PGP - Hitching a ride With Dallas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah, it's mostly a yes!

My own place I can decorate by mself FOR myself is SOOOOOOO exciting!!!!:hyper::love::hyper:

I'll have a Pretty :heart: place i can be snowed n for a day or two if it gets that bad!

BTW you can bet I'll have some of my Beautiful Palm trees & Teal (Teal) / Royal Blue Caribbean Ocean Shoreline photos up from San Juan up on MY WALLS !!! :heart::drool::heart:

I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun decorating, and that you'll be able to let your creativity shine through. :)

Okay ladies, now that I've whiled away the afternoon by being lazy and chatting :drool: I need to go and get some stuff done around here, it's a pigsty. :yikes: I'm not making the turkey dinner today, it's still almost frozen solid, even though I took it out of the freezer Tuesday night...I'm making it tomorrow.

Take care everyone, talk to you all later. :hug: And thanks so much for all your support, it's appreciated. :hug:
I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun decorating, and that you'll be able to let your creativity shine through. :)

Okay ladies, now that I've whiled away the afternoon by being lazy and chatting :drool: I need to go and get some stuff done around here, it's a pigsty. :yikes: I'm not making the turkey dinner today, it's still almost frozen solid, even though I took it out of the freezer Tuesday night...I'm making it tomorrow.

Take care everyone, talk to you all later. :hug: And thanks so much for all your support, it's appreciated. :hug:

VP take care of yourself too!

THIS was A Mental Health break, hon!!!
Big :hug:S & :pray: prayers that things will turn out better - sooner than later , too!

and ***thanks*** for your support, too!! :hug:S :wave:
Thanks Dazz :hug:

I would never say something like that to someone or post something like that
wtf? Apparently some people take delight in being an ass whenever they possibly can. Makes you wonder what people are like in real life. :sigh:

*resists the urge to fight fire with fire*
I posted in that thread. I would have said more, but name-calling is against the rules.

Laura, if I were seeing U2 on my birthday I'd be thrilled. I was so thrilled for you and Jem(2nd time too!) that you were able to see U2 ok your birthdays this tour. And Wild next year. :love:

Ugh, I'm running on an average of 4 hours of interrupted sleep all week. I was exhausted today at work. And bitch girl picks today to start shit. Bad idea.
Apparently according to AX, I'm not allowed to be happy that the band will play on my b-day again next year. He really upset me and made me cry.

That's just cruel :tsk:

Yea...I'm an ass sometimes...but even I won't do something that stupid!

You should be happy on your birthday and extra happy that the band is playing on your birthday....and I'm happy for you :hug:
:madwife: chases after bitch girl!

Normally I would have let it slide and ignored it. But she knew what I had gone through with my mom this week, everyone at work did. I told her if she wanted to start shit another day, fine. But not when I'm exhausted from taking care of my mom who could barely fucking breathe at times. Don't kick someone when they're down.
Mah sign...

Awesome Zu! Is that the running sign you talked about?
I wish he pulled you up to run a round or 4
Damn the Brussel general SALE DAMN YOU!
I hate this site more than eventim. this is ****

Staring at this for hours, and the site keeps error-ing you
saying all fields need to be filled in when they are already filled :fist:

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