MacPhisto Rants & Raves On & On

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
*COLLAPSE* Ooooookaaaayy....Bluey, jeez. I was going through like 80 different emotions at once there!!! Oh my gosh, when Mac offered himself, and then Fly threw himself in front of him! And then Bic!!! BIC!!! I love him! He saved the day! And of course Emily... Yeah I thought for a second it was going to be Jesus. But that was sooo good. The end where she brought Satan to his knees w/ a kiss...ugh! Awesome!!!

Really Bluey, and everyone else, don't worry about school. (Like I'm one to talk, heh). Just get through these last couple crappy, insignificant finals, and then you'll be on break!!! And you get to spend time w/ your family, or your friends, and just be doing what really matters. You won't remember shitty-ass finals in 5 years!!! And I'm w/ Olive, thanks to all you writers! You seriously keep me going through the day, haha. And I'm totally going to college w/ you girls!!! Can I be a pledge for the MPS Sorority? Sweet. This post is quite long.
Once again: Wooowww Bluey!!!!

"That's the first time we've played that song in... about 15 years." -Bono, after In God's Country - Phoenix 11/23

One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh no," I said, "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real disney land , but it was getting pretty late.

Official L.O.B.P.B.G.G.T.S.H.S.A.E.E of the E.B.O.C

[This message has been edited by mocool12 (edited 12-11-2001).]
Thanks you guys, thanks...
I may not post today or even tommorow..I may have to wait until thurday night as I have 2 killer back to back finals...
Sorry and you all rock, I love the feedback.
-bluey (doomed to fail chemistry in a blaze of academic glory)

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire. -Jack Handy
Thanks guys... (((((((((HUGS))))))))) I really appreciate all your support... it's been a hectic day so far, telling my mom about the extra expense (turns out it's only about $600 dollars extra to keep the room as a single, but she's still being pretty pessimistic about it. Our conversation:

Mom: I'll have to talk to your father and see what his contributions are going to be.
Me: If anything else I can always take out a loan.
Mom: You took everything the school would give you.
Me: But Mom, I can go to a bank and get a student loan.
Mom: I don't think they'll give it to you, Lisa.
Me: Why?!?! It's a student loan, they have to!
Mom: I don't know...
Me: So you're just being pessimistic.
Mom: No...

GRRRR!!! Thanks for the faith, Mom!! I love you too!!

*sigh* Maybe a post will make me feel better...

Larry Mullen Jr.'s Harley Club: The motors are loud for a reason. :D

All my pictures are located here:
LadyHeartland's pics.
Yay! A post! A post!
I consider Mac, Bluey and The Fly as out of Hell now, so feel free to work with them Bona...I'm busy studying chem.
btw, that sucks, but at least in Canada, student loans are not difficult to get. Hey! You should move up here with me! Yay!

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire. -Jack Handy
Wow that was some post...I was on the edge of my seat practically wailing praying that they wouldn't kill mac LOL

I just wrote a story myself cos i was so stressed out but I don't think i'll post it cos it's about me and I want to include people in the stories that I write on here..

*hugs* Keep hopes up girlies...School is almost done

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*
I think to relieve some chem induced tension...I shall do a minipost.
I can't wait for my finals to be over, or for the sweet release of death, whichever comes first.

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire. -Jack Handy
Originally posted by blueeyes:
Yay! A post! A post!
I consider Mac, Bluey and The Fly as out of Hell now, so feel free to work with them Bona...I'm busy studying chem.
btw, that sucks, but at least in Canada, student loans are not difficult to get. Hey! You should move up here with me! Yay!

They're not hard to get here either, but my mother just has ZERO confidence in me and she completely undermines me constantly. Then she wonders why I can't stand staying with her for long. ARGH!! *sigh* My brain is fried. I just took a monster of a music theory final. Actually all in all it wasn't that bad but there was one part that FRIED MY BRAIN.

