PGP: More U2 in our beds, please

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Don't recognize him, but he does have nice arms!

I will admit that I have a thing for Vin Diesel - normally beefed out guys like him disgust me, but I dunno. There's just something so incredibly sexy about him that makes me wanna jump his bones. :laugh: Please don't shun me for admitting that! :wink:

Vin Diesel? He's neat... not my type, but I can see the appeal.

How else can you do your proper research, right :D?
YES. :yes:

I already thought he was a cool enough guy to begin with. That just made him more awesome :D.

:drool: :combust: Best. "Community". Episode. EVER.
Hell yes.


He was also born in Rome, Italy. Which adds to his sexiness, I think.

He was? :hyper:
^^^THAT bit of hotness above is from an episode of the show "Community", as I said, and Thora, I'd strongly recommend the show to you. The first two seasons are on DVD (that picture is from an episode from the first season called "Physical Education"), and the third season is currently going on NBC.

Joel also hosts "The Soup", which is where I first heard of him a number of years ago and where my crush on him developed. And the show is the only worthwhile reason to keep E! as a channel on your lineup, quite frankly :p. He pokes fun at reality shows, news shows, talk shows, morning shows, all that sort of thing. Here's an example from a recent episode where he discusses a scene from "Supernatural":

The Soup - Supernatural - YouTube

(Seriously, this cracked me up for, like, 10 minutes straight. It still makes me laugh each time I see it. WTF?)

He was also born in Rome, Italy. Which adds to his sexiness, I think.

I've heard a lot about that show. Maybe I'll add it to my list of TV shows to watch this summer when there's nothing else on. I watch WAY too much TV right now - the last thing I need is to add another show to my weekly rotation. :crack: :lol:

I don't have E! (I just have very basic cable along with a sports package), but that's pretty funny. Were the rainbow farts added in for his show, or did that really happen on Supernatural?! :eyebrow: :lol:

Oof. Should have gone to bed a half hour ago. :yawn: G'night!

Yep! He talked about it on a TV show recently-apparently his dad was doing some sort of job-related stuff overseas and met his mom there and he was born there. He also lived in New Jersey, but spent a great deal of time in Seattle. Hopped around a lot :p.

He's also Irish Catholic. I seem to have a big thing for men who are Irish Catholic-Stephen Colbert, Joel McHale, Neil Finn, Bono's part Catholic and born IN Ireland...

My dad, when he worked in radio, actually did a phone interview with him once. He said he was really cool and nice and humble and stuff :). From what I've seen/heard he does seem to be that way. And he's got a smart-ass sense of humor, and I LOVE that kind of humor.

I've heard a lot about that show. Maybe I'll add it to my list of TV shows to watch this summer when there's nothing else on. I watch WAY too much TV right now - the last thing I need is to add another show to my weekly rotation. :crack: :lol:

Yeah, when you get a chance is fine, I totally understand that problem :). The episodes (newer ones) are always posted online after they air, and I don't know if Hulu still has older ones or not, can't remember. But if you do catch "Community" on TV, it's on Thursday nights.

I don't have E! (I just have very basic cable along with a sports package), but that's pretty funny. Were the rainbow farts added in for his show, or did that really happen on Supernatural?! :eyebrow: :lol:

Oof. Should have gone to bed a half hour ago. :yawn: G'night!

Nope, it was part of the actual episode they talked about-Joel looked way too confused for it to have been doctored :p. Nothing about that clip makes any sort of sense whatsoever, so the "Supernatural" people probably figured, "Why NOT throw in a rainbow fart?" or something.

Good night! Sleep well!
Yep! He talked about it on a TV show recently-apparently his dad was doing some sort of job-related stuff overseas and met his mom there and he was born there. He also lived in New Jersey, but spent a great deal of time in Seattle. Hopped around a lot :p.
Sounds familiar. :shifty:

He's also Irish Catholic. I seem to have a big thing for men who are Irish Catholic-Stephen Colbert, Joel McHale, Neil Finn, Bono's part Catholic and born IN Ireland...

