It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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Blue Crack Supplier
Sep 6, 2004
Austin, TX
My friend just recommended it to me and I'm loving it. It's completely un-PC humor about self-absorbed assholes getting in terrible situations and just digging themselves deeper in it.

That being said, the addition of Danny DeVito after Season 1 took this show into another stratosphere for me.

My favorite character is definitely Charlie. His "Oh my God! I will pound your face into a... into a jelly!" line absolutely kills me.

Who else really digs this show?
I've picked up pieces of recent episodes and enjoyed it. I might buy that Seasons 1 & 2 set soon to see what all the hype is about.
I've just watched the first 7 episodes of the series via Netflix -- it's hilarious!

It was fun to see my college campus in the first episode.

Haven't gotten to Danny Devito's introduction yet.

It's a pretty raw show -- definitely not for the kiddies.

The song during the opening credits kills me -- it feels so out of place with the rest of the show!

I haven't actually watched the show but I remember the previews for it last summer. One that particularly cracked me up...

"I'm in love with a man! I man called...God! Does that make me gay? Am I gay for God?....You Betcha!"

I've picked up pieces of recent episodes and enjoyed it. I might buy that Seasons 1 & 2 set soon to see what all the hype is about.

It took me long enough to do this, but yesterday and today I knocked out those two seasons.

I love it.
I love this show! Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City is probably my favorite episode of the series so far. Charlie as Serpico was fucking gold.

I really need to check this show out. I've got a bunch of friends who can't stop talking about it. Especially this "Night Man" bullshit. I need to know what it means. I feel left out.
What'd you guys think of the premiere?

I thought it was pretty solid. The Rambo jokes, hunger plot, Charlie being the "wild card," and gorilla mask cracked me up the most.
"Well you're looking all sorts of good!"

Charlie's smile after delivering that line = best part of the episode.
I just finished watching seasons 1 and 2 that my co-worker let me borrow and OMG so hilarious.

I can't wait to see season 3.

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