MERGED --> Corporate America Steals U2's "One + Cover of "One" by the Bank of Amer

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Best cover of "One" ever

Sorry if this has already been posted (I haven't been checking this forum too much lately), but I figured this was something every U2 fan needed to see/hear at one point or another.

"One Bank"

Oh, if only Bono could still perform the song like this. He should start singing this version at concerts and special events.

Popmartijn said:
Is everyone on this forum blind and stupid? :huh:

If you're referring to the multiple posts on the subject, the old thread wasn't on the front page and everyone doesn't have time to scour the forums for things like this.

If you're referring to the comments about the performance, I'd say that we're all just a little sarcastic. :wink:
Corporate America Steals U2's "One"

Apologies if this has already made the rounds here, but for better or worse, this has got to be seen to be believed. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry (ultimately, I find it to be one of the most cringe-worthy clips I've ever seen):

h t t p:// /entry/one_bank/

This was also a featured clip on Yahoo! Current yesterday afternoon.

(Don't have 15 posts yet so you'll have to remove the spaces in the hyperlink.)


this should be the B-side for Window in the Skies

do you like the Cowboys?
or universities?
do you like the yankees?
or is NASCAR more your speed?

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sorry, I reposed this, but only after doing around 4 searches for different keywords. Guess I didn't pick the right ones!
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