Lines Only Bono Could Get Away With

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Sherry Darling

New Yorker
Sep 5, 2001
Other guys would just get slapped. :)

Here are a couple

"Baby, can we still be friends?"

"Whose gonna take the place of me?"



I got a few......

"we want to capture the momentum of this tour (elevation) and head right back into the studio to put another album out right away".

"we're looking at a spring (2003) release".

"we're looking at a fall (2003) release".

"the album will be out in march (2004)".
Rock and Roll stops the traffic

This song charles manson stole from the beatles, we're stealing it back

Am I buggin ya, don't mean to bug ya
Here's another one--and the smirk on his face when he sings it in the video is just perfect.

"I kissed your lips and broke your heart
you, you were acting like it was the end of the world"

PUNK! :hug: :love:

'A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle' from Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The World..........its quite an apt line though!
Well, Gloria Stienham is ofter (wrongly) credited with that, but she set the record straight herself a few years ago. It was Irina Dunn (an Australian journalist) who first said this.

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