People are starting to hate Bono

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War Child
Apr 18, 2004
We've all read the negative things about Bono on other message boards, and other things online that ppl have posted here. But we always brush them off as stupid people who don't know Bono. So what's worrying me now is that people who were U2 fans and did know Bono are starting to talk bad about him. Some of these ppl I know and even though I am not totally happy with him these days because of the Ted Kennedy thing I keep trying to stick up for him and defend him but the people only diss him more. These people, friends and family of mine, some have been at least casual U2 fans for years and know all about Live Aid, Jubilee and things like that, but they are now very pissed that they saw Bono at the convention and think he is trying to tell us who to vote for. They do think that BD being used was an endorsement by Bono. They say none of our stars go try go sort out the problems in Ireland, like the Northern Ireland or IRA problems so he should keep his trap shut on our stuff. I am very tempted to post parts of emails they have sent me complaining about 'my' Bono but I don't believe in betraying a person's trust that way. I will ask them first and see if I can.

Another thing they complain about his the 'idolry' of him, and they think ppl will vote for Kerry based on his opinion because they idolize him so much. Someone accused Bono of using God to get himself respect in his songs and messages, and someone accused us all of worshipping him like a guru, and they think he thinks he is some kind of guru. They say they used to like him or think he was an okay guy but now when they see him sitting up there grinning in those sunglasses in the building and making peace signs all the time he is making them very sick. I do not think this bodes well. I know it's no good trying to tell this to you guys because you all love him so much you are only going to jump on these ppl and say rude things and defend Bono. But I am hoping somebody, maybe even Jick, can see what I'm getting at here, that Bono is not admired by the average casual fan or non fan as much as you may think, and even fans are starting to become annoyed by him, and that this could not be a good thing for Bono, U2 or his causes. Anybody see the point here without getting angry?
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People get jealous, Bono is doing a good cause and getting publicity whilst other stars try to do charity for publicity but they don't really mean the "charity" that they do.
And also what about U2 fans we're here to support Bono, it's a free world people can think what they want, even if it is true or right.
Well, on the Ted Kennedy can honestly tell them all off because Bono is going to be visiting the Republican National Convention as well, supposedly.
I don't think that's going to help, because it's not just that he's taking sides, it's also that they feel he's sticking his nose into our business, telling us what to do, all the while grinning in sunglasses and giving peace signs. As much as PLEBA girls love those images, others are becoming irriated to the point of hatred. Yes it makes me feel bad. But it still bothers me that Bono's public image seems to be changing for the worse.
I guess he will just have to come up with a new image, or better yet recycle an old one - I want to see MacPhisto take a stab at any detractors during a press conference :)
BluberryPoptart said:
I don't think that's going to help, because it's not just that he's taking sides, it's also that they feel he's sticking his nose into our business, telling us what to do, all the while grinning in sunglasses and giving peace signs. As much as PLEBA girls love those images, others are becoming irriated to the point of hatred. Yes it makes me feel bad. But it still bothers me that Bono's public image seems to be changing for the worse.

I'm curious as to what part of the country you live in. Is it a swing state or somewhere that Bush has in the bag?
ramblin rose said:

I'm curious as to what part of the country you live in. Is it a swing state or somewhere that Bush has in the bag?

East coast, not far from DC. But how do we know this isn't happening all over the place? At least one of the ppl I'm talking about does not live near me.
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BluberryPoptart said:

East coast, not far from DC. But how do we know this isn't happening all over the place? At least one of the ppl I'm talking about does not live near me.

I just haven't had the same experience here in Houston, (with people who are not even U2 or Bono fans to begin with), and considering this is Bush country you would think it would be even worse.

Nobody I've discussed or watched the coverage with has had that same reaction.
BlueberryPoptart, one should never start out a thread by saying "People are....". That is a broad -brushed statement and undermines the validity of anything one wants to say!

Which people are you talking about? If it's you - then stand up and say it! DON'T HIDE BEHIND GENERALITIES!:yes:

And I have to agree with ramblin' rose. By the fact that you haven't given us any idea where you live or what your philosophical bent is, signals to me that you wish to criticize Bono underhandedly, rather than be willing to STATE HONESTLY where you're coming from regarding him. :scratch:

If "people" are starting to hate Bono - then why are they still caring about him? LET HIM GO and find someone more to their liking! :yes:


"People" are free to go and find another Rock star - they are free to go and find another social activist.

