INTERFERENCERS Photos Consolidated - XXVI

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Pearl, really love that picture, you are indeed very pretty! Oh and love the new haircut, tried something like that myself once but turns out my hair gets too curly for that when it grows longer :)
At least you know. :D I have no idea whether my hair is curly or straight. It's somewhere in between and gets on my nerves. I can't curl it neither straighten it, it quickly goes away. :|

Well basically it's the same with me. I don't have curls actually, but for me it just gets too curly :wink: So it's not straight nor curly and that can get pretty annoying!
Hiphop really great pics

Pearl very cute haircut!

Me and my youngest sister in Tampa. This was her first U2 concert :cute:

With really cool U2 fans that we met in line that day
Nope, don't have to lock my doors! :D But really the dog is very friendly (with people, other dogs not so much) and is a big momma's boy, very handler-sensitive to me and he knows the difference between a friend and a real threat.
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