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Velvet Underground- Beginning to See the Light

dammit...I've tried the torrents but it's always extremely slow and fucks up my computer. I've had to reinstall my operating system like 4 times this past year (losing any unsaved U2 files each time :sad: ) I'm trying to stay away from that stuff.
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VertigoGal said:
you wouldn't happen to have the mp3 would you? (is that a stupid question?...hmm...)

VU- Candy Says

Indeed I would! It's a kind of big file, sorry... I ripped it to the highest MP3 quality possible. Just let me know when you have it, so that I can take it off my server. mp3

Just remove the space in front of mp3.
Actually, hang on. I'll upload the link to a page so that you can just right-click save as.
VertigoGal said:


thanks so much GibsonGirl :bow:

My pleasure, enjoy it. :wink: I enjoy the end in particular. And, well, speak of the devil!


I'm such an obsessive fangirl. :reject:
you an obsessive fangirl?! ha, only in the past few weeks have i been able to really get into other bands. its been nearly straight U2 for almost a year for me! (well it was the induction phase, yknow? :wink: )



Steve Kilbey -- A Night In Hell

spoken word of a Rimbaud work over a musical soundscape. very very cool
The Church -- Why Don't You Love Me?

nah, nah, nah posting in the dreaded now listening thead. :tongue:
The Church covering Neil Young's Cortez the Killer.

They do it well.
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