It's Official #backcatalogue

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 13, 2000
The Q continuum
First off, I hate you people for screwing up the numbering system in a way that even I can't find out the correct number anymore. :(

Second, have you ever had a phase where you shoved all other artists aside and played the entire oevre from one particular artist? In case you care, I'm in that phase right now with The Cure. My favourites albums;

- Wish;
- Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me; and
- Pornography

Speak to me... :angry:
I hate some people today :mad:

Hi DrT :wave:

Im listening to lots of Shakira and coldplay
before christmas I got on a big Smashing Pumpkins obsession.

I hadn't been listening to them since high school and I thought it would be nice and nostalgic

And sweet I hate you! I cannot count the ways

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