MLB 2024

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So for all the effort of getting the #2 or #3 seed in an injury-ridden year, the Knicks' reward is... to play the Sixers or, less likely, Miami. Great.
Who's pitching game 1 for the Knicks? ;)
lol I don’t know how this happened.

I wonder if Laz will point out that I should be making NBA posts in the NBA thread. Maybe if the Lakers win the title he will notice it.
So for all the effort of getting the #2 or #3 seed in an injury-ridden year, the Knicks' reward is... to play the Sixers or, less likely, Miami. Great.
I'll start paying attention to the Knicks if they make it to the Conference Finals. Lol! Until then, baseball has my full attention.
Arson Judge is now tied for most home runs at Oracle Park this season.
I was on the CTA Saturday, and a guy from the Cubs' grounds crew was sitting across from me, and he was like, "Oh, the Cubs are gonna play today. You bet. No one feels like a double-header tomorrow." And by God, was he right. He also very ominously said something along the lines of, "And they're going to win today, too." In a very 'just see what happens if they lose' sorta way, that was just about one of my favorite interactions with a stranger ever.

So yeah, you heard it here: That game went until 12:30 and the Cubs won because one grounds crewman wasn't dealing with their shit.
Ha that's a great story! I happened to catch the last couple outs of that game on FS2 because I was curious why a game was still going on after midnight local time. The crowd that remained went crazy with the last strikeout.
They went ahead and blew it the next day, but gotta love pulling out a win in a close one well past your bedtime.
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