Interference 2020s Fantasy Football Thread

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
Hello, Hello, Hello.

It's that time, yet again.

And for once, we're not already a few days into the season!

I'm reactivating the Interference Blue Crack Fantasy Football League for at least one more hurrah!

I was going to add a poll to this thread, but then realized we'll probably be using it for next ten years, so instead, please fill out this brief survey:

It's very informal and quick, I just want to get some ideas together since we actually have time and I'm usually in a major rush throwing the league together and make mistakes. This time, maybe I won't!
Submitted, but in a nutshell, I say shoot for 8 teams cause I doubt we get more than that, if we do, great.
And this weekend too soon for the draft cause we'll need time for folks to see the thread and get registered. ESPN has been fine the last few years, no point changing.
I very much appreciate the feedback, haha. Also we already have 4 people. We're halfway there!

I'm very survey happy right now. With working from home, the only way we communicate at work now is via survey and Zoom :lol:.

I included the Zoom option, btw, because I had just finished doing a Zoom draft, which reminded me to start this thread and it was pretty entertaining. But definitely not a requirement, I was just curious what people thought.
Damn I missed this thread somehow but, yeah, I think 8 teams would be fine even though I think I voted for 10.

Also, I was an early proponent of ESPN's fantasy format but have grown to much prefer Yahoo over the last couple years. That being said, ESPN is totally fine, too.

And I can probably do any of those times except Friday night would be difficult, especially past like 6 or 7 pm Central time. Friday morning or afternoon would be great.

LET'S FUCKING GO. Did I win last year? I don't remember. I feel like I had a very good team.
I literally can not remember who won last year. And I can't get ESPN to show me because I'm suddenly technologically illiterate whenever it comes to Fantasy Football.

We have Five people signed up. COME ON, Y'ALL. Three more.
I literally can not remember who won last year. And I can't get ESPN to show me because I'm suddenly technologically illiterate whenever it comes to Fantasy Football.

We have Five people signed up. COME ON, Y'ALL. Three more.
Is the league reactivated? It doesn't look like it is for me. I think in the past we've just reactivated it and then people can join the league, right?

Also, I just went into the old thread. LeMel won last year, he beat me in the Championship.
I could reactivate it. I was waiting to see what people wanted.

Via poll, people want Yahoo!

But out of laziness, I think we're getting ESPN.
What the hell, I'm an idiot and clicked that link and then signed up for the league so now I have two damn teams in that league. Haha jesus. Don't click that link.

I'm going to try to figure out a way to drop one of my teams from the league, or if I can't I might need the commissioner to do it.
I had the draft set for tomorrow, I thought.

Also, Jesus, I had no idea that link would screw things up so bad.

Did I mention I'm completely awful at commish'ing fantasy football? :lol:
Oh right, I know what happened, I TRIED to set it for Sunday and it wouldn't let me. I was going to go back and fix it and I didn't. God, what is wrong with me?

It will not let me do Sunday at 5/8. Any other time suggestions? Are we all free on Monday?
Sep 7, 2020 @ 4:30 PM PDT

Please let me know if you can't make it. Also I hit reactive, which seems to have just added everyone from last year, so let me know if you're not participating.
Sep 7, 2020 @ 4:30 PM PDT

Please let me know if you can't make it. Also I hit reactive, which seems to have just added everyone from last year, so let me know if you're not participating.
Looks like Mikal left the league and that's partly why the weird thing with me happened yesterday. Because there was an opening in the league, when I clicked on that link it had me sign up. I messed that up, it wasn't your fault.

Long story short...we need one more participant to actually have 8 owners in the league. Worst case scenario is the second accidental team I signed up for will just auto draft and we'll basically have a computer opponent for the whole season. So I guess that's not terrible but it'd be nicer if we got one more actual person to play.
i'm going out to watch the raptors game so i can't make it but i don't mind auto-drafting.

My team in the Interference league last year was half auto-drafted (I think I was only making picks myself for like 20 minutes) and it auto-drafted me Lamar Jackson. So yeah, auto-draft isn't always terrible.
My team in the Interference league last year was half auto-drafted (I think I was only making picks myself for like 20 minutes) and it auto-drafted me Lamar Jackson. So yeah, auto-draft isn't always terrible.

i always make at least one pick that i think is a super clever sleeper that turns out to be a brutal bust who i drop before week 4, so it probably won't really matter if i autodraft.
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