My parents just walked in...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 2, 2000
Lansdale, PA
Needless to say, it was quite embarrassing. But they're not mad. Jen' s a little shaken, but since my parents arent' telling hers, and they still like her a lot, it's all good. Anyone else ever been caught in the act?
My door has no lock...

And we won't be using my house anymore. :)

That was my parents only thing; "Not here anymore."

They went on to say I had more guts than they did as kids.
well it could be worse, they could have caught you not doing anything with nobody, like reading interference or something (bre, what are you suggesting he do in a van down by the river?!)
One time, I walked in on my parents.............

OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FRIGGIN' EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALMOST DIED ON THE SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN I JUST STOOD THERE IN SHOCK AND STARED WITH MY EYES WIDE AND JAW DROPPED!!!!!!!!!!! I COULDN'T MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm over it.

NO I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lilly im blushing too!!! :eek:

I could never do anyting like that in my house!! :shocked: Im such a good kid :angel: :angel:
hehe good work UL, at least your parents were good about the whole situation, mine would have gone berzerk...

Situational proof to back that up: my friends had just left our house, and we had been listening to one of SkeeKs cds - trance of some sort if I recall, and then i went upstairs to my bedroom. No this is not lewd btw. So my brother comes in, bothers me for five minutes, and leaves. My mom then comes in, and find a pill of some variety right inside my door by my backpack. So she flips out, and the next hour and a half consists of raging accusations, her bitching about my friends (who are the most tame people on the face of the earth so i dunno wtf her problem is), and so on etc. Then my brother I guess finally took pity on me and said oh mom thats mine, she asks what it is, he says its a stool softener he had gotten while at the hospital. So here I havent even done anything and I get bitched at like I ruined our family. Needless to say she was pissed off at my brother for setting me up like that, but since hes the baby of the family she didnt do anything about it, and yeah I got no appologies she just kinda scouled at me and left. So we can all just imagine what kind of hell Id have to go through if she ever were to walk in on me having sex. Fortunately thats not going to happen any time soon as Im single and still posses my v-card (tnx for that term lilly, lol what was i thinking? v-chip? *smack* censor that violence you bastard!)

UL&J: :hug: :hug:
parents: :shocked:
UL: uhmm... :wave:
parents: :shocked:

:laugh: that's a confession allright. I'm only reading here but even so, i'm feeling embarassed just like Lilly or Lara Mullen.


I thought you'd say "my parents just walked in - and caught me reading Interference and said i spend too much time on the computer" or something like that.
Oh my god! I think if my parents ever caught me in the act I'd die right there on the spot. :eek: :laugh: I'm glad they didn't freak, UL!

And poor, poor Bonochick- walking in on your parents has to be one of the most traumatizing experiences ever! It's never happened to me, luckily, but some of my friends have caught their parents and they too will forever be scarred! :laugh:
it's an innocent story

~unforgettableFOXfire~ said:
(tnx for that term lilly, lol what was i thinking? v-chip? *smack* censor that violence you bastard!)

if i'm remembered for one thing 'round this place...this is gonna be it.
yes, I have been walked in on by a boy's parents :eek: (20 years ago)

and yes, just like Bonochick, I walked in on my dad and stepmom when I was was horrible...they were :censored: with the door open :yuck:

At least you're a good sport about it, UL! I hope your girlfriend isn't too traumatized.

I'm also :lmao: at Bonochick. That is scary. I get traumatized just thinking about it happening to me. I've had to tell my mom to stop telling me about her and Dad's sex life, but I've never had to witness it! :shocked:
well, i can't say i've ever been "caught" by a parent. however, try being "caught" by the guy's girlfriend!--who, by the way, i had no previous knowledge about (honest). not a pretty situation to say the least! and then, afterward, i come to find out that he went and told his girlfriend that "i had been seducing him"!? WTF??! and she bought it!??? but it was comforting to know that if she was dumb enough to forgive him after such a blatant lie and deed, then they deserved to be together.


btw, you have my deepest sympathy BC!
I have never,thus far, ever actually been caught "in the act".

But I have been caught several times in suggestive situations, where we desperately had to quickly conjure up brilliant saves!:ohmy: :eek:

"He's helping me study anatomy!" :D
"i'm going to be a urologist/ fertility specialist!":yes:
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my brother in law walked in on me and my ex once, and then years later, my ex's grandfather walked in on us. apparently he didnt think to knock on the door:|
My new confession is that I've been celibate ever since. Of course my tendency to date girls that end up moving away or doing semesters in Japan doesn't help...
Bonochick said:
One time, I walked in on my parents.............

Okay, I'm over it.

NO I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My brother and I walked in on our parents once. It's been a few years and uhh I'm over it. Yup.

Er wait.... I'm not. Not even close. :no: :barf: :huh:

I've only been caught by a cop though. :mac: no parents...

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