*sigh* Between that and the emotional issues I'm having... my parents got into a fight today because of my financial situation with the room now. Again that was my dear old mother's fault. She blows everything out of proportion and makes it ten thousand times worse than it already is, and my dad flew off the handle and when the shit hit the fan it all landed on me. I just hate that she makes it into this life shattering deal when it's nothing to worry about.

Larry, where's that picnic? I could use it right about now. *sigh*

Larry Mullen Jr.'s Harley Club: The motors are loud for a reason. :D

All my pictures are located here:
LadyHeartland's pics.
it seems like we all need a picnic with larry... i sure could use one. considering the fact that i graduate from college in 5 months and have no career, no job etc...*sigh*...

hang in there girls! almost time for break!


i'd sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you...
"The Fly has to be the Fly!"
this is kinda random, since Satan has sorta morphed from Christopher Walken to Stephen Dorff.....but in the "Bad Girl" video by Madonna... Christopher Walken is actually like, an angel. He doesn't have wings, but he's Madonna's guardian angel...hahah.


i'd sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you...
"The Fly has to be the Fly!"
What a surprise! TWO posts tonight!! yay girls!

What is UP w/ Joshua!! *suspense*!

*Bluephisto laughs, Adam pretends not to hear*

Macphisto: Thank you for jumping in front of me, that was really...stupid.
The Fly: You're welcome, I couldn't bear the thought of you immortalized as a hero.
LOL! priceless!

MPS website might soon see the light of day, or darkness, whichever...

Bona, really sorry to hear about all this stress going on! Probably not much I can say but hope it all passes soon!

Bono: There is a bit of my guitar playing, but honestly it's sad.
Larry: It is. But Bono looks great with it.

Take my shirt, go on take it off me
You can tear it up If you can tie me down

* U2 Take Me Higher *
Originally posted by oliveu2cm:
MPS website might soon see the light of day, or darkness, whichever...

Opal and Fishy tackle their webmistress buddy...

Opal and Fishy: Shhhh...don't give away trade secrets!!!
It's all about the element of surprise!

LOL! All in fun Olive! Love yah girl!

Fishy <><

It's fascinating to think that all around us there's an invisible world we can't even see. I'm speaking, of course, of the World of the Invisible Scary Skeletons.
I think what's going on with Joshua isn't going to be revealed until the next story, which will be starting mid-january when I get back from break and I'm back on my lovely ethernet connection. Ah, such bliss. I feel so spoiled because I have ethernet here at school and at home I deal with modems and get all pissy.

Thanks for all your sympathy everyone. I just wish my mom hadn't made such a big deal out of it. It's really not as bad as she's making it out to be and that's taking a toll on me. It makes me feel guilty and all for no reason... I need a Larry. Yeah, that's it. I need a sexy, sweet and sensible Irish drummer named Larry Mullen Jr. to sing to me and hold me and... *sigh* well I guess this is as close as I'll get:


Ah well.

Larry Mullen Jr.'s Harley Club: The motors are loud for a reason. :D

All my pictures are located here:
LadyHeartland's pics.
Poor Bona. Your mom sounds way too similar to mine. Just buck up sweetie! I'm sure things will work out!!!
Lars is here for ya too!

Nice posts girls! may just be me...but does it seem as though Bluey is a bit more attracted to Mac? Just speculation on my part... I ain't sayin' nothing...

"That's the first time we've played that song in... about 15 years." -Bono, after In God's Country - Phoenix 11/23

He was a cowboy, mister, and he loved the land. He loved it so much he made a woman out of dirt and married her. But when he kissed her, she disintegrated. Later, at the funeral, when the preacher said, "Dust to dust," some people laughed, and the cowboy shot them. At his hanging, he told the others, "I'll be waiting for you in heaven -- with a gun." -Jack Handey

Official L.O.B.P.B.G.G.T.S.H.S.A.E.E of the E.B.O.C
Bahaha Opal!!! The crazy thing is, is that I'm watching Frasier right now! Bic is such a good guy...
Man girls this thread is growing like a weed! 8 pages already!!! Just for future reference, I emailed Sicy about thread length, and she said they start acting screwy around 17 pages, so just to be on the safe side, if this one gets up to 15, we will start a new one, but otherwise we can just start a new one when the next episode begins...assuming there is a next episode...
Have a good night! And for all of those with finals tomorrow...Goodluck!
I won't be back until late tonight, so have fun! Party hard and update lots while I am gone!