Stephen, Joel, Bono :drool:

My dad, when he worked in radio, actually did a phone interview with him once. He said he was really cool and nice and humble and stuff :). From what I've seen/heard he does seem to be that way. And he's got a smart-ass sense of humor, and I LOVE that kind of humor.

Nope, it was part of the actual episode they talked about-Joel looked way too confused for it to have been doctored :p. Nothing about that clip makes any sort of sense whatsoever, so the "Supernatural" people probably figured, "Why NOT throw in a rainbow fart?" or something.

:lmao: Rainbow farts!
I could use some vibes for my mother in law.....she was in the hospital last night with chest pains. They thought it might be gas, but she had pains all night. They are in my husband and his sister might fly down tomorrow sometime.
Sending postive vibes your way! :hug: Distance makes those types of situations so hard.

I cannot believe that pic is Bryan Adams, the one I see in a month and a half. Wow! I've liked him most of my life, but I have NEVER seen a pic of him like that. :drool:
It doesn't help that the 'rents can be cagey on the details of their health, you know? And his sister gets worked up easily - so she is in :panic: mode. My husband has to figure out if his parents are being straight with him and calm his sister down.

Bryan Adams looks a bit like Larry in that photo. Not many men have gotten better looking with age - but he has.
Yeah, when you get a chance is fine, I totally understand that problem :). The episodes (newer ones) are always posted online after they air, and I don't know if Hulu still has older ones or not, can't remember. But if you do catch "Community" on TV, it's on Thursday nights.

Nope, it was part of the actual episode they talked about-Joel looked way too confused for it to have been doctored :p. Nothing about that clip makes any sort of sense whatsoever, so the "Supernatural" people probably figured, "Why NOT throw in a rainbow fart?" or something.

Good night! Sleep well!

Your country does not allow our country to view stuff on Hulu. :angry: However, I'm an expert at finding TV/movies online, so I'm sure I'll have no problem finding the episodes whenever I get around to it! :) Thursday nights are already full of TV that I'm currently watching, so it will most likely be the summer. :wink:

Wow, that's nuts. :lol: I'm not into those kinds of shows, but a rainbow farting unicorn is just supremely awesome. :lol:

I could use some vibes for my mother in law.....she was in the hospital last night with chest pains. They thought it might be gas, but she had pains all night. They are in my husband and his sister might fly down tomorrow sometime.

Being sent. :hug: I hope all is okay with her soon.
Tara, what is apple beer? it sounds yummy.

I'm giving in to my day-off impulses today and going shopping :D

Grace, hope your mom improves...
I could use some vibes for my mother in law.....she was in the hospital last night with chest pains. They thought it might be gas, but she had pains all night. They are in my husband and his sister might fly down tomorrow sometime.


:uhoh: So, the wheels have been set in motion. I hope this turns out in my favour, because I could really use a break sometime soon after all the shit. They're going to be either paying my missed hours, or putting me back onto the schedule on the hours I am entitled to by contract. Or both. Which would be brilliant. Either way it means I can cover for my Uni costs, so that means I don't have to get a student loan.

On the drama side, guess who contacted me. :wink: Shrimpdude thought that I wasn't interested anymore because I didn't contact him all weekend. I replied that I thought it was the other way around, as he still hadn't added me on fb. He thought it was pretty sad if that was all I cared about, that he only has a small fb for family so that he doesn't want to add people too soon since there are lots of pics on there(SURE dude, with your 90 friends). lol. So I responded that I thought he didn't trust me, and had the feeling he was only after one night of fun, that that is not my kinda thing. And then he said he trusted me. Then changed the topic. Tactical.

And it only took him a few minutes to come back to the wanting me to come over. :rolleyes: Suuure dude. Because you're SO trustworthy.


eta: He just said that he thinks I'm sweet, and that he thinks we could have a lot of fun together, but that I clearly don't want that. And how to change my mind.
I responded that he could do that by showing me I can trust him. That I have the feeling he doesn't want me to see his fb. And I asked if he's hiding something.

