Origin Stories

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War Child
Mar 28, 2005
All of us are different, so I'm sure mine is not particularly unique. But "the thing" which got me into U2 was:
- on a now defunct U.S. cable channel called Trio, in 2003 they broadcast a 30 minute special on the Best Of 1990-2000, which included clips of Sydney '93, Mexico '98, and Boston '01. The creativity of these live clips sucked me in,I tracked down the Slane '01 live DVD and was hooked.

- A few months later, August '04 brought Vertigo, November brought Hutdab and the Brooklyn Bridge show.... and while I don't remember what originally linked me to Interference, my first memory of this place was listening to Chrisedge's recording of the first Vertigo gig the day after it happened (a mean feat in 2005). Edge's guitar failed for the opening Vertigo riff. The weird things that stick in your mind...

Anyone else have clear memories of their first experiences, either of the band or of the forum?

Back in 1995 VH1 was doing their artists A-Z thing, and it was U2’s turn. They played a block of 10 U2 videos. For some reason, I put in a cassette and hit record. I was slightly interest in u2, my Dad had JT and RH on CD, and I liked the song from the Batman soundtrack.

I watched through those 10 U2 videos countless times. I remember NYD, SBS, Pride, JT Trio, One, MW, HMTMKMKM being among them. I was instantly hooked.
I was on vacation with my family in Key West, Florida in 1997 (I was 13 at the time) and had taken a liking to Discotheque. There was a record shop down there and I was about to buy the CD single when I noticed POP had just been released so I borrowed a few extra dollars from my brother to get the album.

Shortly after spending that entire vacation listening to POP, my mom bought me tickets to POPMart and my cousin and his girlfriend (now wife) took me to see it at Franklin Field in Philadelphia. They've been my favorite band ever since that very (trans)formative stretch of April-June 1997.
I was always aware of U2 throughout my life growing up,but it was when elevation came out when I was about 19 and me and brother thought the video was very cool.

I bought best of 1980 1990 and that was that,hooked. Bought all their albums within about 2 months.

My brother went in another direction and became hooked on guns n Rose's,waited about 8 year for Chinese democracy to come out![emoji23]
My dad would play Gloria from October over and over when I was a little kid. I couldn't have been more than 2. It's my earliest memory. The record player in the specific corner of our living room (apartment) and it just being played on repeat. Don't remember any other songs, just Gloria.

As I got older I would be privy to U2 albums as they were released. AB was the album that really produced my fandom. I think it was 1991 or 1992 i spent every day of my summer break listening to that album, and any of the singles that were released. The Fly (Lounge Fly Mix)....I'd repeat the solo until my head hurt.

I went through a phase where I was embarrassed to like the same band as my parents, so when I got old enough to be left at home alone when they'd run some errands, I'd sneak whatever albums were out at the time and listen away on my headphones. I also remember later on too buying Pop at the record store and saying it was a gift to my dad (but it was really for me haha)

My dad was an even bigger Beatles fan, but while I enjoyed their music their sound/tone never had the same impact on me.
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