It's official... you've lost that lovin' feeling

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Headache in a Suitcase

Site Team
Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.

it appears as if the biggest debacle since New Coke has closed down it's doors for good...

goodbye lovetown... we hardly knew ye:sad:
Headache in a Suitcacse, you're a star.

Resurrect that baby and I reckon this will be overlooked and the masses will lynch you though :D
I was just signing that song...
before I saw this.

which can only mean one thing:heart:.............

you must be here stalking me.
you freak.:angry:
Awww. :heart:

Leave Headache alone, boomhauerchaaa.

It isn't called "stalking" is called "Looking for his U2 Soulmate!"


boomer and headache, sitting in a tree
First come lust,
then comes love,
and ultimately marriage,
then comes an ugly little bug in a baby carriage:|
zoney! said:
Awww. :heart:

Leave Headache alone, boomhauerchaaa.

It isn't called "stalking" is called "Looking for his U2 Soulmate!"


boomer and headache, sitting in a tree
First come lust,
then comes love,
and ultimately marriage,
then comes an ugly little bug in a baby carriage:|

excuse me,
our child would be hot.
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