Nar Nar Goon, Victoria, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
From this time forward
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people
Whose democratic beliefs I share,
Whose right and liberties I respect, and
Whose laws I will uphold and obey.

I can has Ostraya citizenship nao, pls?
*anoints you with Vegemite* You're in! :wink:

Except you have to tell us what Donald Bradman's batting average was first. Without googling!
Yeah, I think Australian citizenship should be given freely to anybody who knows who the Don is and what his batting average was.
Oh, Ax, I listened to one of the Warpaint things... I think when you said "prominent bass", my brain started expecting something like sleepmakeswaves, so it took some readjusting to indie pop mode. Not bad on a first listen!
Oh, Ax, I listened to one of the Warpaint things... I think when you said "prominent bass", my brain started expecting something like sleepmakeswaves, so it took some readjusting to indie pop mode. Not bad on a first listen!

I think songs like Undertow, Bees, and Beetles illustrate best what I mean about strong bass. Plus it's even louder live, or was back at the NSC in February.
I'm trying to avoid spoilers but it's not working out very well for me.

Oh wellz, at least I don't know what the setlist proper is, so I won't be anticipating anything.
I was actually using Twitter today for the first time in some time. It was very hard to avoid looking at all of the setlist stuff.
Alyssa Milano and U2gigs were the last I'd think to give away hockey spoilers, but oh well. I don't know the result/score or whatever. so I'm happy for that.

Whatever happens with U2 you are going to be spoilt anyway, with the current setlist. :drool:
Oh Hockey :lol:.

Damn, Daniel, I just realized I never responded to your PM :doh:. Oneeee second.
Haha, you can be sure that I stopped watching the Hockey as soon as the Hawks were out. I am not ashamed of my "bandwagon" ways.
It was so awesome when they won last year.

I was at a Cub's game in Milwaukee and it seemed as if every person at the park was a Hawks fan at that moment. The games literally ended at almost the exact same time (Cub's won as well). The people closest to the skyboxes (where they could see the games on the TVs) knew what happened first, and then slowly a wave moved around the field as everyone began to know that the Hawks had won.

Everyone was on their feet cheering as the last pitch/out of the Cubs/Brewers game went unnoticed.

Afterwards, everyone was out in the walkways, watching the coverage of the awarding of the cup and everything on the TVs. Every so often, we would all start singing Chelsea Dagger together. It was so cool.

Then, on the drive back home, as we got back into Chicago radio station range, I think we heard "Chelsea Dagger" (just the relevant part) on the radio at least three times. There even was a building that already had some "GO HAWKS" stuff up.

Such a great, great time.

God, I hope the Cubs can win something again soon so I can really feel apart of such a celebration.

Not to slight the Packers Super Bowl win, that was just astounding, but I live in Bear country, so I couldn't celebrate that one quite as much. And I was away from TCU when we won the Rose Bowl :(.
That's awesome, I can't imagine that happening here. I love how in the states you have so many teams from the one city in many different sports. I guess we have similar things with sports over here, but say if Melbourne won the basketball title, not many would care.

I'm on the bandwagon at the moment, but I often choose my teams when they are having a succesful period. IE. I was a Celtics fan from SNES days, but only got back into supporting them when the big 3 arrived, and they won the title in 2007/08.
All of my sports allegiances are pretty sad.

Cubs: Rookie of the Year (1993) - IMDb before that, I was a Sox fan.

Green Bay Packers: Won the super bowl when I was an impressionable child, and then went again the very next year. As a result of their loss to the Broncos, I also became a small fan of theirs as well.

Blackhawks: I live near Chicago, that one's kind of boring.

Angels: Angels in the Outfield (1994) - IMDb I'm sure they have a lot of fans for the same reason

Bulls: Uh, duh. I was a kid when Michael Jordan was the greatest thing in the world.

Brisbane Lions:

That fucking lion is holding a ball
I think they probably didn't want to be yet another band with "Owl" in their name.

I listened to the EP last night. Wasn't too keen on the first or last tracks but the middle three appealled. Might be in for just $8.

How many "Owl" bands are there? Maybe I'm having a brainfart but I can't think of any others off the top of my head...

Loads of "Boy" bands though. Boy and Bear, Boy in a Box...
Brisbane Lions:

That fucking lion is holding a ball

:up: Maybe I can repay you the favour and get you a lions jumper?


Collingwood - Family are all magpies fans. Thats not to stay I strayed off in my young days when I went for Geelong, Essendon and Adelaide (only for Tony Modra) but I have been Collingwood for since about 6 years old.

Celtics - Used to play them on NBA Jam on SNES. Bulls are my second team and for a lot of people's case, yourself included...Jordan

Canucks - Blame Scherbatsky

Melbourne Victory - First Soccer team in Melbourne under the new league, Melbourne is the closest city from shepp. Boring.

I don't really follow baseball much. The stereotype thing over here is you know, follow the Yankees. My mum used to have a Yankees jacket, one of my mates goes for them, but I can't get interested in Baseball.
I'd almost rather you not like Baseball than be a Yankees fan :tsk:.

As for the Footy shirts. I've been waiting for me to have some extra money lying around, but I plan on at some point getting one of you to help me out with getting a Carlton and Brisbane shirt sent my way :wink:
it seems to bangwagondy. I'd go for Vancouver, but they don't have team :sad:

Sure could do that. The prices are a bit cheaper, unless you want numbers ect on the back. But that's not too difficult.
I still haven't been able to even watch a Lions game, so I have no clue about players or anything. Hopefully by the end of the season I get a little better acclimated.
The miserable bastards who run the Merkur chocolate website let me register with an Australian address, but then I found out that they only deliver to Switzerland, Austria and Germany!! :scream: Rotten bloody tease.


Looks like I'll just have to take an extra suitcase when I go back...

Merkur Confiserien

Sort of is right haha. Although I'm growing less excited about the album release every day. I think she needed to release the statement a little bit later in the year, but out a single and then a month or so to wait for the album.

September is still a ways a way. Though it'll be here in no time.
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