But I don't think it's fair to those of us who simply want to use these forums for rational and polite discourse on social issues and possibly U2's involvement in them to CONSTANTLY BE BOMBARDED by what can only be described as knee-jerk radicals -whether on the Left or on the Right! :eyebrow:


I may disagree with him once in a blue moon, but I realize that ULTIMATELY BONO DOES THE RIGHT THING! :wink:

BONO - YOU ARE DEARLY LOVED AND DEEPLY RESPECTED! :bono: :heart: :heart: :wave:
Bono really should shut his cake hole every now and then, but he doesn't and it really shouldn't matter that he doesn't. Bono is important to many people. I understand that. Politics is important to many people. I understand that as well. But not together. I try to understand why people do this, and I personally couldn't give a flying fuck what any celebrity thinks of pretty much any issue, that how people can do this with U2 or anyone else is just beyond me.
Jamilia, everyone here is entitled to think whatever the hell they like. Hard to swallow at times, when it is Bono, I know, but try it. Let people have their say.
The constant push to shut people up on this forum is really starting to grate. Smilies dont make the counter posts any less of a fight. So it's kinda ironic really. I dont think BlueberryPoptart was trying to get up anyone's nose with this thread.
This has been going on for years. Believe me.

What I find funny is the notion that him being at the convention is in some way him going over there and telling people how to vote. Shallow, but there again, that is the general public for you.
Angela Harlem said:
Bono really should shut his cake hole every now and then, but he doesn't and it really shouldn't matter that he doesn't. Bono is important to many people. I understand that. Politics is important to many people. I understand that as well. But not together. I try to understand why people do this, and I personally couldn't give a flying fuck what any celebrity thinks of pretty much any issue, that how people can do this with U2 or anyone else is just beyond me.

:yes: Bono does a lot of things that worry me more than a stupid song being played at a convention (mostly him ruining his voice from smoking and drinking). I'm also still not getting why letting Beautiful Day be played means Bono openly supports the Kerry campaign. It's not like U2 got on stage and PLAYED the song. I'm sure he wouldn't let it be used if he DIDNT support Kerry, but maybe he just doesn't care.

Blueberry, I do see the point of your original post. Many members of my family make similar comments, but then I give them the WHOLE story and they come around. For example, my parents had this opnion that Bono was some crazy drunk who roamed the world trying to get attention with a flock of groupies in tow until I informed them that Bono has been married as long as themselves, has four children and a wife who's just as politically involved as he. It's annoying, but hey, I'm not exactly into the music my bro listens to or the celebs my little sister lusts after so, to each her own, right?
Tizer said:
This has been going on for years. Believe me.

Exactly. Bono should just continue to do whatever he feels is right and if people like it, fine, if not, fine, they're entitled to their opinions, too. Besides that, there's other ways people hear about the causes Bono is fighting for, so if they don't care for Bono, they still could be interested in helping after hearing about the problems through other means.

I still find it amusing, though, that the same country full of people who always seem to get upset whenever a celebrity starts spouting political views and wants them to shut up (and I'm not referring to anybody on this board, by the way, just the general American public) is one in which some of its citizens elected celebrities to high political offices-Arnold as governor of California, Jesse Ventura as governor of Minnesota, Ronald Reagan as president...

And it just seems like celebrities are damned if they do and damned if they don't-if people like Bono are involved with causes and other various things, they're told to shut up, and if they aren't, they get yelled at because they have all this money and power and all that and aren't using it for good.

Make up your minds, people, argh.

LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

Blueberry, I do see the point of your original post. Many members of my family make similar comments, but then I give them the WHOLE story and they come around. For example, my parents had this opnion that Bono was some crazy drunk who roamed the world trying to get attention with a flock of groupies in tow until I informed them that Bono has been married as long as themselves, has four children and a wife who's just as politically involved as he.

I tried that, but it didn't make any difference :tsk:
Bono always rubs some people the wrong way. :shrug: You should pity those people and pray for their souls. :wink:
There have always been Bono-haters and there always will be. People who try to help, no matter what the cause, will always be criticized. Like Moonlit Angel said, damned if they do, damned if they don't. We want our celebrities to give generously of their own money because they have more of it, but we don't want them to actually speak up or have an opinion on anything. I admit to being guilty of this...I get bugged when I see some actor spouting off on who should be president, and I'm sure other people feel the same way when they hear Bono spouting off about debt relief and Africa.

