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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Outside Providence
Looks like it's back to business as usual with the Red Sox ownership. This new regime promised not to do the dirty dealing and backstabbing the John Harrington Post-Yawkey era was famous for. See Mo Vaughn and Roger Clemens as examples.

As frustrated as I am with Theo leaving (First reaction was are fucking kidding me, followed by a profanity laden tirade). I can't blame him at all. Larry Lucchino proved how shady he really is. The deal was in place over the weekend, and then Lucchino, presumably him at least, went and leaked the details of the negotiations to Dan Shaughnessy. Danny-boy wrote an article in the Boston Globe, exposing all the dirty secrets and Theo didn't like it one bit. Theo probably saw this as a complete breach of trust between the two and the last straw. What else could cause him to turn down $1.5 million a year?

Boston is an extremely difficult place to play. The fans don't make it easy on anyone here. The players and owners often wind up in the "Inside Track" so we can follow there every move. Theo probably grew sick and tired of this as well.

Who knows how much of an effect this will have on the franchise. Damon, Manny, et al all need to be dealt with on top of finding a new GM willing to deal with Lucchino. There could be some dark days ahead in Boston. It really seems like the more things change, the more they stay the same.
theo grew up a die hard red sox fan, accomplished the thing that most people thought would never happen... and they go and try to low ball him on contract negotiations.

top quality :up:

and here we thought brian cashman would be the one to be leaving...
This Boston Herald writer essentially accused Shaughnessy (you know, the Curse of the Bambino guy) of acting as Lucchino's shill and smearing Theo Epstein in this piece.

And people wonder why Boston didn't win for 86 years. There's no curse, just a lot of people being pushed out/leaving on bad terms, bitterness and acrimony.
Dan Shaughnessy deserved a real swift kick in the nuts for starting the whole curse of the bambino crap and this just solidifies it.
speedracer said:
This Boston Herald writer essentially accused Shaughnessy (you know, the Curse of the Bambino guy) of acting as Lucchino's shill and smearing Theo Epstein in this piece.

How is it that the Boston sports media always winds up making themselves apart of the story? :rolleyes:

Anyways, nice going Lucchino and Shank. :down:
I don't agree with Shaughnessy's views on this, but he does have a right to state them. It's his job, after all (even though we all know he's in bed with Lucchino).

The thing that pisses me off is the timing. If Shaughnessy had any sense at all, he would have at least waited until today to publish that column. I don't care if Lucchino (or one of his associates) gave him the info. to purposely publish it while negotiations were still going on - if you have any brains, you wait a few days. It doesn't guarantee that a deal would have been done, but at least this whole scenario would have played out without him there to fuck things up.
So is this indeed a sign that the Bosox are one hit wonders, having one of the biggest factors in their success walk out the door? Are they the East Coast Diamondbacks, after all?
i'd like to know why boston was willing to give billy beane, who's done absolutely nothing... 2.5 million a year in 2002... but they don't want to give the guy who won for boston what they haven't won in 86 friggin years any more than 1.5 million.

Theo didn't depart over money, the $1.5mil was satisfactory to him. He left over a power struggle/political hierarchy within the organization.
That and his desire to follow Pearl Jam in 2006.
yea they always say they didn't leave over money... but i'm willing to bet if boston offered theo the deal that they offered billy beane, theo would still be in beantown today.

and pearl jam hasn't announced a 2006 north american tour... yet.
from the daily news
Rafael Furcal plans to consider the Mets. And the team won't have to move Jose Reyes to lure him.
Furcal, a rifle-armed shortstop who filed for free agency yesterday, would be willing to play second base in Flushing, his agent, Paul Kinze, said yesterday. The Atlanta-based Kinzer said Furcal's preference is to remain a shortstop, but said about the Mets: "I think they'll be a player. ... He would be willing to explore it."

The Mets are expected to pursue Furcal and other second-base options, despite Kaz Matsui having one year and $8 million remaining on his contract and rookie Anderson Hernandez going 11-for-24 with seven RBI so far in winter ball.

