Looking for brazilian and argentinian support

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Dec 19, 2002
Santiago, Chile
Hi... or hola... whatever...

in Chile we're planning on some t-shirts, and the one that got most claims, is this one...


I think yo get we're I'm going to.. I need your help to promote the design (only that, I'm not selliung anything) so the whole region wears this shirt, only changing in the back with the concert dates...

I need youy BRAZILYANFLY... and anyother Argenitinian around... I can post that in U2arg.com, but you have to help me... I can make this happen here... help me over there..

but first... do you like the shirt?
the front idea is cool - not sure about the back. Maybe it's too big (the lettering) or perhaps there needs to be some art, or the red/black lines "/////" What the hell do I know :shrug:

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