Gee I wonder what. :wink:

Aand he sends me a picture of his fishies. then tells me I'm not trusting him, and that he doesn't like that. Well gee, I got plenty of reason for that. told him I've had plenty of mistakes in the past, and that if he trusts me(which he said I could) that I don't get why he refuses to add me on fb. asked why he's doing that if he's got nothing to hide.
I'm laughing so hard inside my head right now. :lol: He seriously thinks he can get me by suddenly sweet talking out of nowhere. Avoiding my issue completely. Changing the topic repeatedly.

How stupid does he think I am? :laugh:

He hasn't responded after I said his fish pic was nice. he said it was nice too, that's it. No response on my suspicions, at all.

He just responded after 10 minutes talking about aquarium stuff once again. :lol:

:shifty: I've decided that I'm going to try flirting with prettyboy for practice, it's not gonna lead anywhere, but it'll be fun. And then there's the guy from Uni whose lap I sat on, I'll see him at the drinking events. So another practice target. :lol: It's about time I get these skills down.
Practice makes perfect! :wink:

I'm off to work. Keep me updated!!!

How do you want your updates? :tongue:

I'll try though, lol, would be hilarious if it led somewhere with Prettyboy. :lol:

:laugh: After a bunch of random aquarium bullshit, he's now out of nowhere saying I'm making him very insecure. That sometimes he thinks he's having a great time with me, and then sometimes nothing. that I don't respond fast, and sometimes not at all.

Yeah dude, sorry that I don't spend ALL my time glued to my phone, messaging you. I have other things to do.

Now he's saying that I sometimes respond strangely. That he can't really pin me down..

No shit. Lmao, I'm doing that on purpose.
Shrimpdude needs to take his meds. He's already way to needy for your non-relationship. Be like, 'yo...I don't see no ring of this finger'. But like a mouse before it is killed, it might be fun to bat him around before biting the head off.
Shrimpdude needs to take his meds. He's already way to needy for your non-relationship. Be like, 'yo...I don't see no ring of this finger'. But like a mouse before it is killed, it might be fun to bat him around before biting the head off.

:lol: Yeah it's like we're an item and he's being clingy. I have no idea what the heck his problem is. Especially when considering he has a gf. So there's no need for him to be needy.
That I just had dinner.

The combination makes it even worse. :yuck:

I think this has gone for long enough. Even though it was only a week, this is just going too far.
I sent him back "how great that you're sharing this with me :/".. he said 'well it happens'... I told him that doesn't mean the entire world has to know.. lol he said that he only told me... So I let him know that I don't need to know that stuff. And what woman would?

The response I got was "Muu" "Shi"

I have no clue what that means. :scratch:
Aaaand he just texted me he has a boner. :yuck: DUDE, seriously, how the fuck did you get a gf in the first place?

HAHA! Yeah, what I want to know is what Amy asked: What did you say to him to illicit that response? Or is that his way of initiating sexting?

And why don't you just ask him if he has a girlfriend and see what he says?
I sent him back "how great that you're sharing this with me :/".. he said 'well it happens'... I told him that doesn't mean the entire world has to know.. lol he said that he only told me... So I let him know that I don't need to know that stuff. And what woman would?

The response I got was "Muu" "Shi"

I have no clue what that means. :scratch:

There are plenty of women who would like to hear that some hot guy has a boner while thinking about them. :shrug:
:lol: Well yeah, I didn't know that the thought of me eating could mean so much...

And I did actually, a few days ago I asked him if he was single. He said he was. Pff. Liar.
There are plenty of women who would like to hear that some hot guy has a boner while thinking about them. :shrug:

Really? When you're just being told out of nowhere just bluntly like that?

Maybe just me then, but really, could use some more tact and build up. :rolleyes: I'm not a fan of in your face "hey wanna screw" Kinda conversation. Which he attempted few days earlier as well.
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