Look out your window...

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The Fly
Aug 25, 2002
The forgotten land of Michigan :) Sault Sainte Mar
Just because my curiosity is child-like in nature (aren't we all?) look out your window and tell what you see. We all see the same things, but the same things are never seen the same way. Just a thought as I look out my window... :):heart:

A garden full of sunset red and pink gladiolas, surrounded by that rich end-of-summer green, a young red maple tree on the left and a 200+ year old green maple tree as tall as a 4 story building on the right. Further past the garden is a two-rail wooden fence succeeded by a worn out country road which is then followed by the most pristine and un-touched forests in Upper Michigan. Then above and beyond is the most beautiful relaxing blue sky...and a whole world of possibilities....

What can I say? :shrug: lol It's what I see...
Im at work..
I see a shiny brand new red sexy car w sexy chrome accessories..waiting for a home..parked on the showroom..
I see ppl shuffling into work.
Happy ppl
Anxious ppl..
Anxiosly sexy ppl..
and sad ppl..

On my right- I see our huge back garden, the conservatory and the kitchen...our bungalow is a huge thing in the shape of an L thats y i see the kitchen and conservatory i also see my HUGE sunflowers, greenhouse, and treehouse

Out my left, i see the house accross the road and the front garden
Let's start: Erhm......I see the neighbour house and a tree and a lot of flowers and sky and grass and some mushrooms.....and I see that I haven't really been out for some days cos I was in my room all day long playing my guitars......so much has changed!!! Oh my God, have to go and discover the world now!!!! But wait....there could be those people calling themselves 'guests' in the world behind that window... :reject: ....I'll better stay inside and admire the beauty of a passing bird behind glass. :up:
i really see a lot of frickin boxes.

out of my front window i see...pine trees. and my side window...pine trees. yeah, not only to i live in a forest, i'm on the second floor. :shrug:
Blacktop, cars, streetlights, grass, a robin, some scruffy trees, train tracks and a warehouse.
I spy with my little eye...a tree, a bird feeder which needs filling, a lamp-post which used to keep me awake at night, the neighbours (ugly) car, tall hedges which need cutting, lots of houses and almost as many satellite dishes. Welcome to suburbia. Or something.
What I'm Looking At Now...

I'm in an office right now, nowhere near a window. Any possible window view is blocked by big black metal closets in front of me.

On the wall of the cubicle I'm in, I have a photograph of three former male co-workers from when I worked at a local Borders. These were three great guys, and seeing them making me smile as I remember the fun times we all had. I also have a photo of my sister's two pugs, whom I love more than life itself. And I also have a "Revolver" magazine propped against the cubicle wall, with Adam, Bono, Larry and Edge on the cover.

I'm also looking at loads of papers, photo slides, back issues of the magazine I do freelance work for, newspapers...I'd better clean this place up...

...starting NOW!
I spy a mechanics shop where cars go when they go pop
glass and dirt where kids can get hurt
cars and trucks drive on streets that suck
and a green roofed house and desert mouse.

yeah, if you can't figure it out, it just plain sucks
jala said:
I spy a mechanics shop where cars go when they go pop
glass and dirt where kids can get hurt
cars and trucks drive on streets that suck
and a green roofed house and desert mouse.
Wow, that sounds like a nice place for having holiday there. :huh:
Bricks, some flowers and a big tree. Plus, overcast clouds (the whole day). It normally makes me feel gloomy, but I try to imagine that I'm in England. :eeklaugh:
my backyard (freshly mowed :D ) a few trees, and the backs of the people's houses that live behind me.
I see the parking lot of my apartment complex, a bunch of cars, the security lights, the building on the opposite side of the lot and one of my neighbors walking by - no doubt wondering why in the heck I'm staring out my window.
I see Fenway Park, a huge shopping mall, Simmons and Emmanuel Colleges, streets with lots of cars and stop lights, a D'angelos and an Exxon station. Im at work by the way :D
i see a happiness
i see funky moonbeams
i see gwen stefani in red pants
i see pretty music floating around with the butterflies. the music just tickled one...

i see a man in speedos mowing his lawn....
You see all that through the haze of whatever it is you are smoking zoolanda? Clever lil mungbean :D

I see (when its daylight), a Hebe. 2 years ago, it was a twig. Poor neglected pot bound plant. The neighbours laughed when we moved in, thinking look at those fools planting a twig in their yard. They told us they thought this. Now it is a flourishing over grown force on its own. It covers most of the window. I love Miracle-Gro. So do hebe's.

Beyond that is suburbia. I prefer my Hebe.

A lot of buildings, between all those buildings I can see a little bit of the (not very blue) sea. A lot of TVs' flashing. Some kids running around the round fountain decorated with colourful lightbulbs, and some playing in the playground. Trees and their shades. The moon and some stars on the dark sky. :heart:

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