Miscellaneous Picture Mix #42

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:giggle: I would totally love it.

Honestly though? One of my absolute favorites pics that Chelsea took at the Vegas and Rose Bowl shows, even amid a bunch of clear and close up ones, is this one. I guess I just have a thing for blurry Bono. :cute:


that is so awesome! There's a Elevation era pic similar to this with the spotlight. I got it from Otto's website and used to have hanging up in my living room but have since packed it away (moved and never unpacked it :( ) I should find it...:hmm:
ok I found it...guess it's not quite how I remember it :reject: but it's still a cool pic with the spotlight. I guess it's been a while since I saw mine. It was hanging up at the RRHOF U2 exhibit and after seeing it there I decided to buy a copy.

ok I found it...guess it's not quite how I remember it :reject: but it's still a cool pic with the spotlight. I guess it's been a while since I saw mine. It was hanging up at the RRHOF U2 exhibit and after seeing it there I decided to buy a copy.


I always love the spotlight pics. There's just something really moving about them.
I could add to the blurry thread if only I could find my camera,& figure how to up load them as I have heaps from sydney. Not may people would recognize who's in the picks but I do & I love them just the same, even thought some are taken off the scream cause I was so far away:(
Any way I'm off to do ironing & watch zoo tv (house 2 my self ya)
I know my blurry one is deadly, but this is my favourite picture I've taken of The Edge (except of course for the one where he posed for me in Toronto). This was in Vancouver 2009.

He's so aerodynamic....

BC!!! :heart::hug: Go look on my fb page.. pics of us :) xoxoxo so glad I saw u TWICE!!! here's the pics post breakfast.. (where and ONLY WHEN I was allowed to be a fan...pfffft) :D xoxoU2JuneB_Man_fans | Facebook
Bono pics post meeting @ the Marmont! Enjoy.. BC you know how to post these?? you know I dont!! ty
BC!!! :heart::hug: Go look on my fb page.. pics of us :) xoxoxo so glad I saw u TWICE!!! here's the pics post breakfast.. (where and ONLY WHEN I was allowed to be a fan...pfffft) :D xoxoU2JuneB_Man_fans | Facebook
Bono pics post meeting @ the Marmont! Enjoy.. BC you know how to post these?? you know I dont!! ty
Is it okay to post these? I can do it, but don't want to post anything that will cause someone to freakout. Looks like you had an awesome meeting!!!
Bono looks like he is glowing in that picture...and 10 years younger! It's the vaseline on the camera lens right? :wink::D

Oh, just reminded me of my fav glowing Bono picture.. I know he isn't blurry, but he's glowing :)


I normally don't care for Vertigo Bono - but for this photo - I will make an exception. :drool:
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