Mrs. Garrison
Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Incredible night in Tulsa, im not really great at reviews so i will post some brief thoughts and let others who are good at this kind of thing take it away.
One thing to note, and this should be obvious, but the show is VERY LOUD, earplugs might not be a bad idea.
The sound at BOK Center wasn't bad though it wasn't what i would call great, it was hard to decipher what Bono was saying at times.
The intro was very cool, the videos are out there so the surprise factor is gone, but the bands entrance in the screen was pretty neat.
The Blackout is a monster live. After hearing this i can now agree with those who were saying this could or should have been the lead single.
Lights of Home also a monster.
Bad news for some perhaps.....ABOY was also very good live and the crowd seemed to love it, sing along, etc. I doubt they drop it any time soon.
The Ocean and IRIS, very moving, beautiful.
Cedarwood Road was great song live, along with Raised by Wolves. SFS was a bathroom break and beer stand type of song. Some type of speech before it i couldn't tell what was being said it was hard to make out.
UTEOTW as always an absolute monster live.
The HMTMKMKM intermission video and song was really really cool. I agree this song should be played live but this mix is awesome. And the animation was a really fun moment in the show.
Elevation, Vertigo, as always, fun crowd pleasers,
The return of Mr. MacPhisto, this was quite a surprise
Very cool moment in the show and great on the screen.
This leads to the greatest moment of the show, ACROBAT, yes, it was very very special and the band put a lot of muscle into this song. The Edge absolutely tore it up, looking cool in his leather jacket and beanie.
SATS with just Bono and Edge sounded great, loved the song and would also love to have more POP songs on this tour. I wasn't crazy about the video on the screen, however.
At one point Edge walked off of the stage through the crowd (behind us) and made his way back to the main stage by the RZ. I thought that was kind of neat.
Pride actually sounded good for a change.
GOOYOW, not a fan of this song, period, just a total bore. This would be a great song to Drop from the setlist, maybe swap out for 'little things' or RFD.
American Soul, i have to be honest, im not a big fan of this song, at all. However, it is a MONSTER live. Who'd a thunk?
Wild Horses is probably my second or third favorite song of the night. Next to Acrobat and Blackout. Was great to hear the full band version of this song live. One of my favorite songs off of AB along with UTEOTW. Very beautiful, i hope they keep playing it.
One is a great song but honestly hasn't been great live in a long time, and yet it's always great to hear.
Love is Bigger....i think by the time they played this song my back was hurting really bad and it was all i could do to stand there. Maybe i would have enjoyed it better if not for that, who knows.
13-seemed like an odd song to close. There is a neat moment at the end where a house appears on the B-stage and the giant light bulb is hidden inside, Bono opens it up and the light bulb rises up and is whisked away. Bono then leaves the stage and disappears into the bowels of the arena.
All in all it was great fun and a great opening night as well. Not that i have ever been to an opening night before. The band seemed like they were having a blast, well, except for maybe you-know-who