If he feels that he's doing what's right, he should continue on no matter what people think.
I've been a U2 fan for 18 years and there have ALWAYS been people who think Bono is a pretentious blow-hard who needs to shut his mouth. That is never going to change. I got used to it a long time ago.

I'm sorry your family is being so stubbon about this, Blueberry Poptart, but sometimes family members just don't agree on things and that's just the way it is. (I've got plenty of experience with this with my own family, believe me.)
My impression is posters at US based forums/sites tend to bash U2/Bono in particular - not here, obviously. (how asking governments for helping the poorest countries is telling anyone what to do I'll never know, but anyway...)
It's kind of funny that this only happened now, because U2 has always been political. What Bono is doing now is IMO just an extention of the "80's" Bono that supported Amnesty international, Greenpeace for celebrities supporting a cause, hey, I will agree with those who support good causes a loot sooner than being advocats for, I don't know, NRA?
BluberryPoptart said:
So what's worrying me now is that people who were U2 fans and did know Bono are starting to talk bad about him..... These people, friends and family of mine, some have been at least casual U2 fans for years and know all about Live Aid, Jubilee and things like that, but they are now very pissed that they saw Bono at the convention and think he is trying to tell us who to vote for. .... even fans are starting to become annoyed by him, and that this could not be a good thing for Bono, U2

:up: Cool. This will make concert tickets easier to get.
LOL-leave it to martha to always look on the bright side :D :up:.

Bono's shades said:
I'm sorry your family is being so stubbon about this, Blueberry Poptart, but sometimes family members just don't agree on things and that's just the way it is. (I've got plenty of experience with this with my own family, believe me.)

Indeed. Thankfully, my family's pretty cool with Bono spouting off about stuff-they agree with practically everything he says, anyway, so... But yeah, there's always those who will clash, that's just how things are.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly with U2girl's post. :up:.

BluberryPoptart said:
We've all read the negative things about Bono on other message boards, and other things online that ppl have posted here. But we always brush them off as stupid people who don't know Bono. So what's worrying me now is that people who were U2 fans and did know Bono are starting to talk bad about him. Some of these ppl I know and even though I am not totally happy with him these days because of the Ted Kennedy thing I keep trying to stick up for him and defend him but the people only diss him more. These people, friends and family of mine, some have been at least casual U2 fans for years and know all about Live Aid, Jubilee and things like that, but they are now very pissed that they saw Bono at the convention and think he is trying to tell us who to vote for. They do think that BD being used was an endorsement by Bono. They say none of our stars go try go sort out the problems in Ireland, like the Northern Ireland or IRA problems so he should keep his trap shut on our stuff. I am very tempted to post parts of emails they have sent me complaining about 'my' Bono but I don't believe in betraying a person's trust that way. I will ask them first and see if I can.

Another thing they complain about his the 'idolry' of him, and they think ppl will vote for Kerry based on his opinion because they idolize him so much. Someone accused Bono of using God to get himself respect in his songs and messages, and someone accused us all of worshipping him like a guru, and they think he thinks he is some kind of guru. They say they used to like him or think he was an okay guy but now when they see him sitting up there grinning in those sunglasses in the building and making peace signs all the time he is making them very sick. I do not think this bodes well. I know it's no good trying to tell this to you guys because you all love him so much you are only going to jump on these ppl and say rude things and defend Bono. But I am hoping somebody, maybe even Jick, can see what I'm getting at here, that Bono is not admired by the average casual fan or non fan as much as you may think, and even fans are starting to become annoyed by him, and that this could not be a good thing for Bono, U2 or his causes. Anybody see the point here without getting angry?

"There are some people who say you shouldn't mix music and politics, or sport and politcs, or whatever, but I think that's kinda bullshit."

And this came from Adam, who doesn't really talk that much about political issues the way Bono does.

Bono says he doesn't want to be a role model, so you can throw off the "guru" jab.

American celebrities couldn't go and try to sort out the problems in Northern Ireland, because, well, Americans aren't exactly famous for knowing much beyond their borders. You think Madonna, Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Striesand, know who Micheal Collins is? Think they know the long history between Ireland and England, that's been going on for centuries. It's a very gray area.

If you want it in black and white, some want Ireland united with Northern Ireland, some want it to remain the way it is, tied to the U.K.

"Someone accused Bono of using God to get himself respect in his songs and messages"

Well that's ridiculous, no singer/writer/musician, would "use" Christianity or God to get respect.

I am a Christian myself, we've never been popular, look what the Roman governments did the first Christians.

