MERGED-->Original of the Species Super thread!!!!!!!!!!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 25, 2004
Original of the Species Super thread!!!!!!!!!!

It's the best song ive heard in i dont know so good i't my 11th favorite song ever it's class share your love for this song
Everywhere you go you shout it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It so singlong i can hear it being chanted on the terraces now it's YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance: :dance: :dance:
Truly epic, It gets me emotional. How can u2 do this 25 years in???? HOW??? This is a so amazing!!!
coach said:
It's u2 do the beatles!!!!! It's a great track, i think it should've closed the album

Uhm - where did I miss the Beatles resemblance?

It's the best on the album... Or well, I'm not quite sure yet, Miracle Drug and Love and Peace Or Else might take over - but yes, this song is fantastic.
i am fucking speechless. I so underestimated these guys and this album. OOTS is so good it's stupid.
OOTS is fucking fantastic. Lennon?MdCartney right there, in U2 form. I actually might prefer the piano version to the album version. WOW. Again, brilliant! Fantastic!

The end of the song could go on and on and on like Hey Jude when they do this live, OMG OMG OMG

AHHHH freak out! :drool:
This is the song everyone was wondering about from 3 years ago on that cnn interview. It's the song he wrote for his daughters.
Wow....the fact that this song has the best guitar line since WOWY doesn't hurt, either. Oh, and did I mention that Bono can SING? Damn....great song.
I thought Edge said Bono wrote it for his children, whom Bono is Godfather of.

This song has taken a huge amount of emotional signifigance to me as my best friend of 8 years has just found out she's pregnant and has asked me to be the child's Godmother.

All I could think about was this child that I haven't even seen yet. I already am so in love with this unborn person who's going to be a beautiful gift in my life...and this song just speaks to what I am hoping I can express to my future Godchild...:sad:
I really like the song but this has been killing me all day: when Bono sings "I'll give you everything you want", I swear I've heard that exact same melody in a Beatles or Lennon song. But I can't fiugre out which one. It's really bugging me.
this is such a great great song im sat here in the dark with my headphones on and im crying, im so happy.... best band in the land no doubt not ever, best fans, best band...
thanks guys.
Ok, the songs are great! But how can I get my own copies? As of right now, I only have access to the songs via links! HELP!

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