Petition to Change the Two-Minute Flood Control

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
I know what you're thinking: "put it in 'Suggestion Box.'" Well, not everyone reads it, and I thought I would see if I can get everyone's feelings and input on this in a place that those who can change it will, at least, hear us. FYI, there are two posts on this in the "Suggestion Box" already, but not many have replied (hence, why I'm posting this here), but I know it is not too popular with the people I've talked with so far.

Why do I hate it? I have a fast connection, and can regularly move between topics and forums. Two minutes might not seem like a long time, but when you are typing responses--and not all are huge, long responses to posts--you find the two-minute flood control to be a formidable pain.

What do I propose? Put it back to one-minute. I mean, I think it worked great as-is: it slows down silly posting, while allowing switching between serious topics with brief replies.

So, if you agree with what I'm writing here, please make some sort of recognition here.


"He had lived through an age when men and women with energy and ruthlessness but without much ability or persistence excelled. And even though most of them had gone under, their ignorance had confused Roy, making him wonder whether the things he had striven to learn, and thought of as 'culture,' were irrelevant. Everything was supposed to be the same: commercials, Beethoven's late quartets, pop records, shopfronts, Freud, multi-coloured hair. Greatness, comparison, value, depth: gone, gone, gone. Anything could give some pleasure; he saw that. But not everything provided the sustenance of a deeper understanding." - Hanif Kureishi, Love in a Blue Time
Comments noted.

and.. since its started.. let this serve as a peitition... if enough people jump on.. maybe i'll change it back to 60 seconds.

There are pros and cons of both, discuss it amongst yourselves

some days a 2 minute flood control also seems a nice idea

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Originally posted by melon:
Why do I hate it? I have a fast connection, and can regularly move between topics and forums. Two minutes might not seem like a long time, but when you are typing responses--and not all are huge, long responses to posts--you find the two-minute flood control to be a formidable pain.

I must agree. But then again I am biased.

* points to post count.


Some Days Are Slippy, Other Days Are Sloppy

Sicy's Website

I take my time when eating honey, so 2 minutes is no biggie.

As long as I have my honey, I'm oooooooo kay.

Stealing honey from a swarm of bees,
swinging through the trees.
i'm surprised u2girl hasn't shown her support for this petition yet

"As guests on MTV in '82 -Bono, The Edge, Adam, and Larry - they were asked to describe what they had that separated them from other artists, what made them special. If you think about it, it was a pretty ballsy question, but then again the channel was young. U2 simply responded, 'Watch us and see.' So here we are almost two decades, thirteen albums, millions of fans and more than 50 music videos later, we find ourselves still watching.

Their music - the unforgettable fires and the streets with no names - stretched far beyond the sonic landscape. The beat of every U2 song is the pulse of every human heart. When Bono shouts 'This is not a rebel song' at the start of 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday', we know that it really is. It is the sound of a generation rebelling against its own indifference.

And yes, the rumors are true. These four lads from Dublin are, indeed, rock stars. They smoke. They drink. They use bad language in mixed company. They're extremely rich and they can flash more bling than most posses in this room. They have also - they have also done more than most governments to eliminate debt in Third World countries. Rock stars they are, and God bless them for that.

What really separates U2 from the rest, more importantly, is relevance. The only thing that keeps an artists credible and alive for this long is relevance. From Boy to Joshua Tree to All That You Can't Leave Behind, this is what music feels like when it's done right. It's a fist in the air, a kick in the balls, and two hearts beating as one, and we have it all on video for you."
I think it should be on a per person basis. That is, Wild Honey should take 35 minutes between posts (to stop telling us about honey), and Johnny, I mean, Diamond should take about 1.5 hours (he has to fix his hair between posts, after all). ;-)

Seriously, I have found the 2 minute burden a bit annoying myself. Also, it hasn't stopped me from posting - I just wait an extra few seconds. So it's not as if I post less because of this extra minute. Change it back please!
I must be easy tonight or something...
it's back to 60 seconds.

Originally posted by U2One:
i'm surprised u2girl hasn't shown her support for this petition yet

i'm right here.

YES!!! put it back on 60 seconds.

oh. wait, i'm too late, it's already done.
I wanted to sign too, boooo-hoooooo!!


Zooming in
Zooming out
Nothing I can't do without
A lens to see it all up close
Magnifying what no one knows
Never in company
Never alone
No car alarm
No cellular phone
- Adam Clayton / Passengers

***Sparky's Whore***

RSOC's Sparky Shrine
Once again Elvis has proven why he's the King.....of this board.

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
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