Christianity will never make you popular, I've found out in my 10+ years experience of being one. I've found some non-Christians start challenging you, mocking you, or berating you, when they find out you're Christian. "You actually believe that stuff?!"

Bono's admitted to being a Christian, "I'm a believer in Christ, grace over karma, etc."

It will be a big part of you worldview, if you let it, whatever your chosen profession.

So these former fans, were fine when Bono was waving his white flag, and shouting no more during Sunday Bloody Sunday?

How about his "fuck the revolution" speech. Bono's been vocal about his opinions for years, perhaps those people changed.
Wow first of all, I think that was a most excellent post whether I agree with all of what you said or not, it is still a good post.

With U2 and any other band that I listen to, I seperate the person behind the music from the actual music itself. For instance, I do not agree with everything that Eminem stands for but I like his music.

With that being said, I appreciate what Bono is doing fighting the cause in Africa but there are other issues in the world. Whether Bono feels those issues are important or not is another story but he is entitled to his opinion none the less.

I think fans and the people are smart and will vote for whoever they feel can do the best job.

Bono is in a fortuneate position to have his voice heard.

If U2 fans are going to stop liking U2 based on what Bono has said or done than they were not U2 fans to begin with 'cause in the end, it is all about the music as stated before with the Eminem example.

In terms of using "God" in U2 songs to get respect, I think that is bullshit. If U2 believe in god and faith than they should sing about it like every other bands that sings about what they believe in. It is up to the people to listen to it or not.
As much as PLEBA girls love those images, others are becoming irriated to the point of hatred. Yes it makes me feel bad. But it still bothers me that Bono's public image seems to be changing for the worse. [/B]

To some degree I agree, I sometimes think that Bono is trying to hard but on other occasions, I think that Bono tries too hard because this issue means so much to him and he has a passion for the topic at hand. We have all been passionate about something at one point or another so I can see where he is coming from.

That is the thing with Politics is that things like this can be very messy.
Jamila said:

If "people" are starting to hate Bono - then why are they still caring about him? LET HIM GO and find someone more to their liking! :yes:


"People" are free to go and find another Rock star - they are free to go and find another social activist.

But I don't think it's fair to those of us who simply want to use these forums for rational and polite discourse on social issues and possibly U2's involvement in them to CONSTANTLY BE BOMBARDED by what can only be described as knee-jerk radicals -whether on the Left or on the Right! :eyebrow:


I may disagree with him once in a blue moon, but I realize that ULTIMATELY BONO DOES THE RIGHT THING! :wink:

BONO - YOU ARE DEARLY LOVED AND DEEPLY RESPECTED! :bono: :heart: :heart: :wave:

I think that the point of this message board is to discuss without judgement. Blue was just making a point. I do not agree with all her points but she was making a statement none the less. I am curious where her feelings on the subject come from but it is not nessary for this discussion, to me at least.

Hate is a wrong word. I may not agree 100% with Bono's tactics in which he goes about certain things but I still respect the man for what he has done in terms of the efforts.

It is perfectly normal to be on the border and have a medium.
Angela Harlem said:
Bono really should shut his cake hole every now and then, but he doesn't and it really shouldn't matter that he doesn't. Bono is important to many people. I understand that. Politics is important to many people. I understand that as well. But not together. I try to understand why people do this, and I personally couldn't give a flying fuck what any celebrity thinks of pretty much any issue, that how people can do this with U2 or anyone else is just beyond me.

I do not pay attention to what celebrities thing either but I do credit Bono and U2 for bringing the awareness into light 'cause I honestly didn't know that it was that bad in Africa until Bono appreared on Oprah.

You're right some people are interested in the politics.
Angela Harlem said:
Let people have their say.
The constant push to shut people up on this forum is really starting to grate. Smilies dont make the counter posts any less of a fight. So it's kinda ironic really. I dont think BlueberryPoptart was trying to get up anyone's nose with this thread.

I agree, we are all discussing rationally and I don't think that Blue should have to feel as if she has to put a shoe in her mouth over her opinions. I for one am not here to cause a fight but to have an enlightened discussion about the topic at hand. Nor did I think that Blue's thread was offensive in any shape or form and from what I read, I do not think that she was trying to get up anyone's nose.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and views and this is what makes this a wonderful place as I am learning. :)
Re: Re: People are starting to hate Bono

martha said:

:up: Cool. This will make concert tickets easier to get.

LOL I somehow knew that you were going to make a funny remark. Literally I was thinking. I love you.
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