PGP: More U2 in our beds, please

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Then my laptop decided it wanted a reboot. It did, and auto restarted internet, but then the program bar was completely erased. :crack: The heck?
Have to share this. :wink: I'm very proud of my first actually sharp fish photo!


:love: Cory!
Where is it?? I see a red x.. :sad:

ETA: It worked when I refreshed. Great pic!
So my friend sent me this...and considering most opinions on men right now (JJ excluded) I thought it would be funny to share.

50 Ways to Inspire Your Husband
March 5, 2011 By Janel

There’s an old joke about one of our presidents walking with his wife, who sees one of her old boyfriends in a less-than-glorious occupation. The president looks at the old boyfriend and remarks, “If you hadn’t married me, you might be married to that guy.”

The first lady answers calmly, “If I had married him, he’d be president.”

Now, occupation is not the measure of a man. But as a wife, you do possess a unique power to inspire your husband. Your loving vision of the man he’s becoming propels him toward greatness—not necessarily by the world’s yardstick of success, or even your own, but of God’s.

When you believe in him, he is secure. He can take the leaps of faith required to surmount fear. He can bear up under pressure, pioneer new territory.

An inspired husband feels the freedom to reach the fullest potential of the man God has created him to be. He’s not merely encouraged. He’s a man who’s empowered; a conqueror. If you want to give your man some “wind beneath his wings”… start here.

1. Initiate great sex.

2. Send him an email. Example: “Praying for you today. Thanks for being so courageous in [insert specific area].”

3. Give him one night on a regular basis to do something he loves.

4. Consistently mention ways you see him growing to be more like Christ.

5. Ask him about his “bucket list.”

6. Give him a book, audio CD, or ticket to learn about something he loves doing.

7. Ask him about some dreams he has — and pray about them together, evaluating them. Then ask how you can help him go after them.

8. Text him. Example: “REMINDER: I BELIEVE IN U.”

9. Make sure he feels respected by you.

10. Leave sticky notes in his lunch, on his steering wheel, in his briefcase, etc. “So proud of all you’ve been doing with ___.” “You are so great with our kids.” “You are my dream come true.” “You are an incredible lover.”

11. Suggest that he take some time to go pursue a hobby.

12. Leave a message on his voicemail: “Thanks for going to work every day to take care of our family. You are so good at what you do.”

13. Ask him how you can pray for him at work. Later on in the week, ask about his prayer requests again.

14. Be proactive about doing something together that he really enjoys: make a date, get him excited, and share his enthusiasm!

15. Tell him areas he’s gifted in. Don’t stretch the truth; be honest so he can trust you.

16. Pray for him.

17. Initiate great sex.

18. Start and keep a “Dreams” binder with him. Include some travel brochures or whatever gets you excited. In the back, make sure you have a “Dreams turned reality!” file.

19. Talk with him about setting aside a small part of the budget to pursue the ways God has created him — through education or through sheer enjoyment.

20. Post on his Facebook wall: “I love being your wife! See me tonight regarding this.”

21. Gently communicate with him about what you like in bed, and respond encouragingly to his attempts.

22. Remember a dream that he had a long time ago. Talk with him about whether it’s still a dream — and still a possibility.

23. Ask God to open your eyes to the ways He has made your husband and to give you wisdom about how to maximize that workmanship.

24. Have your children write him notes or letters about what they love about their dad.

25. Initiate great sex.

26. Ban yourself from any nagging, the Great Life-Sucker.

27. Ask, “If I could do one thing I’m not already doing that would really empower you and inspire you, what would it be?” Listen — resist being defensive (the hard part) — and follow through.

28. As you think of them, remind him of specific times and areas he has impacted people’s lives: “Hey, I was thinking the other day about all the time you invested in that Cub Scout troop. Wonder what those boys are doing now. It was so cool to watch them grow with you as their leader.” “Our son has grown so much in encouraging people lately. He gets that from you; you are such a good example for him in that.”

29. Buy him something small to stoke the fires: a journal for a writer; some carpentry pencils for a woodworker; some grilling tools for the master chef. Add a sweet note: “Just because I love the way you’re made.”

30. Do something fun and unexpected together: paintball; laser tag; on a spring day, have a picnic, blow bubbles, and bring the books you’re reading; swing; go to a drive-in movie, bring popcorn, and instigate a make-out session.

31. Think about a way you’ve been hurting him, annoying him, or not “seeing” him. Apologize, and work hard at showing true change.

32. Initiate great sex.

33. Go to a home improvement store to plan a small, doable project that energizes both of you, even if it’s just painting a room or fixing up some landscaping. (Hint: Make sure it’s something by which he won’t feel burdened.)

34. Do something from his to-do list for him — something that he’d rather have you do anyway.

35. Find a mutually enjoyable activity you like doing together on a regular basis — even if it’s playing the Wii together.

