PGP: Apparently Hell Has Not Frozen Over Yet

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I hate people who run or pick berries in forest while listening music on earphones, you are in nature you shitheads, listen it :lol::lol:

:grumpy: :grumpy:

I listen to music sometimes in deep nature though, more likely big parks & gardens these days re: low $ for stuff and travel.

I put on either very Joyful R&R or orchestral- often parts movie scores music I find Transcendent-- because I usually feel those ways in nature. :heart:
It heightens the experience for me and links The Visual Aspects to the music so that when I play it at home I imagine beautiful :love: Nature Scenes!

I also don't listen to music or take earbuds out for things like deliberately listening for birdcalls i don't know (i know cardinal, blue jay, crows) and especially for brooks etc for water going over little rock downhills or little "falls". :heart: Soooo sweet and soothing!

:lol: :hug: :D

a green woodpecker wow didn't know they had that coloring!

Now if you saw a Quetzal that would be really amazing!
and it'd be someone's escaped pet for sure!

Whoa , good looking bird there! Unfortunately, those seems to be pretty rare here :wink: They look like a green phoenix. :lol::cute:

I'm also pretty sure you wouldn't be alowed to keep that here :O
Whoa , good looking bird there! Unfortunately, those seems to be pretty rare here :wink: They look like a green phoenix. :lol::cute:

I'm also pretty sure you wouldn't be alowed to keep that here :O

but I'm sure someone might try to smuggle one in!

Have seen them at The NY Zoological' (? and Conservation) Society Bronx Zoo!

A Magnificent Zoo! They have serious Open Spaces for bigger animals- hosted in natural habitat zones.
And their open and partly open indoors exhibits are
magnificently put together!

If they do a greatest hits stadium show I might go and listen from outside.

Concentrate my $ on the either new material or lesser known less "loved" by mass audiences Arenas shows :hyper: :drool: :lol:

:grumpy: Standing outside in the snow & ice & cold after or before shows by MSG waiting the guys! :lol:

Two good points about that, it'll chase away the less (crazy) :lol: semi-hardcore fans AND I have a special bright cowl I made earlier this year I actually wore it waiting outside after the JF show but they just whisked away in cars.

i probably have to :sigh: beg my sis to loan me the $$ .
Problem might be she might want to go to the greatest hits show then the others OR may be not IF she loves SOI. SO might be :( conflict,
She rahter go with someone - it's way more fun if you're on the same wavelength regarding a performer, band you are seeing live!!

If they do a greatest hits stadium show I might go and listen from outside.

Concentrate my $ on the either new material or lesser known less "loved" by mass audiences Arenas shows :hyper: :drool: :lol:

:grumpy: Standing outside in the snow & ice & cold after or before shows by MSG waiting the guys! :lol:

Two good points about that, it'll chase away the less (crazy) :lol: semi-hardcore fans AND I have a special bright cowl I made earlier this year I actually wore it waiting outside after the JF show but they just whisked away in cars.

i probably have to :sigh: beg my sis to loan me the $$ .
Problem might be she might want to go to the greatest hits show then the others OR may be not IF she loves SOI. SO might be :( conflict,
She rahter go with someone - it's way more fun if you're on the same wavelength regarding a performer, band you are seeing live!!

Yeah , I have to see how its all going to go for me as well.
Just keep thinking positive Dazz I'm sure we both figure something out when the time is right.
That doesn't make it any less disappointing for fans.
My point was that U2's management easily had the resources to have spread a couple of hundred of those into record shops all over the world.

They have now ;

- Kind of dissapointed any fan outside and even inside the US that would love a chance to get a nice U2 collectible.
- Gave scalpers a chance to sell U2 records to fans for a looney amount of money:madspit: Especially the latter ticks me off.
But its also jealousy speaking. I'll admit that fair and square.

Is being eligible for a Grammy that important to them? No one of the band spoke up about it.

Yeah they only released a total of 300 and it was only to two stores. One in NYC and a chain in California. It's shitty but what can you do? I'm just glad they'll be eligible for Grammy Awards since I can't stand 95% of the artists that win anymore. I'd rather it's our guys. If a "test pressing" gets them a nomination, kudos to them. And the people scalping the albums aren't true fans. Including those who are posting about what they would scalp them for in WTAHAN. Yeah I could use the money (who can't), but I'd rather have a unique collectible.

Either way, be HAPPY. We have an album, we've got more new tracks coming via the deluxe edition, and SoE is next. Plus a tour to prepare for! This is what we've wanted since 360 wrapped up. Enjoy it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using U2 Interference mobile app
Oh my! Me too!! Quick, PLEBA road trip time!!

checked my bank account

went to shopping with my friend, after a while caught her humming "This is where you can.." she said that it´s been in her head for days

she didnt know that it´s a new U2 song :lol:
Yesterday I biked home through the forest, I had a golden retriever running with me for a couple of hundred meters. LMAO. Decided to turn around and deliver him back to its owner. :lol: But I wanted to keep him.
when ya have nothing to jump into after . Its not a proper Finish sauna no :p
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