It's Official #0

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
So I'm thinking about converting from a Christian to Buddhist.

If I :scratch: real hard, I figured I could reach nirvana faster than heaven by learning to want nothing...

I think, therefore I am--


If you think really hard you'll damage brain cells.

If you damage enough brain cells you'll be too incoherent to actually think.

If you're too incoherent to actually think you won't know WHAT you want, therefore, you'll want nothing, and will have acheived nirvana anyway.

Or if you really wanted to reach Nirvana, you could use a ouije board to contact Kurt Cobain...
Bonochick said:
You got poof dust all over my record collection! :mad:

poof dust :cute:

i am thinking of converting religions too. although luckily, it wouldn't be as big of a lifestyle change, as it'd be just another part of christianity. however, i am still not sure.
Reformed Baptist? Free Will Baptist? General Baptist? Southern Baptist? Seventh Day Baptist? Bible Baptist? Primitive Baptist? Anabaptist Mennonite? Episcopalian? Wesleyan? Methodist? Antiochian Orthodox? Eastern Orthodox? Greek Orthodox? Russian Orthodox? Romanian Orthodox? Celtic Orthodox? Ukranian Orthodox? Anglican?

Okay, I'm tired now.
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