Next Album Rumours Thread IV - 2 Sing 2 Furious

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I mean...

1. Hawkmoon 269
2. Van Diemen's Land
3. Desire
4. Hallelujah Here She Comes
5. Love Rescue Me
6. Angel Of Harlem
7. When Love Comes To Town
8. Heartland
9. God Part II
10. A Room At The Heartbreak Hotel
11. All I Want Is You

If they ever did a reissue and released She's A Mystery To Me, that could be your 12th track somewhere in the mix.

This is very close to what I would do, but I might swap Angel of Harlem and A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel.
Dune > Your Song Saved My Life

come at me

Are we talking 2021 Dune or 1984 Dune?

Surprised more people didn’t chime in with their 4 worst albums. And would we call that a “Rushless”?

1. October
3. SOI
4. Boy

I’m aware that Boy is a better “album” than SOI, R&H, Bomb but it’s a little too homogenous for me, and I tend to prefer diversity in terms of style and arrangement over consistency and energy. And I do take my custom playlists into account as I don’t listen to the official versions of SOI or R&H anymore.
Surprised more people didn’t chime in with their 4 worst albums. And would we call that a “Rushless”?

1. October
3. SOI
4. Boy

I’m aware that Boy is a better “album” than SOI, R&H, Bomb but it’s a little too homogenous for me, and I tend to prefer diversity in terms of style and arrangement over consistency and energy. And I do take my custom playlists into account as I don’t listen to the official versions of SOI or R&H anymore.

Just as super fly guy will never understand hating on Bomb, I will never understand hating on October. What drives you so very nuts about it?
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It’s funny - over the years War has slipped further and further down my list. That album needs itself some lithium. SBS, NYD, Seconds, LAS, DM, THBAO and Surrender are all top drawer. But you can’t have 20% of an album’s track list taken up by Red Light or The Refugee and be a great album.

These three are perfect, nothing to fix.

Really good:
Boy - dynamic range point is valid, but all the songs are fantastic anyway
Pop - great concept and songs, execution and undercooked production holds it back
HTDAAB - same point about production holding it back, but it’s overcooked. Songs all solid and worthy.
SOE - such an “almost was” moment. American soul is a turd that won’t flush.
SOI - more consistent than SOE, but also less moments of great.

Sentimentally wonderful:
Zooropa - so interesting, and a couple of all time tunes. Sometimes though, interesting is more important to this album than good.
ATYCLB - so unbalanced as an album. It’s down here because it doesn’t play well. Elevation has aged poorly as well.

Bottom 4 for me:
War - if they held A Celebration over for the album, threw on some of the instrumentals, and maybe even Treasure in place of Red Light and The Refugee it would bolt up this chart. Alas…
R&H - some great songs, not really an album though.
October - overt religiosity has got to me over the years. Up and down quality wise and almost a Christian album. Glad they went back to being religious people who make music, because this is almost defined by the God themes.
NLOTH - Crazy-Boots-SUC. The end.

I will qualify this and say there is a dotted line marking the relegation zone between R&H and War. There’s quite a gap between them. I also agree with people here about the concept for R&H, and I enjoy listening to it. But it’s not great as an album because of the live tracks, rehashing and interludes.

I don’t buy into the hatred for SOI and SOE. I think there’s lots of lazy criticism from fans for both albums because of the slide NLOTH started. “U2 used to be good” is a position that brings a lot of sub cultural capital on a U2 fan site because it makes you appear more insightful, critical or somehow above everyone else. Don’t buy it.

Those albums have their issues, but the sins are in their marketing strategies or single choices, but the music itself (bar some awful judgement errors) is much better than people here like to point out.
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It’s funny - over the years War has slipped further and further down my list. That album needs itself some lithium. SBS, NYD, Seconds, LAS, DM, THBAO and Surrender are all top drawer. But you can’t have 20% of an album’s track list taken up by Red Light or The Refugee and be a great album.


Really good:

Sentimentally wonderful:

Bottom 4 for me:

I will qualify this and say there is a dotted line marking the relegation zone between R&H and War. There’s quite a gap between them. I also agree with people here about the concept for R&H, and I enjoy listening to it. But it’s not great as an album because of the live tracks, rehashing and interludes.

I don’t buy into the hatred for SOI and SOE. I think there’s lots of lazy criticism from fans for both albums because of the slide NLOTH started. “U2 used to be good” is a position that brings a lot of sub cultural capital on a U2 fan site because it makes you appear more insightful, critical or somehow above everyone else. Don’t buy it.