36. Create a cheerful atmosphere when he comes home.

37. Design a date night that will help him to de-stress and have fun.

38. Discover his love language and become even more fluent in it.

39. Pray about and pursue at least one dream of your own, talking with him about it.

40. What’s hard about his life right now? Pray for his endurance, and encourage him specifically. Galatians 6:9 is a great start for both.

41. Organize or clean something in your home that you know he finds messy.

42. Send a snail-mail love note to him at the office, affirming him in his work.

43. If there’s something on his “Honey Do” list at home that he finds overwhelming or has a hard time finding time to do, talk with him (respectfully and gently) about the possibility of having it hired out. Make sure he knows it’s not because you find him incompetent, but that you want to free him from a burden.

44. Initiate great sex.

45. Be a student of your husband. Does he feel inspired if he’s got all his ducks in a row? If he’s got a creative space to think? If he feels verbally affirmed?

46. If he’s into dressing nice, go with him to shop for clothes in which he feels confident.

47. Let him overhear you speaking well of him on the phone, among friends, or in public places.

48. In his area of weakness, pray about how to subtly and gently step in and help him.

49. Tell him what a great dad he is. Be specific.

50. If and when he messes up, respond with the kind of grace, compassion, and mercy that God gives us. Respond in a way that communicates, You’re safe with me — and I’m not going to rehash your failures. This is a secure place for you to grow … and I love the journey with you.
Trying to read Gr´s post but apparently left my eyes to sea, cant see shit after day in sunshine, think I´m half snowblind :lol:

wearing a welding mask tomorrow then :D
The basic sentiment is that a woman's job is to pray for her man and initiate great sex.

I don't really see those two go together.

Soo, that was far easier than I thought. Got a signed copy of my new availability and he's going to check into my hours. Told him I am quite convinced I have the right to work, since I have for a long time. Of course he tried to put it on another chef who was supposed to have called me. :rolleyes: Yeah, sure. Either give me hours or pay up. I don't care which one of you does it.

And more interesting news. Got a new text. Roughly translated as "Hey sexy, thanks for your fun email. Just opened it late, haha, but can go on y hotmail again so read your mails righ away. regards, xxx. "

So wrong. I'd be so flattered if I hadn't done my facebook stalking, and would've actually had the illusion of a relationship. I never thought I would say this, but omg, facebook finally serves a true purpose!
Honest guys dont play games :sexywink:

might be as always been in group sports where teamplay, respect everyone and so on blablabla and workplaces where people really had to watch for each others back so we get back home without injuries ect.. is that if you lie about anything, it will bite your arse bigtime in the future :D

dont get people why they play with otehr people, I know few of them here too and when they even speak to me in pubs and so on, I just say go and piss off, I dont need friends like you

hell, even had a girl living at my place for almost a year as her things went *bad*, all my mates were like you lucky man having a girl like that living with you, we know why you let her stay there :|

never even crossed my mind to take advantage of her when she needed help, miss her lettuces tho :lol::lol:
Honest guys dont play games :sexywink:

might be as always been in group sports where teamplay, respect everyone and so on blablabla and workplaces where people really had to watch for each others back so we get back home without injuries ect.. is that if you lie about anything, it will bite your arse bigtime in the future :D

dont get people why they play with otehr people, I know few of them here too and when they even speak to me in pubs and so on, I just say go and piss off, I dont need friends like you

hell, even had a girl living at my place for almost a year as her things went *bad*, all my mates were like you lucky man having a girl like that living with you, we know why you let her stay there :|

never even crossed my mind to take advantage of her when she needed help, miss her lettuces tho :lol::lol:

You're a great guy. :)

Sadly there don't seem to be many like you. Well, they're either occupied, not interested, married or gay. :crack:

I'll just take this as an ego boost, to renew my faith that yes, there are actually people out there who like me, and nothing more. I'm no way going to get into drama. I want a guy that likes me for who I am and chooses for me. Do not want to be the 2nd woman.
Did he really say 'hey sexy'???

Well, he said lekker ding, which means something like sexy thing, hot stuff, that kinda thing. Very cliche, can be seen as affectionate between couples, but I don't think I've ever heard that being said to me before..

Great photo JJ. :love: Shepherd!
I want a dog but aint getting one as not sure if living here for 15+ years that they live, so I´m always stealing dogs from neighbourhood to go out with me :lol:
lol, was bout to look for hotels in Helsinki for Springsteens concert and got an email from Tallink that I´ve won tickets to see RHCP in Estonia, ferry + hotel included and 2 tickets :D

RHCP is there on 30.7.2012 and Bruce next day in Helsinki aaaaand, on way back to home I stop in Tampere to see RHCP again on 1.8. 2012

this day gets better and better :applaud: :drool:
Yup. That's just wrong. I emailed him back that if he wants to see the pic he probably needs to befriend me on fb due to security, "or don't you have a fb?". :wink: And then blabbed some shrimp stuff... so we'll see if he has the guts to add me. I highly doubt it.
Night :wave:! Sleep well!