Honestly i don't know why people wait in line for hours to do this anymore, or start lists days in advance of a show. We didn't get in line until 6 pm, and by the time we went to the floor (after food, beverage, and such) it was probably 7:30 and we had a great spot with freedom to move around. We mostly stayed near the b-stage which was a great vantage point to both the stage and the screen. When Bono did the thing with his water bottle where he shakes it up and throws it out over the audience, we both got wet.
Also, you know you are in Oklahoma when towards the end of the show, Bono is advising the crowd to please be safe because of a tornado warning in the Tulsa area.
In summary, U2 still really knows how to put on a great show, both visually and technically stunning, with a few surprises along the way, and lots of fucking muscle. Bono sounds great and you do at times realize his voice is maturing, yet he can still set your heart on fire when he wails just right. The Edge really came alive during Acrobat, but he had a solid night overall. Larry, you still look hot even with your glasses, and Adam Clayton is still the coolest motherfucker on the planet. <--there is no disputing that
Thanks U2 for opening your tour in Tulsa Oklahoma, and for giving the locals and everyone else a night to remember
One thing to note, and this should be obvious, but the show is VERY LOUD, earplugs might not be a bad idea.
The sound at BOK Center wasn't bad though it wasn't what i would call great, it was hard to decipher what Bono was saying at times.
The intro was very cool, the videos are out there so the surprise factor is gone, but the bands entrance in the screen was pretty neat.
The Blackout is a monster live. After hearing this i can now agree with those who were saying this could or should have been the lead single.
Lights of Home also a monster.
Bad news for some perhaps.....ABOY was also very good live and the crowd seemed to love it, sing along, etc. I doubt they drop it any time soon.
The Ocean and IRIS, very moving, beautiful.
Cedarwood Road was great song live, along with Raised by Wolves. SFS was a bathroom break and beer stand type of song. Some type of speech before it i couldn't tell what was being said it was hard to make out.
UTEOTW as always an absolute monster live.
The HMTMKMKM intermission video and song was really really cool. I agree this song should be played live but this mix is awesome. And the animation was a really fun moment in the show.
Elevation, Vertigo, as always, fun crowd pleasers,
The return of Mr. MacPhisto, this was quite a surprise

Very cool moment in the show and great on the screen.
This leads to the greatest moment of the show, ACROBAT, yes, it was very very special and the band put a lot of muscle into this song. The Edge absolutely tore it up, looking cool in his leather jacket and beanie.
SATS with just Bono and Edge sounded great, loved the song and would also love to have more POP songs on this tour. I wasn't crazy about the video on the screen, however.
At one point Edge walked off of the stage through the crowd (behind us) and made his way back to the main stage by the RZ. I thought that was kind of neat.
Pride actually sounded good for a change.
GOOYOW, not a fan of this song, period, just a total bore. This would be a great song to Drop from the setlist, maybe swap out for 'little things' or RFD.
American Soul, i have to be honest, im not a big fan of this song, at all. However, it is a MONSTER live. Who'd a thunk?
Wild Horses is probably my second or third favorite song of the night. Next to Acrobat and Blackout. Was great to hear the full band version of this song live. One of my favorite songs off of AB along with UTEOTW. Very beautiful, i hope they keep playing it.
One is a great song but honestly hasn't been great live in a long time, and yet it's always great to hear.
Love is Bigger....i think by the time they played this song my back was hurting really bad and it was all i could do to stand there. Maybe i would have enjoyed it better if not for that, who knows.
13-seemed like an odd song to close. There is a neat moment at the end where a house appears on the B-stage and the giant light bulb is hidden inside, Bono opens it up and the light bulb rises up and is whisked away. Bono then leaves the stage and disappears into the bowels of the arena.
All in all it was great fun and a great opening night as well. Not that i have ever been to an opening night before. The band seemed like they were having a blast, well, except for maybe you-know-who

Honestly i don't know why people wait in line for hours to do this anymore, or start lists days in advance of a show. We didn't get in line until 6 pm, and by the time we went to the floor (after food, beverage, and such) it was probably 7:30 and we had a great spot with freedom to move around. We mostly stayed near the b-stage which was a great vantage point to both the stage and the screen. When Bono did the thing with his water bottle where he shakes it up and throws it out over the audience, we both got wet.
Also, you know you are in Oklahoma when towards the end of the show, Bono is advising the crowd to please be safe because of a tornado warning in the Tulsa area.
In summary, U2 still really knows how to put on a great show, both visually and technically stunning, with a few surprises along the way, and lots of fucking muscle. Bono sounds great and you do at times realize his voice is maturing, yet he can still set your heart on fire when he wails just right. The Edge really came alive during Acrobat, but he had a solid night overall. Larry, you still look hot even with your glasses, and Adam Clayton is still the coolest motherfucker on the planet. <--there is no disputing that

Thanks U2 for opening your tour in Tulsa Oklahoma, and for giving the locals and everyone else a night to remember