Unlike Matsui, a natural shortstop who joined the Mets with little experience elsewhere in the infield, Furcal is comfortable at second base. Kinzer estimated Furcal has played the position at least five years in winter ball in order to allow mentor Neifi Perez - another free agent this winter - to play shortstop with the Dominican club Escogido.

Furcal's brother and extended family live in the Bronx. And Kinzer said the Mets' Hispanic-friendly clubhouse, which includes fellow Dominicans Pedro Martinez and Reyes, is alluring.

"It'll help the comfort level," Kinzer said. "And he has a lot of family there."
Theo also realized that his band Trauser needed to get some serious rehearsal time in if they have any hope of opening for Pearl Jam.

I heard he's trying to get Gammons to join him on the tour.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
yea they always say they didn't leave over money... but i'm willing to bet if boston offered theo the deal that they offered billy beane, theo would still be in beantown today.

In this case, I doubt it. He would have taken the $1.5 million if Lucchino wasn't an asshole, plain and simple.
What would have to happen for the Cubs to win the World Series next year?

One thing is for sure, we don't need to be a great team. The White Sox are not a great team. The Marlins were not a great team. The Diamondbacks were not a great team. The were all smart teams that had good (great in the case of the DB's) starting pitching. So what do we need?

1. We need Baker to pull his head out of his ass. Let's be honest, Baker is not going anywhere. Its sad but true. But let's also be honest, Baker has not been the only problem with this team the last few years. I can't remember watching a team that has been this hit by injuries. That accompanied by the fact that Hendry has not done a good job bringing in the right players for key positions (lead-off and bull-pen anyone?), he has been dealt a tough hand. Baker is not a great manager, no one could ever convince me that he is, but he is also not a terrible manager. We could win with Baker, but here are a few things he needs to do...

**Stop being an idiot regarding young players. The Cubs HAVE to get Cedeno and Murton playing time if they are going to make a push next year. They have too many holes to fill them all through trades and free-agency. If Baker can't work effectively with young players, then the Cubs need to bring in a bench coach that can assist him.

**Stop talking so much to the media. Here's a word that we need him to learn: CLICHÉ. Learn it, love it, live it. The Chicago media has been a bitch the last few years. The players are feeling it. It creates a negative atmosphere. Baker needs to become a stopper to that. Talk to the media, but don't talk to them. Tell them what they need to hear, but not what they want to hear. Let Ozzie be the ass of the town, we don't need two.

**Stop being such a wuss. Being a players manager does not mean letting the inmates run the asylum, it means being straight with guys. Players know when they are not performing, be straight with them. Give them some time to work out of it. If they don't, make adjustments - move them down the line-up or bench them.

2. We need our pitchers to stay healthy. If we had a healthy Zambrano, Prior, Maddux, Wood, I believe we would win the NL Central. Unfortunately, none of us have confidence that it will ever happen, so we need to have a contingency plan. Bring in some veteran pitchers that can step in if our big names go down. Resigning Rusch is a good first step. Now get Kenny Rogers on the phone. Bring in a pitching guru to work with Zambrano, Prior, and Wood (he should be moved to the bull-pen, but he won't be) to teach them a sinker. Yes, I know that Z throws it already, but I want these guys thinking three pitches every time a hitter comes to the plate. Pound the zone with that sinking stuff and let the fielders do their job. I swear to you they all have good enough stuff and control (yes, even Wood) that if they went up there with the idea of throwing hard sinkers to induce ground balls, they would all be 15-18 game winners. Their strike-outs would be down, but I can't remember the last time someone got a World Series ring for having the most strikeouts. So, work with our young guys to teach them how to pitch and bring in Kenny Rogers to complete the rotation/provide cover for when someone misses a start.

3. Bring in bull-pen help. SPEND MONEY HERE. TRADE YOUNG TALENT HERE. If we shore up our bull-pen we WILL make the playoffs next year. Period.

