IT'S OFFICIAL#I Miss My Best Friend

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2000
Cherry Lane
"you think that i remembered a lot of stuff last time, i wrote a whole page in my notebook on the way home from school on tuesday.

~you, mike and i were sitting in the parking lot of the tanning place by his house and i had to pee, and mike gave me $5 to pee in front of the car and one of you turned on the headlights on me.

~remember that one time when mike was over and he went outside and was picking
up dog crap and he held it up to the kitchen window and it smelled in the
house for a long time and air freshener would not help it. i had to try
writing this 4 times because i kept starting to laugh and i did not want to draw attention to me, but i finally finished.

~at the marina mike carved on the orange thing on the breakwater


~when you would bring your car to the carwash the t-tops would leak

~when we would go to the mall you would mix up the shelves at dollar tree in protest of you getting fired.

~when you and mike came up to my room and i had a box over crusty friskey puke

~we almost went 50-50 in buying those green sequin shoes at haase's

~dots would make you sick

~you would make lists for osco that you would have me get when i was on break
or out of work

~rodney at the mall one time he scared you.
you made a picture of what his hat should look like

~your razz key cut at the job's daughters rummage sale

~one time in 9th grade you gave me a cold, so i gave you my scabs from an eraser burn because best friends shared everything-that was gross

~i would tease you that cellphones gave you cancer

~you told me that one time you adrienne and joslin went over to dan's house and you went in and dan brought out the snake and scared adrienne and she peed all over your front seat and broke your cellphone holder and
they told you that they spilled sprite

~we went to stephenson island one time and you had cramps and i caught crayfish
and showed them to you. eric was also along. and maybe mike

***how could you forget this one*** eric you and i went to subway and he
said something to you and you slapped him with your (left) hand and left a
bright red hand print on his cheek

~eric you and i went to GB once and and on the way back there was a guy who
was tailgating you and you tapped the breaks and he got pist off

~one time when you and i went rummage saleing in marinette, we were in the
blue toyota and we got pulled over for "loud exhaust" but it wasn't really
and the cop asked why we were going in circles and why we went through the
gas station parking lot.

i would always tease you about your tapered leg jeans

~in 10th grade i think you got a new pair of pants and you forgot to take the
sticker off of the back of the leg and we didn't tell you. the other day at
school i saw someone wearing a brand new pair of tommy jeans with the
sticker still on. that is why i shop st. vinnie's, so i don't have
embarrassing mishaps such as that

~you, i miranda and anderson would go wave diving and swimming at fatlady's beach

~one time early in our high school career, when we used to break beer bottles
on broken toilets...we walked to henes park from your house i believe and we
went to somewhere and bought hugs and kool-aide drinks and snacks and went
to henes park and sat in the rock gate and got sick off our junk food and we
walked to my house and you would not come in because you were afraid that you would puke. and we were on the way to your house and we both had to pee and i kept saying pppppppppppp and whooosh and stuff like that
and we stood over a drain and i don't know if we peed or not, but it was fun and then my mom picked us up in the van and brought up back to your house or somewhere.
and at van's we bought rolaids before the walk back.

~in high school you used to call mark callow mary

~your razz accident by my house and my uncle stopping and saying the first one is always the hardest.

~at haase's we would get icee's and i had a frozen coke and lisa asked me
if it turned my teeth browne because the blue and red ones did and when
they had the 33 oz ones

~in middle school miss beck told the counselor you had a problem because
you were obsessed with a guy that was 22 years older than you.

~one time there was a spider in your dining room and you killed it with hairspray.

~we got a pizza from domino's and ate it at marinette city park and a little kid asked if he could have one.

~you would make pudding and let eddie lick it off of your face.

i am sure that i will come up with more....i will.."

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
It's Official:

I have mood swings.

It's Official:

I don't know where my home is.
Originally posted by zonelistener:
BC -
ever think about doing a BLOG?

A what?

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
I think this may be the first time I posted a topic without a number!


(pssssst! That's a palindrome!)

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
I'm pretty sure it's a site of your own where you feel free to express rants, mood swings, that sort of thing.

Let her pale light in
To fill up your room
I should.

For now, I will just share my high school memories with IO.

Breaking beer bottles over toilets...I loved living in the country!




"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
*hands zoney pony his toolbelt*

Or have you given up?

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
Don't you think it would hurt when cats jam their clawed foot into their ear and start scratchin' like crazy?

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
True, zoney...I miss my friend lots...

But those stories she emailed me make me smile and make me happy...

I just get sad cuz I miss her. But I thought I'd share those crazy moments at IO...cuz that's what IO is to me...crazy moments.

That crying smiley is just too depressing, I think. *lol*

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
****Chris Farley Show****

Re, Re, Re, Remember that time when you were in GB and you took me out drinking and I stumbled out of the car? Hehe. That was awesome!

God! Jeeezz! Stop asking stupid questions!

(The ghost of mikal lives)

Oh, that was such a fun night!!!! We have to do it again sometime!!!

I miss you!!!!!!!


"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
Well Mr. Zone Man, kind of dude, well sir, buddy, lol, ha, brother, yepper.

I'm back at the parents house watching the dog for a couple of days. So I may post here a couple of times. I really don't like any of you, but, if you're lucky, I may post a couple of really stupid comments like I used to.

Hey yo, chico! Big daddy cool! ChooChoo!


"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."

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