days ago that I don't approve of his constant "wanna come sleep over" guestions. :rolleyes: And if he didn't have a gf.

I get what you mean though. If it were Prettyboy we're talking about, or any other guy I know quite well, it wouldn't be this much of a problem. Well, if we were flirting for a while that is. If it was out of nowhere it would be equally weird. :lol:

That sounds like good advice. I was hoping he got the hint last time. :rolleyes: Apparently not.
If it was tactful and with a tiny bit more taste, it wouldn't be so bad. But just like this, out of nowhere, after I told him a few days ago that I don't approve of his constant "wanna come sleep over" guestions. :rolleyes: And if he didn't have a gf.

I get what you mean though. If it were Prettyboy we're talking about, or any other guy I know quite well, it wouldn't be this much of a problem. Well, if we were flirting for a while that is. If it was out of nowhere it would be equally weird. :lol:

That sounds like good advice. I was hoping he got the hint last time. :rolleyes: Apparently not.

some boys think that they're so charming, if they just keep working at it, eventually you'll give in to their charms.
Amy, I hope your mother in law is okay. Must be hard on Mr. GR, not being sure. Neo-pagan hippie positive vibes coming your way.

Thanks, Mr. GR called and they are thinking of doing angioplasty. We'll know more tonight. Her lifestyle will need to change. She snacks a lot and gained a little weight. She's not huge, but she might be not an ideal weight anymore. I'm not sure how much she exercises.
some boys think that they're so charming, if they just keep working at it, eventually you'll give in to their charms.
:rolleyes: Guess you're right. Their ego is so fickle.

:wink: Though I guess it worked for Prettyboy. He's got those charms down well. At least he's subtle! :lol:

Did you tell him you had sausage for dinner? :sexywink:

:laugh: Damn you're good!

:hug: Had any news yet on the parent in law front?

eta: Just saw. That doesn't seem too bad.
:rolleyes: Guess you're right. Their ego is so fickle.

:wink: Though I guess it worked for Prettyboy. He's got those charms down well. At least he's subtle! :lol:


Yeah, some guys are so good at it and they know it - they know they could ask you about the weather and you'd still be imagining them naked :lol: So they can "afford" to be subtle
Yeah, some guys are so good at it and they know it - they know they could ask you about the weather and you'd still be imagining them naked :lol: So they can "afford" to be subtle

Well it doesn't happen that most of the times when we talk is after karate. Aka when he's getting nearly naked right in front of me. :lol: He's definitely not ashamed of his body, and well, got no reason to! Cocky bastard.
:scratch: oh, is this the thing with Lucy Liu? (can't watch vid at work)

I don't know what that is you mentioned. It just sounds like he dedicates that poem about love to "Lucy and Larry". It's obviously a home video of someone's wedding, who he just happened to be a guest at.
Just finished leftovers from last night - grilled prime rib, sweet potato fries and cornbread. :drool: And then a tiny piece of the dessert I posted earlier. It's very rare that I complain about this, but after the first couple of bites, it's so sweet it verges on gross. Sarah liked it, though. I think the chocolate chips could have been left out of the brownie batter, and it probably didn't need chopped up peanut butter cups, even though I didn't put nearly as many as it called for. And probably less ganache.

I meant to make vanilla ice cream (just got some vanilla beans a few weeks ago! : drool:) but didn't have time. That would have gone well with it.

glad you turned out a yummy B-Day Din for Sarah and you! And
:up: for Leftovers!:D

Ooooo, do you have an Ice Cream Making Machine??! :hyper: :)lol: @self "just" what I need) I'd like to get one someday AFTER I really start cooking again. I could make some nut /or fruit ice cream (fresh strawberries, peaches...<separate>) . ANd of course Various Dark Chocolate Ice Creams :drool:w/wo nuts...and maaaaaaaybe raspberries?

Yes, yes, and Robert Mapplethorpe, another artist who lived with her/was in a relationship with her once. B's face is probably the best I can do at the moment, with everyone else kind I'll work on it some other day.

(I'm trying to think of how all these people connect together but failing. They're just mushed together onto a mural because I wanted it to happen :giggle:)
Well why not! :wink:

I'd you'd have to work on there faces more to totally judge.. Getting a longer look at your Bono. His face IS 3-D looking.