Those albums have their issues, but the sins are in their marketing strategies or single choices, but the music itself (bar some awful judgement errors) is much better than people here like to point out.
Swap No Line for ATYCLB and I totally agree.
These three are perfect, nothing to fix.


I don’t buy into the hatred for SOI and SOE. I think there’s lots of lazy criticism from fans for both albums because of the slide NLOTH started. “U2 used to be good” is a position that brings a lot of sub cultural capital on a U2 fan site because it makes you appear more insightful, critical or somehow above everyone else. Don’t buy it.

Disagree. (I think the slide started within ATYCLB itself, and certainly by the time they were making the videos for "Elevation" and "Stuck".)

More insightful? Depends. More critical? Obviously, but then so be it, especially if sound arguments can be made to back up the criticism. Somehow above everyone else? I would say that is insecure projection on the part of people who would take the criticism personally.

If "U2 used to be good" is sub-cultural capital on a U2 forum, that would imply that the majority of the people on the forum are in a U2-is-still-good camp, and maybe that is the case with this thread or Interference as a whole. But there could, of course, be a forum where the opposite is the case. In either scenario, I don't think anyone's "capital" should be devalued: I think it's all in the argument(s) that one makes. (And, just to stress this one more time about myself personally, if this was directed at me: nothing I say that is critical about U2 is meant ad hominem towards anyone here--nor the band themselves; the target(s), when they exist, are strictly U2's artistic choices.)
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Just as super fly guy will never understand hating on Bomb, I will never understand hating on October. What drives you so very nuts about it?

You’re aware that October has been widely regarded as their worst album for quite a while, right? This wasn’t a wild opinion back in the early 2000s. It doesn’t show much growth from the debut, and it’s simply lacking in great songs. That doesn’t mean they’re bad or embarrassing like tracks on recent albums, but they’re not aiming high, either. It may be my lowest-ranked but I don’t hate it. There’s only like 10 U2 songs that I hate.
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I dunno, I think they pushed their palette a bit with October, Tomorrow and Scarlet. I Threw A Brick and Stranger are both very interesting and textured sonically. They definitely stay in their comfort zone for the most part but at least we got Gloria and Rejoice out of it, the latter of which pointed directly towards War. Good album, not a great one, but much better than the last two because the performances and production were infinitely more inspired.

Boy is an incredible album and right around my top 5 for the band. Very few post-punk debuts were better.
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You’re aware that October has been widely regarded as their worst album for quite a while, right?

Regarded by whom exactly?

This wasn’t a wild opinion back in the early 2000s.

It should've been.

It doesn’t show much growth from the debut, and it’s simply lacking in great songs. That doesn’t mean they’re bad or embarrassing like tracks on recent albums, but they’re not aiming high, either.

I would say it's more widescreen than the debut, with an expansion on textures. Adam and (particularly) Larry were rarely more of an upfront feature. "Edge" all over the place. Bono in full Yearning Bono-mode. You said yourself, laz, that you like albums with a wider sonic palette, right? This thing has all that over Boy, plus a piano, trumpet, and uilleann pipes! (Heh, heh, hehh..)

I'll grant "With a Shout" is not on a shortlist of Greatest U2 Songs, but on the whole, while it stumbles in places, it sits fine for me in between Boy and War. Actually I must say I'm surprised I'm seeing any permutation of those three rank fairly low amongst anyone here, but then again, where was I in the early 2000s? (A: Listening to October a lot, natch.)
I dunno, I think they pushed their palette a bit with October, Tomorrow and Scarlet. I Threw A Brick and Stranger are both very interesting and textured sonically. They definitely stay in their comfort zone for the most part but at least we got Gloria and Rejoice out of it, the latter of which pointed directly towards War. Good album, not a great one, but much better than the last two because the performances and production were infinitely more inspired.

Boy is an incredible album and right around my top 5 for the band. Very few post-punk debuts were better.

Like Laz, I don't dislike any U2 albums.


Joshua Tree
Achtung Baby


The Unforgettable Fire




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Joshua Tree
Achtung Baby


The Unforgettable Fire





So they've never put out anything "bad" to you then? I'm just curious if there's anything, even certain songs, that you really don't like.
So they've never put out anything "bad" to you then? I'm just curious if there's anything, even certain songs, that you really don't like.
They have some awful songs but usually redeem themselves in a big way several times per album.

