MSG security

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Jan 30, 2005
How's security at MSG been this week with the subway threat and everything?
Can a person get in with digital cameras no problem?
What about something more?
Yes, as evidenced by the tons of pictures from the shows earlier this week...

No clue what you mean about something more, but if you're thinking the answer is no, then you'd probably be right...

and if I sound a little annoyed it's only cause this is about the 1000000th time this question has been asked,

And by the way, the song is called Wake Up and it is by a group called The Arcade Fire

i was at the friday and saturday shows. there were cameras everywheres. there was a heavy police and milatary presence at penn station though.
you should be able to bring it in. just dont show it off while you are going in. heck i saw a security guy take a fans picture on the floor friday nite.
I would assume 'something more' means recording devices.
Recording devices, yes. I have an MD but I had a close call with McCartney last week (first time I tried of course) so I don't think I want to risk it. Even a camera I don't think I want to risk...
It'll come out eventually...
I went to 2 shows and the security guards just wave you through (at least for me)

It seems as long as you don't have a bag, they wave you in.

At least they do if you show up late for the opening act both nights like I did.
Miroslava said:
Yes, as evidenced by the tons of pictures from the shows earlier this week...

No clue what you mean about something more, but if you're thinking the answer is no, then you'd probably be right...

and if I sound a little annoyed it's only cause this is about the 1000000th time this question has been asked,

And by the way, the song is called Wake Up and it is by a group called The Arcade Fire


c'mon Miroslava, cut him some slack...

now tell us about getting on stage with Bono again! :wink:

to answer the question... expect nothing more than a wand pass on each side of your pants pockets. Keep your camera or whatever in your shirt pocket and you're good to go.
u2wedge said:

c'mon Miroslava, cut him some slack...

now tell us about getting on stage with Bono again! :wink:

The smiley I would like to post is probably not that appropriate for a mod to use, so I'll pass :wink:

Scarily, I could have ridden a bicycle into MSG on Friday night with a pound of weed on my back and microphones sticking out of my pockets.

Security was as lax as I have EVER seen it at MSG.

That was just my instance though...
as is usually the case, certain people they search, certain people they just let right through...

friday night i got patted down pretty good, saturday i was just waved through... monday i came inside the garden through the play by play club, so i didn't actually go through security... never got my ticket scanned either, now that i think of it... :shrug:
I had my camera in my pocket on Friday. The security gaurd at the GA door felt it and told me not to use it when I was inside. Yeah right.

It was raining so hard on Saturday night they started letting people into the door earlier then usual. Only people with bags were getting searched. I walked in without any kind of security check.
ouizy said:
Scarily, I could have ridden a bicycle into MSG on Friday night with a pound of weed on my back and microphones sticking out of my pockets.

Security was as lax as I have EVER seen it at MSG.

That was just my instance though...

What's even more amazing was this occurred during the terror alert going on for the subway system that goes DIRECTLY BENEATH the arena. I was surprised as well.
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Well I didn't try to bring in anything because I was spooked by my super-close call last week...but of course they didn't do a thing.
If anyone's got a tape of the 10/11 show, please email me.
u2wedge said:

What's even more amazing was this occurred during the terror alert going on for the subway system that goes DIRECTLY BENEATH the arena. I was surprised as well.

note: under the arena, not through it... the guys with m-16s were certainly walking around penn station all weekend, as they always do.

msg's logistical problem is that they only really have one entrance... so it's tough to get everybody. i was patted down and was made to empty all my pockets friday... saturday i walked right through without even a look. :shrug:
security could not be more lax at msg......on monday they didnt even metal detect me and my friends and didnt even check my girlfriends back. last night they checked me, i emptied my pockets at which point they saw my camera then let me in. someone in the ellipse even had an SLR last night

as far as recreational narcotics, just stick it in your sock and youll be fine
Yeah - MSG is usually tighter, but on Friday due to the rain I think - it was non-existant.

My wife actually had a coffee with her and some guy told her for some reason to see a different security person, and when she got to him he just winked at her and let her by.

Made me feel really safe.

Headache in a Suitcase said:

note: under the arena, not through it... the guys with m-16s were certainly walking around penn station all weekend, as they always do.

msg's logistical problem is that they only really have one entrance... so it's tough to get everybody. i was patted down and was made to empty all my pockets friday... saturday i walked right through without even a look. :shrug:

beneath = under, right? :wink: I said 'under, not through...
u2wedge said:

beneath = under, right? :wink: I said 'under, not through...

yes i know... but my point is that the subway, as well as the LIRR, NJ Transit & Amtrak trains, are under the arena... the security risk was under the arena, and security was heavy as always down there.

extra security at msg isn't going to help a problem in penn station. they're connected but seperate... one, but not the same, if you will.
ouizy said:
Scarily, I could have ridden a bicycle into MSG on Friday night with a pound of weed on my back and microphones sticking out of my pockets.

Security was as lax as I have EVER seen it at MSG.

That was just my instance though...

this my experience as well. VERY LAX.
DPrinceNY said:
as an aside, are u allowed to bring an umbrella and bottle of water to GA with u?

they say you're not supposed to bring an umbrella, and any bottles must be dumped before you enter the arena to protect against people bringing booze in with them (yea right... it's really so that you have to buy a bottle of water for 50 bucks inside the garden...)

but that said, i did see people with umbrellas on the way out tuesday :shrug:
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