Official NLOTH Tracklisting (From

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LOVE the cover art. STOKED that they're not on the front - massive bonus points there. But even without the fact that its coming after Bomb - the worst cover art ever made, its beautiful. I hope it stays as is, without obvious text. Quite possibly my third favourite after Achtung Baby and Rattle and Hum.

LOVE the tracklisting - and I'm thrilled that boots isn't the opening track. It sounds interesting, and some of the titles sound like they might break the mould a bit. Except I can't believe they called it "I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" Just "Crazy Tonight" was bad enough ... But you never know, it could be great.
I want EBW.

Really badly.

And I don't know why.

Agreed. I really wanted to hear this one especially after Bono quoted "we may have something special going on there."

I still think theres a possibility that we may see it on "Linear" (Anton Corbijn film) along with "Tripoli." Who knows, maybe it will be a b-side or be on a future album.
Agreed. I really wanted to hear this one especially after Bono quoted "we may have something special going on there."

I still think theres a possibility that we may see it on "Linear" (Anton Corbijn film) along with "Tripoli." Who knows, maybe it was "too special" and might be some building block for the next album.
The NEXT album...for the love of god !!!!!
roll on 2013...cant wait to hear it
- To begin with, the band does not in anyway feature on the front cover and that hasn't been done in quite some time. To me it says that they're treating this album as a whole peice, a work of art. Rather than let the band grace the cover and smack everyone on the head with a big 'THIS IS U2, LOOK AT US, THIS IS OUR NEW CD' They have chosen wisely to let the artwork express some deeper meaning and give the sense that the album is a whole.

This is the best post I've read thus far with regards to the cover art. I completely agree.
Not to mention the fact that Fez is in Morocco, Tripoli in Libya, and they're not exactly close to each other. I'm not seeing it.

Thank you...

My original post had a geography lesson, but I decided I would hold back...

I'm trying to watch my approach...

Since they were a newbie and all...:wink:
Well gee willakers. :ohmy:

mmm, i dont know if many self-respecting blokes would refer to their 'men's business' as a stump?

stump (stump)


the lower end of a tree or plant remaining in the ground after most of the stem or trunk has been cut off

anything like a stump; specif.,
the part of a limb or tooth left after the rest has been cut off, broken off, etc.
the part of anything left after the main part is gone; butt; stub the stump of a pencil
Anyone complaining about the song titles needs to think back to when these song titles were being tossed around....

For Your Love
Love Is All We Have Left
One Bird
If I Could Live My Life Again

Suddenly stand up comedy ain't so bad anymore hey? :hmm:

you forgot lead me in the way i should go
I still want to hear North Star surface someday. U2 + Michael W. Smith = my 2 favorite artists and surely endless :drool::drool::drool:
Very Bomb like song titles, at least we don't have Love or Kneel or Soul in our titles.
Very Bomb like song titles, at least we don't have Love or Kneel or Soul in our titles.

im guna scare a whole slew of people here:

You know how the two versions of the chorus of Magnificent that we have are different? Only love can (reset your mind)/ whatever RS said.

I think its different each time, and I also swear one of the is ..... something blah blah SOUL
Yeah, so, I know a lot of other people have covered this already...but Why would they change the title from 'Crazy Tonight' to 'I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight'? I actually thought Crazy Tonight was a cool, kind of different title for them. But making it that needlessly long just gives it that 'Stuck in A Moment, Sometimes You Can't Make it etc.' unwieldy kind of feeling. Not making any judgements about the actual song, obviously, the title just bugs me. Anyways, I don't mean to just bitch right away...I am really excited for this album and the cover is fucking awesome.
I just like the fact that we don't have any preachy song titles, like Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of, or Sometimes. I'll take clunky and weird over preachy any day.

Have to wonder, though, how they could possible have gone with a 9-word-long song title. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
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