Bomb is a low ceiling/high floor album that has COBL carrying the torch for it. I've always found OOTS and the album version of Yahweh cloying but mostly I think the tracklisting is enjoyable. Could have been sequenced and produced better of course.

SOI also suffers from a pretty low ceiling but the floor isn't as embarrassing as some albums. Miracle of Joey Ramone is a non-starter and Song For Someone bores me to tears but most of the rest is enjoyable enough. The Troubles is great!

SOE is their worst because that run from Best Thing to American Soul is fucking awful and there isn't the creativity of NLOTH to pick it back up. The album starts well with two solid tracks that blend well, Red Flag Day kicks ass, Summer of Love is nice, Little Things and Love Is Bigger both succeed at what they're trying to do. That's over half the album right there. So I would say it's average as a whole.

There are scattered songs I don't like on the others but they more than make up for them.
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You’re aware that October has been widely regarded as their worst album for quite a while, right? This wasn’t a wild opinion back in the early 2000s. It doesn’t show much growth from the debut, and it’s simply lacking in great songs. That doesn’t mean they’re bad or embarrassing like tracks on recent albums, but they’re not aiming high, either. It may be my lowest-ranked but I don’t hate it. There’s only like 10 U2 songs that I hate.
Gloria and tomorrow are great songs,the rest are just meh. But anything on October is better than GOOYOW. Easily their worst song.
For me, all the newest stuff is at the bottom and it’s not even close. Rattle & Hum would be higher if studio only.

The Unforgettable Fire
The Joshua Tree
Achtung Baby
Rattle & Hum
Songs of Innocence
Songs of Experience
No Line on the Horizon
All That You Can’t Leave Behind
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
Boy gets better and better every time I listen. It’s a Top 5 for me as well. Especially lyrically, in a messy, abstract kind of way. Teenage Bono was freaked the fuck out about the world, his anxiety is intoxicating, it feels like a boiling pot with the lid still on, but just barely.

I’m not sure I’ve listened to October in it’s entirely since I bought the CD.

Anyway, each era has highs and lows and their best work was 87-93, but there’s lots to love from everywhere.
Pop, Zooropa and Achtung Baby are my constants. UF comes close, as does SOI. I look favorably on most everything else, it’s just a lack of desire to put them on.

I think they’ve rarely been truly awful, are often just unremarkable/passable, and are usually excellent.
The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby are really my only true untouchables.

The Unforgettable Fire becomes untouchable when you replace Elvis Presley And America with Love Comes Tumbling.

Shots fired? Don’t touch EPAA. It’s both epic and a piece of art.
The Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby are really my only true untouchables.

The Unforgettable Fire becomes untouchable when you replace Elvis Presley And America with Love Comes Tumbling.

You’re killing it today. This would be my change as well. Love Comes Tumbling is a top 20 or so song for me. Just love it.
Sorry, the long drawn out improvisation just meanders endlessly and doesn't do anything for me.

Yes. This is why I find TUF overpraised here. It has all-time classics (Pride, Bad). But half of it reeks of wanna-be romantic poet-ism which Bono, at the tune, didn’t have the chops for. And I find his singing forced, he doesn’t truly come into his own until JT or even R&H.

But what’s good on TUF is top-tier.

Joshua Tree
Achtung Baby


The Unforgettable Fire





This would be me, except I’d bump SOI up to Good and SOE down to Not Good. SOI has a pretty great 2nd half from track 6 onwards but there’s not one song I cared for on SOE.
i get that the consensus has been for like 39 years that october sucks, but i think that people who rank it with the worst of U2's output should give it a fresh listen.

other than like, two or three moments in the lyrics that aren't pushy at all, it's not a "christian" album in any way. let's not forget that the original lyrics to this album were lost/stolen/whatever and bono basically had to rewrite it from memory. the rest of the band brings it hard, it has all the energy and drive of early U2. it's far from perfect but if you love boy and war (like i assume most of us do) there's absolutely zero reason to dislike october.
I love October and don't understand why it's always had such a poor reputation. Is That All is weak but everything else is good. I'd take it over R&H, HTDAAB, NLOTH, SOI & SOE.
The Unforgettable Fire is untouchable and Elvis Presley & America is a big reason why. It's not one of the best songs on the album but it's one of the key songs. It and Promenade are works of magic.
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