Nar Nar Goon, Victoria, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ax, you going to be around for a while? I need your opinion on something, and I can trust you to be brutally honest with me.

Dave and I got in a fight over the concert, two days before the concert. Turns out he doesn't want to go with me anymore. Now, don't get me wrong. He still wants to go. Just not with me.
Ax, you going to be around for a while? I need your opinion on something, and I can trust you to be brutally honest with me.

Dave and I got in a fight over the concert, two days before the concert. Turns out he doesn't want to go with me anymore. Now, don't get me wrong. He still wants to go. Just not with me.

I'm here now! See your PMs.
Have just downloaded:

Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Part II
Destroyer - Destroyer's Rubies
PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
Okkervil River - I Am Very Far (shit title)
James Blake - s/t
Dr Dre - 2001
Cornelius - Point

I'd post it in b&c (and shit I'd love a "what album did you just download" thread) but there are a few posters whose opinions I respect who'd be disappointed.
Heh, Alison, it's funny you mentioned Goodnight Owl last night, because check out their gig listing here - it's the last one at the bottom of the page, on 2 July: GIG GUIDE | The Grace Darling Hotel - Collingwood

... They're changing their name to "Love Migrate"?! WTF. Still, hard to say no for $8... except it involves finding a car park in Collingwood. :slant:
Okkervil River - I Am Very Far (shit title)

Good album, though. :)

Hey Aussies, have you been able to find the new Antlers in stores at all? Still seems to be delayed here, and I'd personally rather wait to buy it than download it (already heard it anyway, so I don't feel too bad).
So, Family Radio is all "What Rapture?"...?

Their old website is still there... but when I googled them I got an even-worse html monstrosity. *L*
On a completely random note, I finally threw out my old toothbrush last night, and one I replaced it with has a bigger head and harder bristles... basically it feels like my mouth has been physically assaulted after I brush my teeth.

Dentists reckon small brushes with softer bristles are better for your teeth/gums anyway...
Sheesh. This is the first day I've been able to actually chill out and be off my feet in a week. Worth it? Totally.
... They're changing their name to "Love Migrate"?! WTF. Still, hard to say no for $8... except it involves finding a car park in Collingwood. :slant:

I think they probably didn't want to be yet another band with "Owl" in their name.

I listened to the EP last night. Wasn't too keen on the first or last tracks but the middle three appealled. Might be in for just $8.

Dear GOD. Have any of you read this IMF thread?

You may enjoy the post I just made there.
Hey Reggo, do you know what time the gig's likely to end? I'm just realising that I think I have to go in to work sometime during the second half of the show. :slant:
Shepp has an airport? Are there actually commercial flights to anywhere?
It's more so for lessons, the air ambulance has been and gone this morning. Dads business partner has his own plane and often flies around to taralgon/Melbourne.

Can get to Essendon or Sunbury airport in about 30 mins.
Hey Reggo, do you know what time the gig's likely to end? I'm just realising that I think I have to go in to work sometime during the second half of the show. :slant:

Probably about 26 hours from now, I'd imagine.
Probably about 26 hours from now, I'd imagine.

Goddamn, looks like I will miss the second half then. Hope I can get somebody else to hold the U2gigs fort through to the end.

It's more so for lessons, the air ambulance has been and gone this morning. Dads business partner has his own plane and often flies around to taralgon/Melbourne.

Can get to Essendon or Sunbury airport in about 30 mins.

Yeah, I figured it'd probably be one of those small local airports for emergency and pleasure flights.

Haha, why drive! You should get your dad's business partner to pick us up from Essendon when we want to come and visit you. :wink:
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