It's Official #1608

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left

In Wayne Newton's estate, there is a spot called "Penguin Island".

I'm both disturbed and impressed.

LMAO ali rose keeps losing her journal. :angry:

way to go.

and a meshed wayne newton almost made me lose my dinner.

way to go again.

anyone ever have toutons?

one of the best newfie foods!

gotta put some lassy on it though
yeah i sorta figured that.

AFTER i typed it. of course.

I dont even bother with the *notes to self* anymore...
Screaming Flower said:
you get deleted? :confused:
it had to do with the time when the forum was down the other day. when stuff was getting moved over from servers, some of the stuff was corrupt so she accidentally got deleted.

all right, i actually paid $20 to have elvis delete you. j/k!! :D :hug:
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