I am curious why "Doctor Who" made you kinda sad, but you can tell me tomorrow.

River Song was talking about how her and the Doctor seem to be experiencing their relationship in different directions: her past is his future.

Then she said the one line that always gets me: "One he's going to look at me and have no idea who I am. And I think it will kill me." :sad:

What makes that even more sad is, unknown to the character, it actually does kill her.


Yeah I skipped most of S1 because of that, but a friend of mine was like "go to S2 it gets GOOD" so of course I had to listen to her. And then I got hooked because of Askars. :drool::drool:


As crappy as S4 was story-wise, all the naked Eric made up for it. :shifty:
(The books are SO much better than the series and book 4 was one of my favorites, so I was a bit disappointed with how they did amnesia!Eric)

And how the frack did I miss 8 or so pages????

Oh! Doctor update! Under tag since it can be TMI...
Doc had to cut the remaining stitches out of the peri tear, and prescribed me a lidocaine cream to help keep the area closed and infection-free so it can finish healing up. She also gave me more pain meds (YAY) since everything is now sore and painful again. As long as I dont have any major issues, I go back again in April for my postpartum checkup and then life goes back to normal. Its frustrating right now because I was feeling loads better and now I'm sore and can't do much all over again.

And to top it all off, FroBaby has developed a bit of an intolerance for the Similac formula she is on, so we have to go back to WIC to get new formula vouchers for her. They're switching her to Isomil which is Similac's soy-based formula, which is good since I won't need a doc's note to switch it, but it's a pain since we have a bunch of the regular formula already. And oddly, she is tolerating the regular version of Enfamil (a diff brand) just fine. :shrug: And WIC doesnt provide Enfamil which means we're going to be using two different formulas, but I figure as long as she is doing fine on both then there is no problem using both.

So we're going to use all of the Enfamil that I have stockpiled (thanks to an awesome high value coupon a couple months back) and only get the Isomil through WIC. Hopefully she outgrows this little "milk allergy" by her first birthday...the dietician seems to think she will but I can't help but worry.

At least it's Adam's birthday today. Yesterday was really rough so I can easily lose myself in my bassist and let him make every little thing alright. :love:

I will spam some lovely Adam pictures once I get Lil' CK on the bus and make sure FroBaby will stay asleep.

Yay for feeling better! And, :hug: sorry you're sore again. I'm sure FroBaby will grow out of her milk allergy thing.

*forgot it was Adam's birthday*

Sooo today turns out ot be interesting. The dude didn't text nor reply to my email, surprise. So he probably realised he can't well add me on fb without his gf noticing, and me noticing he's got one.

But another thing. My sister called. She's in law school. Apparently my work is breaking the law with this shit situation and I have the right to three month's of salary at least. So we're going to start a procedure, once I've gathered the necessary documents. I either get my hours back, or get the money I should've gotten. So at least I can pay for Uni!
Yay! :hyper:
Have to share this. :wink: I'm very proud of my first actually sharp fish photo!


:love: Cory!

Lovely fish!

So my friend sent me this...and considering most opinions on men right now (JJ excluded) I thought it would be funny to share.

50 Ways to Inspire Your Husband
March 5, 2011 By Janel

There’s an old joke about one of our presidents walking with his wife, who sees one of her old boyfriends in a less-than-glorious occupation. The president looks at the old boyfriend and remarks, “If you hadn’t married me, you might be married to that guy.”

The first lady answers calmly, “If I had married him, he’d be president.”

Now, occupation is not the measure of a man. But as a wife, you do possess a unique power to inspire your husband. Your loving vision of the man he’s becoming propels him toward greatness—not necessarily by the world’s yardstick of success, or even your own, but of God’s.

When you believe in him, he is secure. He can take the leaps of faith required to surmount fear. He can bear up under pressure, pioneer new territory.

An inspired husband feels the freedom to reach the fullest potential of the man God has created him to be. He’s not merely encouraged. He’s a man who’s empowered; a conqueror. If you want to give your man some “wind beneath his wings”… start here.

1. Initiate great sex.

2. Send him an email. Example: “Praying for you today. Thanks for being so courageous in [insert specific area].”

3. Give him one night on a regular basis to do something he loves.

4. Consistently mention ways you see him growing to be more like Christ.

5. Ask him about his “bucket list.”

6. Give him a book, audio CD, or ticket to learn about something he loves doing.

7. Ask him about some dreams he has — and pray about them together, evaluating them. Then ask how you can help him go after them.