AH, yes, Def know who Robert is and what his relationship with Patti was.

Better progress


(kinda warm cast photoshop can't fix properly...I need to get these in natural light when it's morning)


can't decide whether I should follow some form of perspective and put those two in front of the rock thing b's on, or just leave as is...

My suggestions are either put them in front, or fade them out toward the
edge of the painting. :)

anyway-- good going on your work!
I don't know what that is you mentioned. It just sounds like he dedicates that poem about love to "Lucy and Larry". It's obviously a home video of someone's wedding, who he just happened to be a guest at.

oh he could definitely crash my wedding. And run off with me, hah! :wink:
Druggies : hyper:!
: |

I remember back when I lived in Nebraska, one night my dad opened our front door and we could see red and blue flashing lights all over outside. My dad, being the sort of curious/crazy guy he was, decided to go investigate, but the police shooed him back and my dad told us he was told to kinda stand back and try and take some sort of cover.

They were busting a meth lab in the house across the street. Yeeeeeeeeeah. Thankfully nobody was inside (and I can't remember if they caught everyone or not, I know there was talk they were either working on catching them or had caught some in the time after), and nothing blew up, but still...

Seriously. You do meth, you're a fucking idiot worth staying the hell away from as far as I'm concerned.

We've been hearing a shitload of sirens in my town off and on throughout the last few days. Don't know where they're going or what department (fire, police, hospital) is commonly going out, as I hear them but never see them, but seriously, it's getting insane.

I live in such great places : happy: !

egads! :ohmy: (Meth lab) and :uhoh: (all the recent Sirens). :( :hug:sss

I used to live in one of the worst areas of San Antonio (Texas). Seriously, the air force base we lived on had a big field behind it, and every freaking weekend they found at least 4 bodies. : crack:

:happy : Don't you just love the city?
:yikes: : ( :hug:ssss

But please don't be dissing cities in general.... :(
and even rougher areas have very honorable, good people in them....

Right now I have been living in a more crime-active area the past 2 1/3 years but most people there are very sweet, nice and trying to do their best.

I just realized Dazz said she wasn't a big Led Zep fan. :ohmy:
:giggle: Dat's a me. There's a few songs I like. I waaaaay much more always preferred The Who. Back in the day there were Zep vs Who "arguments" between my sis and a very long time friend who i also got to know over the decades. She finally won him over... that's how pretty much how I met him b/c he was part of our R&R Concert Posse in those years and still continues at times! It'd be her, me and a particular group of her friends, his other friends, plus sometimes my friends would also join us! :D

I'm always appreciative of a REALLY nice body : ). And arms. I LOVE it when a man's arms are just the right amount of strong and muscular. Genuine muscle from actual working out (again I point to Joel McHale for an example of this look), and not ick pathetic steroid-pumped bodybuilder "I can see every freaking vein/nerve/bone in the arm, for god's sake!" attempt at muscular.

here, here! :applaud: :D
I could use some vibes for my mother in law.....she was in the hospital last night with chest pains. They thought it might be gas, but she had pains all night. They are in my husband and his sister might fly down tomorrow sometime.

:( good luck to her!

It doesn't help that the 'rents can be cagey on the details of their health, you know? And his sister gets worked up easily - so she is in :panic: mode. My husband has to figure out if his parents are being straight with him and calm his sister down.

Bryan Adams looks a bit like Larry in that photo. Not many men have gotten better looking with age - but he has.

My parents were mostly up front about their health issues. Waaaay too many
at younger ages and added onto over decades.

don't feel so bad -- I thot he was larry at first.

:huh::lol: I think I get confused between Bryan and Ryan Adams
-----> * will go and google both!* :D
He had better speak up. I'll be the one saying, "Bono, are you sure?"

:laugh: oh he should be objecting, and claiming that the reaosn he's objecting is that he's madly in love with me and wants to marry me instead. That totally happens. In my head. :wink: I'm only slightly insane.
Omg Gg! I can't believe he told you he had a boner. :lol:

See what I miss when I am at work!

Oh, and you an update me via pm if you want...:shifty:
I pretty much typed it all out here. :lol: Who cares for privacy, it's not like he's going to read this.

He hasn't said a word after the weird ones. I think it's better this way.
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