Official NLOTH Tracklisting (From

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i have a feeling that we will see another album in 12 to 18 months where we will see every breaking wave and tripoli etc.

Larry has quoted he wants another album out soon after this one.
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...
Ya' know, some of these whacky titles can turn out to be your all time favorite song, then you'll be repeating it all the time. :huh:

album cover = :down:... I like the boys on the cover. :|
The last two UK bonus tracks have been pretty awesome (Ground Beneath Her Feet and Fast Cars). Also, I can't wait to see a 'making-of' documentary if this album is going to be as raw and experimental as people are saying. Always like to watch Edge explain his guitar tricks.
think about it:-

a new album could consist of:-

Every breaking wave
beach clip 402
beach clip 404
and dare i say it Mercy!

Thats 6 songs!
I'm a little disappointed that Every Breaking Wave isn't on the album, simply because I loved the title.

- Every Breaking Wave // 4:13 // Priority to finish (!!)

Yeah, it was on the board in the latest video clip (which can't be that old considering the "A few touches up on new Dec mix" comment next to Get On Your Boots) and reviewed in two magazines already. It's too bad, I was really looking forward to hearing it.

Q says:
With Or Without You style pulser that builds layers of guitars over electronically enhanced verses before opening up into an expansive drop chorus and then, ultimately, exploding into an ecstatic coda. Key line: "Every sailor knows that the sea/Is a friend made enemy."
Lillywhite cues up the track, a slow burning track called Every Breaking Wave that gradually builds to a climax brimming with passion and intensity. Bono begins to sing rocking forward and backwards on his studio chair. He performs a note perfect vocal that employs the movement of the ocean as a metaphor for the human struggle, before building to the plaintive line "I don't know if I'm that strong". Two takes and 10 minutes later its done.
Rising from the sofa, Bono leads Q back into the adjacent studio where Edge and Steve Lilywhite are listening to a rough mix of Every Breaking Wave, now sounding gloriously epic and near-complete.

Rolling Stone says:
A swelling soul-pop song, with bright synth sounds influenced by OMD and, Bono says, "early electronica." "You don't hear indie bands doing blue-eyed soul [like this]," he adds.

I mean, c'mon!
This track sounds like it could be...:drool:
I don't get why so many don't like Fez - Being Born. That's a title that sounds really kind of experimental, unusual. If Radiohead had a title like that, everyone would love it. I think it's one of the more exciting song titles from u2 and I cannot wait to hear what kind of song that is.

If it was Tripoli - Being Born, I wouldn't mind. But using the title of a place where they recorded part of the album in the title seems like a daft move, although we're out of the context right now.
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

Magnificient, NLOTH and most the other songs maybe bland. You cant tell what a song is going to be like until you listen to it. WAS doesn't stand out as a title but it maybe a U2 classic. Who knows.
- Every Breaking Wave // 4:13 // Priority to finish (!!)

Yeah, it was on the board in the latest video clip (which can't be that old considering the "A few touches up on new Dec mix" comment next to Get On Your Boots) and reviewed in two magazines already. It's too bad, I was really looking forward to hearing it.

I mean, c'mon!
This track sounds like it could be...:drool:

That is real pity, EBW was one of the songs I was most looking forward to. I can imagine it as a great summer song, full of melody and optimism.
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

U2 has always been self-deprecating.

ZooTV? The FLY? MacPhisto?

Any interviews Bono has done at least since the 90s.
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

Could it be that "Stand Up Comedy" is employing, (gasp!), irony? You remember irony, right? The 90's were brimming with it. Maybe the song is Bono satirizing himself? Or perhaps assuming the character of one of his critics, and satirizing them, satirizing Bono? Maybe its Larry's personal protest song. Who fucking knows. It is very unlikely to be poppy song about humorists. And if it is, it could still blow us all away. Patience is indeed a virtue. Isn't there a thread called "Confirmed - Prozac Is the Interference Elixir"?
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

Can you say something even remotedly positive for a change, just try, please. I've read only negative comments from you since the tracklist has been announced. You're judging songs by their names without having heard them. You have no idea how Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow sound. I think these are nice titles and Stand up Comedy could very well be a tongue-in-cheek song full of self irony. I find it really annoying how some people simply cannot stop being negative about things they don't even know much about.
album cover = :down:... I like the boys on the cover. :|

NOT being on the album cover is actually one of the best things U2 could do. I love the guys to death, but I want an artsy cover without the band standing or sitting around looking bored. They will be inside the booklet anyway.

If it was Tripoli - Being Born, I wouldn't mind. But using the title of a place where they recorded part of the album in the title seems like a daft move, although we're out of the context right now.

I don't see why they shouldn't pay tribute to Fez. Someone mentioned earlier that it could be an instrumental leading into a song, I like that concept. I guess we'll hear a lot of Oriental/Morrocain/Fez influenced sounds on that tune.
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

you're one post away from being on my "ignore" list. seriously. do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Oh i forgot Stand Up Comedy....

As much as i think Bomb was just U2 on auto pilot one thing i apreciate in that album is its seriousness. It's a focused, sentimental and introspective colection of songs. It's not a masterpiece, but one thing i would find much worst is U2 making a fool of themselves playing poppy written songs called Stand Up Comedy or White as Snow. Maybe WAS is not poppy maybe just bland...

not to pick a fight here, but how can you say, 'oh i forgot'

Hate the titles as much as you want, but I, and everyone who has been on at any time since the announcement get it. you said it straight away. Ive seen you mention how much you hate it around 12 times. Is there any news that you like?
i have a feeling that we will see another album in 12 to 18 months where we will see every breaking wave and tripoli etc.

Larry has quoted he wants another album out soon after this one.

There was an interview in 2000 on VH1 where Larry said they wanted to release an album in 2001 after the finale of the Elevation tour at Slane Castle in August 2001. So the tour got extended 3 months, putting the album off 3 years. Larry may want to get the albums out as often as Bono does, but Edge won't allow that.
I ABSOLUTELY DETEST when we are given so much exciting updates about the new album (in this case, "recording 50-60 songs") and then the same bloody obligatory 11 tracks :mad: :down:

Where the hell are the other 40 songs? :angry::madspit::rant:
What a disappointment!

After recording 50-60 songs, this is a rip-off and taking us for granted at its worst :angry:

Remember the wonderful double-album discussion? :sad:

U2 playing it safe once again :down:
Y'know I'm really curious about those two weeks between "early December" and Christmas. When RS came to the studio everything seemed to be a mess. In those two last weeks they managed to wrap the whole album and decide the tracklisting. I'm very curious. :hmm:
What a disappointment!

After recording 50-60 songs, this is a rip-off and taking us for granted at its worst :angry:

Remember the wonderful double-album discussion? :sad:

U2 playing it safe once again :down:

ok, but how are U2 ripping us off? please explain. did you pay them for a double album?
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