8. Text him. Example: “REMINDER: I BELIEVE IN U.”

9. Make sure he feels respected by you.

10. Leave sticky notes in his lunch, on his steering wheel, in his briefcase, etc. “So proud of all you’ve been doing with ___.” “You are so great with our kids.” “You are my dream come true.” “You are an incredible lover.”

11. Suggest that he take some time to go pursue a hobby.

12. Leave a message on his voicemail: “Thanks for going to work every day to take care of our family. You are so good at what you do.”

13. Ask him how you can pray for him at work. Later on in the week, ask about his prayer requests again.

14. Be proactive about doing something together that he really enjoys: make a date, get him excited, and share his enthusiasm!

15. Tell him areas he’s gifted in. Don’t stretch the truth; be honest so he can trust you.

16. Pray for him.

17. Initiate great sex.

18. Start and keep a “Dreams” binder with him. Include some travel brochures or whatever gets you excited. In the back, make sure you have a “Dreams turned reality!” file.

19. Talk with him about setting aside a small part of the budget to pursue the ways God has created him — through education or through sheer enjoyment.

20. Post on his Facebook wall: “I love being your wife! See me tonight regarding this.”

21. Gently communicate with him about what you like in bed, and respond encouragingly to his attempts.

22. Remember a dream that he had a long time ago. Talk with him about whether it’s still a dream — and still a possibility.

23. Ask God to open your eyes to the ways He has made your husband and to give you wisdom about how to maximize that workmanship.

24. Have your children write him notes or letters about what they love about their dad.

25. Initiate great sex.

26. Ban yourself from any nagging, the Great Life-Sucker.

27. Ask, “If I could do one thing I’m not already doing that would really empower you and inspire you, what would it be?” Listen — resist being defensive (the hard part) — and follow through.

28. As you think of them, remind him of specific times and areas he has impacted people’s lives: “Hey, I was thinking the other day about all the time you invested in that Cub Scout troop. Wonder what those boys are doing now. It was so cool to watch them grow with you as their leader.” “Our son has grown so much in encouraging people lately. He gets that from you; you are such a good example for him in that.”

29. Buy him something small to stoke the fires: a journal for a writer; some carpentry pencils for a woodworker; some grilling tools for the master chef. Add a sweet note: “Just because I love the way you’re made.”

30. Do something fun and unexpected together: paintball; laser tag; on a spring day, have a picnic, blow bubbles, and bring the books you’re reading; swing; go to a drive-in movie, bring popcorn, and instigate a make-out session.

31. Think about a way you’ve been hurting him, annoying him, or not “seeing” him. Apologize, and work hard at showing true change.

32. Initiate great sex.

33. Go to a home improvement store to plan a small, doable project that energizes both of you, even if it’s just painting a room or fixing up some landscaping. (Hint: Make sure it’s something by which he won’t feel burdened.)

34. Do something from his to-do list for him — something that he’d rather have you do anyway.

35. Find a mutually enjoyable activity you like doing together on a regular basis — even if it’s playing the Wii together.

36. Create a cheerful atmosphere when he comes home.

37. Design a date night that will help him to de-stress and have fun.

38. Discover his love language and become even more fluent in it.

39. Pray about and pursue at least one dream of your own, talking with him about it.

40. What’s hard about his life right now? Pray for his endurance, and encourage him specifically. Galatians 6:9 is a great start for both.

41. Organize or clean something in your home that you know he finds messy.

42. Send a snail-mail love note to him at the office, affirming him in his work.

43. If there’s something on his “Honey Do” list at home that he finds overwhelming or has a hard time finding time to do, talk with him (respectfully and gently) about the possibility of having it hired out. Make sure he knows it’s not because you find him incompetent, but that you want to free him from a burden.

44. Initiate great sex.

45. Be a student of your husband. Does he feel inspired if he’s got all his ducks in a row? If he’s got a creative space to think? If he feels verbally affirmed?

46. If he’s into dressing nice, go with him to shop for clothes in which he feels confident.

47. Let him overhear you speaking well of him on the phone, among friends, or in public places.

48. In his area of weakness, pray about how to subtly and gently step in and help him.

49. Tell him what a great dad he is. Be specific.

50. If and when he messes up, respond with the kind of grace, compassion, and mercy that God gives us. Respond in a way that communicates, You’re safe with me — and I’m not going to rehash your failures. This is a secure place for you to grow … and I love the journey with you.

I love how many times "Initiate great sex" appears on that list. :lol:

I always grin when I see this gif. It's adorable. :cute:


stole the dog from few houses away and we had grrreat time:D
:drool: Swiss Dark chocolate Toblerone. Oh man that was pure heaven. Wish I could go back to Switzerland to get some. Here they only have the milk choc version, which makes me throw up. :sad:
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