JCoster......I don't have............

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
........Premium {yet}:eyeroll: <I keep saying that 'yet' part>

so if you need to get in touch please put it on this thread......

I'll be off & on this Library 'puter till 5:35P

I might be on tonight after at a net cafe around 11PM ....but maybe not depending how far i get with a rushpersonal Art Project.

But I will be on by tomorrow around 3:30P till near 6PM .
So if you want to wait to post it till i'm around tomorrow afternoon....that's OK by me.
Then hopefully again arouund 10ishPM at cafe.

Normally now i don't get as much but with the guys soon to be around here around {{and my friends getting great pics & storied the past few days }}i'm checking out every shred of Info! :yes::drool:
Me too!!! trying, trying, I did enter the competition for an invite for the book sigining, but even if I dont get in that way. I am still going to line up. I thought maybe we could catch each other on the line. I should be in the city about 845 at penn. Then on to wherever the location might be. whenever we find out ofcourse!!! I am constantly checking my u2.com email and other emails. I should know by 10 am tomorrow!!!!

Let me know ok? :wink:
Damn JCoster, I wish there was time to send my hat over to you to get signed!! I've got a friend who is a DJ with a nationwide radio station.....I've got him checking out for me if they are going to interview the boys, and if so, maybe I could be the 'coffee girl' or at least give him my hat to be signed......here's hoping!
Me too!!! trying, trying, I did enter the competition for an invite for the book sigining, but even if I dont get in that way. I am still going to line up. I thought maybe we could catch each other on the line. I should be in the city about 845 at penn. Then on to wherever the location might be. whenever we find out ofcourse!!! I am constantly checking my u2.com email and other emails. I should know by 10 am tomorrow!!!!

Let me know ok? :wink:

Good Luck JCOSTER :heart: I waited 25 years and finally got lucky, :drool: so there's hope for everyone!
gluey said:
Damn JCoster, I wish there was time to send my hat over to you to get signed!! I've got a friend who is a DJ with a nationwide radio station.....I've got him checking out for me if they are going to interview the boys, and if so, maybe I could be the 'coffee girl' or at least give him my hat to be signed......here's hoping!

Use all the contacts you can....:wink:

I'm actually trying to find out about the today show first....since my scheduall is usually quite flexible....

and I'm NOT getting on line as I am NOT getting the book [rahter get ZOOTVDVD for now} maybe in a few months fter i've had time to look it over...

but I will swing by the line maybe around ?? 11 AM or so>>>

I want to be waititng outside the Today show for photos....

never had the opportunity to photograph them in REAL daylight :hyper:

figuring out what to wear to id myself to you, but not really obvious!!!! :hmm:

will e-m later on that.

you have net at home????
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