It's Official # HOOKA!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
They just picked up a hooker in front of my office LOL Zoney? LOL

For those of you who don't know there's like 3 different hookers that walk down the street in front of my office cos there's lots of construction companies. LOL :tsk: One of the old directors of the school that I work at was rumoured to get some :censored: every morning by one of them lmao
Oh yeah and I just came back from the Ghetto bank (this is a VERY bad part of DC I work in as you can tell) and I was the only white girl there :crack:
I heard a girl telling her friend she was so desperate for a job she was going to start standing outside the albert Clock (where the "hookers" go) and make money that way, she was talking about it really loudly in the library and I heard some people snort after she said it :shifty:

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