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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
It's coming!
Tonight! Boston VII!
I can feel it!
:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
Mofo is THE MOST WANTED song to be played by U2. Why don't they play it at least a couple of times in the U.S. before they leave us? It would be a wonderful Christmas gift!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm sending them a mental message)
Well, I guess I fucked that up. :wink:

Doesn't matter - we're moving on. Hartford! Hartmofo... MOOOOFOOOOOOOOO!!!
neilm said:

As good as Mofo is, there are so, so many other better songs to hope for......:wink:'s MOOOOOOOOOOFOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Apart from the fact that it's probably the most anticipated song of the tour (and it hasn't even happened yet...if at all!), I'm absolutely dying to hear a 2005 take on this song. I mean, look at the version of Discotheque they did - it f**king rocked! Mofo kicked so much ass on the Popmart can kick ass again. :drool:

I wouldn't say there are "so, so many other better songs to hope for", although there are certainly other songs I'd like to hear. OTH would be fabulous, although if it happens anywhere, it will happen in NZ and not Australia.

To be honest, if they reinstate the Zoo TV miniset into the Aussie shows, I'll be more than happy. :love:
Well,you know,the MEXICOFO part is kinda natural for that song,so...THERE YOU GO,YOU MEXICAN BASTARDS,YOU'LL GET IT!!!!11

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