Fishy <><

It's fascinating to think that all around us there's an invisible world we can't even see. I'm speaking, of course, of the World of the Invisible Scary Skeletons.
Oh Bluey!! ohh! bawahhhhhhhhh
that was so stressful! ah ah ahhh!!!!

Mackie is a hero! I knew he'd offer *sob* - The Fly is a hero, too! Oh poor bluephisto I really hope she gets a bubble bath and a longggg nap! how can she ever choose between them NOW?

bawahhhahahah that was so stressful! great post... emily saving the day.. i thought i'd be joshua but had NO idea how that'd work out- was hoping Jesus could make a guest appearance but didn't think he'd be too welcomed in Hell, or really have negotiating powers!

Phew ahh..ahha. *trying to catch my breath* phew... ahh.. ...

Bono: There is a bit of my guitar playing, but honestly it's sad.
Larry: It is. But Bono looks great with it.

Take my shirt, go on take it off me
You can tear it up If you can tie me down

* U2 Take Me Higher *
ohmyfuckinggod bluey!!! i'm so seriously almost crying here!! i can't believe some of the things you come up with!! ahhhh

macphisto being the hero..that was really almost made me cry...tears in my eyes, just not falling....

and then emily!! wow...yah...the end with emily telling satan whatever it was...almost crying again.

omg!!! haha


i'd sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you...
"The Fly has to be the Fly!"
I love ya Bluey. Here I am, sitting up late, kinda sorta tinkering w/ one of my evil finals... and what do I see after taking a teeny break? A ppooosssttt!!!
You are awesome. And Bluey forgave Mac! Again I might add...
Sooo sweet!

I think this calls for an, um...interesting Mackie pic:

Ok, ok, I'm gone!

"That's the first time we've played that song in... about 15 years." -Bono, after In God's Country - Phoenix 11/23

He was a cowboy, mister, and he loved the land. He loved it so much he made a woman out of dirt and married her. But when he kissed her, she disintegrated. Later, at the funeral, when the preacher said, "Dust to dust," some people laughed, and the cowboy shot them. At his hanging, he told the others, "I'll be waiting for you in heaven -- with a gun." -Jack Handey

Official L.O.B.P.B.G.G.T.S.H.S.A.E.E of the E.B.O.C
Well here I am after one of my exams for today...I woke up at 5.30am...and had my exam at brain is somewhat fried since it doesn't function yet that early in the morning...although I did wonderful on my test
And lo and behold a post!! wheeeeeeeee
Good posts girls
Loved relaxed my mind a bit

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*
Should I post?
What am I going to post?

*The Fly struts past Jen's computer*
The Fly: Hey! Writer girl!
Jen: What?
The Fly: How bout a giant love scene?
Jen: I have a boyfriend...
The Fly: No! No! In the story with Bluephisto..
Jen: She's kind of...busy right now.
The Fly: Busy?
Jen: Yeah...busy.
The Fly: *He gets it* OH! Busy...*He starts to cry and sits on the floor by the computer*
Jen: Stop crying, I have to go study.
The Fly: Hold me!
Jen Sigh. *Hugs The Fly who blows his nose on her shirt* Hey!...You're fine! Come on, you have to go move in now. Stop crying...please?
The Fly: I'm only gonna stop crying if you write me a big story right now.
Jen: i have to go study..
Jen: Okay,, take a kleenex.
The Fly: Thanks honey. goes nothing.

It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, and Angel gets set on fire. -Jack Handy
I'll get to posting later today, after I get off work. And Bluey, email me and let me know what you think of my idea... it may be something I'll start in this thread and finish it later...