4. Sign Furcal and a combination of these players: Brian Giles, Hideki Matsui, Brad Assumes, and Kenny Lofton. We need to sign two or three of those player or their equivalents. I believe that Furcal is crucial for us to sign. If our pitchers are going to be pounding the zone with those sinkers, we are going to need our SS and 2B to be above average fielders. Fur cal and Cede no would do a great job covering territory and turning the double play. We need to get more production out of our outfield. Brad Assumes is simply one of my favorite players of all time. That guy is as baseball as you can get.

5. Fundamentals. Baseball is not a complicated game. Even idiot players can learn to play smart baseball in spring training. If Baker is not good at teaching. BRING IN A TRAINER THAT CAN. This is not an option. I want our outfielders hitting their cut-off man. I want our SS and 2B turning the best double plays you have ever seen. I want our lead-off, two hitters, eight hitters, and pitchers laying down clean bunts.

Yeah, I am pretty sure if the Cubs do those things then they will be in prime position to win the World series next year. What am I forgetting. No we can't sign Albert Pools. No we can't get Steinbrenner to buy the Cubs. Let's be realistic. Wood is not going to be traded (why I don't know....). What else?
Headache in a Suitcase said:
from the daily news

As a mets fan, I would love to see Furcal in blue and orange.

1 Furcal/Reyes
2 " " " " "
3 Beltran
4 Floyd
5 Wright
6 Cammy
7 since the mets don't currently have a catcher i will put my name here

8 jacobs

AND imagine if they could get there hands on konerko......if they get furcal they will probably focus on a closer next since loopers option was not picked up.

Hey Numb, mets peeps......where do you think our team should go.

Catcher????? Molina.....Hernandez.....keep castro and split time with someone you could easily pickup(say Schnieder(ooohhhhh a lefty bat)
or Jojima....I know, I know we have been burned on Japanese imports in the past....well everytime. But he had 36 homeruns in 107 games... that is close to hideki numbers.....maybe he could at least be looked at....and he might come cheaper than Molina(hmmmmm didnt the mets overpay for a player how had an outstanding postseason before....Bustran).

Firstbase???? Ok I dont want to hear trading for Thome or trading for delgado. these delgado rumors are killing me. Minaya wants an all dominican team regardless of cost or performance.

Jacobs is a possibility...but Im sure teams will figure him out...will he adjust?
Olerud would be a great fit with the young infield and if they get Molina and furcal he would be cheap and could bad 7/8.

My dream is Konerko. I have always loved his bat. But then that would tighten the pockets of freddy wilpon elsewhere.

Secondbase????? Furcal........Kent(and his colostomy bag...what is he now 38 and with the range of my grandfather)...... Anderson Hernandez(hes tearing up winter ball) If you go with Molina/Konerko you could live with hernandez at second.

Closer????? guardado......wagner......hoffman

KONERKO!!!!!!!!!! NOW
Dalton said:

4. Sign Furcal and a combination of these players: Brad Assumes,

Brad Assumes is simply one of my favorite players of all time. That guy is as baseball as you can get.

If he was one of your favorite players of all time, one would assume that you would know his name is Ausmus.:wink:
Headache in a Suitcase said:
well... george steinbrenner's an a-hole, too... but cashman came back...

it's pretty tough to turn down 2+ million a year as a GM...

The money is great, but I'm certain there was a lot more discussed during the negotiation than just the salary. And I'm sure Steinbrenner's going to be on Cashman's case the next time the Yankees go on a losing streak, but for now Cashman is happy.

Credit Steinbrenner here -- after all was said and done, he got his man signed, and the Red Sox didn't. Ugh.
Brush - I wouldn't mind Furcal at the top w/ Jose

2 words for you: BILLY WAGNER....get him and get him now.

I don't think Konerko is a reality. I think he's staying put.

I also wouldn't mind that lunatic AJ Burnett from FLa. in our starting rotation.
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