Okay, Seriously, WHEN THE HELL WILL IT LEAK? (Part 5)

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I'm cool, rabid even to get the album early. But I'm NOT cool with people downloading it after it IS in stores.... rare, hard to find, live tracks are one thing, but people should be buying NLOTH.....

If the album sucks, I don't think anyone should buy it that encourages more bad music :wink:

Not that I think this album will suck, I just think we shouldn't automatically say we should pay for albums, when if they suck paying for them just encourages more bad music.

Hence why everyone should download music like Soulja Boy, Flo Rida etc. Because really, we're better off that way :wink:
Unexpectedness.. I do like that part of it... and don't get me wrong, I haven't been able to hold out last 2 albums or this one...

And I'm not talking about format... I just like to have CD as like a book, to me holding it is more fun. I buy 99% of my music via iTunes or Amazon no, but for U2 I want the psychical thing. If only to remind me of being 18 again.

Maybe it's me... but there is something sterile about hearing music for the first time via a torrent link...

I do remember buying Achtung Baby the day after Christmas in 1991. I was 14 I think. I couldn't wait to go home and listen to it...all I knew of U2 at that point was from Rattle and Hum. I remember spending the whole day going from mall to mall returning things with my mom and sister...fliping through the lyric-book, looking at the pictures, puzzled by what the hell had happened to this band and really wondering what the music was going to sound like. And the first listen, I was severely disappointed. Now I would rank AB as the album that changed my life. For Achtung and Zooropa, I would agree, the hard copy experience was great.

But I wonder if the album sleeve really has the same symbiotic relationship with the music it used to...U2 haven't really done much lately. I hope they step it up with this one.

But yeah...I'm still downloading it when it leaks...
If the album sucks, I don't think anyone should buy it that encourages more bad music :wink:

Not that I think this album will suck, I just think we shouldn't automatically say we should pay for albums, when if they suck paying for them just encourages more bad music.

Hence why everyone should download music like Soulja Boy, Flo Rida etc. Because really, we're better off that way :wink:

I agree.

But NLOTH won't suck! :sexywink::applaud:
I'll hold the case in my hands
Marvel at the booklet
read the lyrics
Run home and blast it on my stereo

I love CDs, but I'd still rather here it now :wink:

And you'll get far higher quality music too. Mp3's suck, no serious audiophile would listen to an mp3. All the top end and bottom end are gone. All my music on my 60gb ipod is ripped directly from CD. What's the point otherwise? Cus it's free? lolz.
I prefer having a physical copy, along with the booklet and artwork that a little iTunes "artwork" square can't replicate. Alas, I only value that to about $5 dollars. Conundrum!
Where the leaks have no wait
Where the leaks have no wait
And when I hear it, I hear it with you
It's all I f***ing wanna do
So I read all of the old thread, and 10 pages of this thread, but new pages were being added so quickly that I figured I would never catch up.

So which torrent are we all downloading now?
And you'll get far higher quality music too. Mp3's suck, no serious audiophile would listen to an mp3. All the top end and bottom end are gone. All my music on my 60gb ipod is ripped directly from CD. What's the point otherwise? Cus it's free? lolz.

MP3 quality isn't that bad though, I mean anything under 192 is pretty crappy but around 256 is good I feel, especially in the trade off between quality and space. Of course CDs sound better, but that's just something to look forward to for when I buy it on CD
5 threads and still no leak ... :sad: oh well, at least we've inserted the word "leak" into every U2 song title at least three times?

is anyone actually checking for stuff? farbeat doesn't load for me, hasn't for hours.
5 threads and still no leak ... :sad: oh well, at least we've inserted the word "leak" into every U2 song title at least three times?

is anyone actually checking for stuff? farbeat doesn't load for me, hasn't for hours.

idk ive been regularily checking isohunt
still nothing
I love PirateBay, they never take anything down come hell and high water.
And insult all the legals who issue cease and desist orders.
I've been thinking, it's a very good thing the band isn't in charge of security.
Cause if it was left up to Bono (aka Chump No.1) we would have had it 1 month ago.
I love PirateBay, they never take anything down come hell and high water.
And insult all the legals who issue cease and desist orders.

Pirate Bay is great. I love when they post cease and desist letters on the site and the letters they write back to the lawyers.
What's up with the 183 users viewing this thread and not posting?
are they just sitting there twiddling their thumbs.

Maybe they should start praying
Pirate Bay is great. I love when they post cease and desist letters on the site and the letters they write back to the lawyers.

Yeah, hopefully it leaks there and they send Paul McGuiness one of their charming letters.

Would love to see the look on the fat bastards face
What's up with the 183 users viewing this thread and not posting?
are they just sitting there twiddling their thumbs.

Maybe they should start praying

maybe they are confused and are doing the wrong kind of leaking
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