Larry impatiently waiting for my next installment and hoping for some action.

Larry Mullen Jr.'s Harley Club: The motors are loud for a reason.

All my pictures are located here:
LadyHeartland's pics.

[This message has been edited by Bonavoix (edited 12-12-2001).]
the most annoying sound in the world is being woken up at 8:00am to people hammering on your house. and then trying to sleep through the hammering until 11 haha.

but then i got to wake up to more posts!! yay, great job girls, again!

i had another MPS related dream. something to do with me and bono in a convenience store, and marilyn manson was there, and i was getting really pissed off at him. he was like, satan or something, and trying to convert us. and then he left, and i grabbed the door off the freezer and ran out after him, telling him i was going break the glass window of the door over his head. then he grabbed me by the shoulders and there was this piercing noise in my hear, as he started converting me to a devil or something. and then bono hit him with something, and i got away...yeah, sorta MPS related. hahah


i'd sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you...
"The Fly has to be the Fly!"
Originally posted by blueeyes:
Should I post?
What am I going to post?

*The Fly struts past Jen's computer*
The Fly: Hey! Writer girl!
Jen: What?
The Fly: How bout a giant love scene?
Jen: I have a boyfriend...
The Fly: No! No! In the story with Bluephisto..
Jen: She's kind of...busy right now.
The Fly: Busy?
Jen: Yeah...busy.
The Fly: *He gets it* OH! Busy...*He starts to cry and sits on the floor by the computer*
Jen: Stop crying, I have to go study.
The Fly: Hold me!
Jen Sigh. *Hugs The Fly who blows his nose on her shirt* Hey!...You're fine! Come on, you have to go move in now. Stop crying...please?
The Fly: I'm only gonna stop crying if you write me a big story right now.
Jen: i have to go study..
Jen: Okay,, take a kleenex.
The Fly: Thanks honey. goes nothing.

I can finally post my naked/lovescene pic of Fly and MEAN it!!!!! wayyahaooaoaooaoaoo

here's a little inspiration to get you through! since none of us can resist Fly's wilies or willies um

how can you resist me?



Bono: There is a bit of my guitar playing, but honestly it's sad.
Larry: It is. But Bono looks great with it.

Take my shirt, go on take it off me
You can tear it up If you can tie me down

* U2 Take Me Higher *
LOL ok My post...I just read it and I wrote it while my brain was pardon that post but it's to entertain myself lmao
OK i need rest.. throw me a pillow...give me a bed (with larry in it)
I swear after my last exam today I will go home and pass out for a few hours

Btw...lmao poor Fly who's deaf didn't hear Bluey and Mac getting it on...that's sad LOL but good for him

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 12-12-2001).]
Awww...Poor Fly! Did he not hear the moaning? I really shouldn't be pulling for him b/c MacPhisto has tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the large MACPHISTO photo collection I have. *sigh* That was classic when he his the broken bench in the bushes. SOmething I would have done. I can't wait to see the website girls!
Originally posted by opaltranquility:
it seems like we all need a picnic with larry... i sure could use one. considering the fact that i graduate from college in 5 months and have no career, no job etc...*sigh*...

Opal, two words, GRAD SCHOOL!!
I graduated in I am in grad school and I think I have two different job options. Plus it is a good excuse not to have a real job and go into debt forever...
Originally posted by WildHoneyAlways:
Opal, two words, GRAD SCHOOL!!
I graduated in I am in grad school and I think I have two different job options. Plus it is a good excuse not to have a real job and go into debt forever...

haha yeah yeah i know. the thing is i've been putting off doing any investigation of grad school, and applying etc...i dont want to go to school anymore. i was planning on going into a phd program until a few months i can't handle 5 more years of school. i'm still thinking about a masters program, or back to school for webdesign...blah. TOO MUCH STRESS! i want to be a kid again...


i'd sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you...
"The Fly has to be the Fly!"
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