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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Weird like Adam Clayton's butt? That happened to me. :crack:

Random image time! This amuses me


Poor baby. :hug: No, not weird like Adam's butt. But, (in my mind), infinitely more disturbing. (I have to share the link so you all can be disturbed too)

STR † THE FREEDOM BLOG© � Liberal Media

Cyanide and Happiness, ftw! :lol:
Parents weekend nnnfghhhhh going to have to tolerate suitemates' parents while cramming in last minute homework doing.

On the subject of unexpected U2, Bono's name popped up twice when I was watching 30 Rock. What.

"Admit that you hate when Bono comes around!"

"When we order pizza, he never gives money...then eats 3 slices!!"
Actually, hold that thought. I'd gladly pay for Bono to scarf down 3 slices of pizza and get me out of this parents weekend hell. (I mean, my parents won't even be here. What's worse than your own parents? other people's parents. Other art school people's parents. :crack:)
re: scary site—That burning-in-hell-because-girls-kissing-girls thing makes me angry :grumpy:

That was on 30 Rock too? damn.

What was the other quote? I heard the one when Jack and Avery's mom were at the UN. That's the pizza quote. My husband enjoyed it a bit too much.
Scary site: what pissed me off was that bit about it's not okay to encourage your kids to be artsy, as that automatically makes them homosexual. :grumpy:

Oh, and not fitting in is completely, totally, SINFUL. :rolleyes:

According to that one page, I'm going to hell. :lol:
On the subject of unexpected U2, Bono's name popped up twice when I was watching 30 Rock. What.

Mr CK & I were at Applebee's at the beginning of the week for lunch, and not only did "Beautiful Day" play on the speakers, but we got Muse's "Uprising" as well as Florence's "Dog Days Are Over". It was like reliving 360! :lol:

Weird like Adam Clayton's butt? That happened to me. :crack:

And what exactly is wrong about Ad's posterior randomly showing up? :shifty:

According to the "scary site", I am so totally going to hell. Which is more than fine by me, as we all know that's where the party is going to be anyways! :mac:
Kristen, glad to hear your mom's doing good and the job's going well. Sounds like a pretty important position. I bet coordinating the volunteer challenges can be quite fun! And you're helping out charities and such along the way as well, so woo :up:.

Your mom's becoming a fangirl? Of what :D?


Thanks :hug: Yeah it's a great job. It's going to a lot more challenging coordinating all the volunteer events once it gets closer to April (that's when the youth challenge is). But I'm up for it!

She's becoming a U2 fangirl :sexywink: A few years ago she just liked them a little. After this summer, she's becoming one of us :shifty:

That sounds like so much fun, VP. I wish we were closer.

I actually just bought plane tickets to SoCal for something exactly like that - I'm taking a weekend next month to go out and see some girlfriends (many of whom I met in PLEBA or on Interference). I'm getting a suite for the Saturday night and we're gonna watch U2 videos and drink and paint our nails and such :love:

I also just bought tickets to see 4 MLS teams play at an exhibition tournament here in Tucson :hyper:

Sounds like such a fun weekend :up:

Yay for the weekend being here! :cabbagepatch:
Actually, hold that thought. I'd gladly pay for Bono to scarf down 3 slices of pizza and get me out of this parents weekend hell. (I mean, my parents won't even be here. What's worse than your own parents? other people's parents. Other art school people's parents. :crack:)

Sounds horrid. :no: At least it's only 2-3 days.

So, I did something I rarely do (and I'm hoping I don't pay for it later). This morning, I slept in. I didn't go out for the bike ride and I'm sittin gon the couch watching The Pengins of Madagascar with my son. In 7 minutes we'll turn the tv off and I'll be confronted with my ridiculous to-do list, and I'll have to go to the gym later instead of a nice ride on Larry outside, but I think it'll wind up being worth it.

I'm still totally stressed out and bordering on anxiety attack, but for the next... 6 minutes, I'm just trying to let it go.
Sounds horrid. :no: At least it's only 2-3 days.

So, I did something I rarely do (and I'm hoping I don't pay for it later). This morning, I slept in. I didn't go out for the bike ride and I'm sittin gon the couch watching The Pengins of Madagascar with my son. In 7 minutes we'll turn the tv off and I'll be confronted with my ridiculous to-do list, and I'll have to go to the gym later instead of a nice ride on Larry outside, but I think it'll wind up being worth it.

I'm still totally stressed out and bordering on anxiety attack, but for the next... 6 minutes, I'm just trying to let it go.

Awww Larry might haz the sadz later cuz you didn't ride him today :sigh:

Good morning you guys. :wave: (morning for me anyway :D )

I have pages to catch up on here, I've been so busy. Hope everyone is doing good!
Just got awesome seats right beside the stage for the Coldplay Minneapolis show!!!!

Ps. Amy got the same section two rows in front of me :hi5:

I cannot believe it. :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

My daughter is all about the butterfly confetti! :lol: She is almost obsessed with getting some! :wink:
PARENTS. PARENTS EVERYWHERE. I'm going insane. It's twice as hard to do work when people's parents keep going up to you and asking where you're from, what art did you do, do you want to go out to awkward dinner with them and their child...
Thanks :hug: Yeah it's a great job. It's going to a lot more challenging coordinating all the volunteer events once it gets closer to April (that's when the youth challenge is). But I'm up for it!

She's becoming a U2 fangirl :sexywink: A few years ago she just liked them a little. After this summer, she's becoming one of us :shifty:

Yeah, every job seems to have its uptick season. But hey, it gives employees something big to do and focus on. What sorts of events are you guys looking at doing?

Hahahaha, that is COOL. Yay for moms :up:. My mom likes U2 as well. My sister recently took a list of songs my mom likes and made a CD for her, and one of the songs on there was the version of "Summer Wine" Bono did with the Corrs. My mom loves their version of that song. She says Bono sounds really sexy on it.

Congrats on your REALLY good seats for the Coldplay show! Nice! So far my friends and I are still looking at the Chicago show, but man...Minneapolis sure sounds tempting as well.

Mr CK & I were at Applebee's at the beginning of the week for lunch, and not only did "Beautiful Day" play on the speakers, but we got Muse's "Uprising" as well as Florence's "Dog Days Are Over". It was like reliving 360! :lol:

Nice! I've heard U2 in restaurants and such before, never heard Muse at any place of that sort, though. It's fun when stuff like that pops up at random, mentions or actual songs or whatnot :D.

That link to that site about how everyone's going to hell...oy.

Notice something odd about these kids? They are all freaks, delinquents, oddballs and misfits. Not a single one of these kids aspires to traditional American values

:eyebrow: Yeah, heaven forbid anyone dare be an "oddball", or "freak".

This, however, made me laugh:

In case you’re not aware a ‘Glee’ is a popular television show that is being done on the once-respectable channel, FOX.

When was that time period?

Glee – Ice Ice Baby: from the Glee ‘Bad Reputation’ episode, this was one of the first-ever gangstah-rap songs, and the only one that was any good.


(I would advise people not to read the rest of the paragraph related to that, though, as the humor dies really swiftly. Oh, dear :|)

So, yeah, guess I'll be seeing you guys in hell, then :wave:!

Katie, agh, sounds oh-so-fun. How much longer are they expected to be there?

Zu, hey, a few moments of time out of any sort is always nice. Especially when it involves watching a movie with your son. Hope you manage to get through the other tasks you have as soon as possible and don't involve much in the way of stress :hug:.
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