Blue Crack Addict
He also composed the opening theme music to NBC Nightly News...

U2democrat said:He also composed the opening theme music to NBC Nightly News...![]()
namkcuR said:Indiana Jones has a son now?
Do we know who his mother is?
Lancemc said:I think it's a little premature to be calling the title crap or amazing, since we have absolutely no idea what the plot is.
I do agree that City of the Gods was a cool sounding title, but Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has its own badassery doesn't it? "Kingdom" suggesting a grandiosity, relating to some ancient civilization, "Crystal" implying some mythical or magical connotation, along the lines of the Ark or the Holy Grail without being blatently "of the Gods", and "Skull" which is obviously badass on its own rights.
When you put it all together, what do you get?
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Indy comes out of retirement, meets up with his old and coolest love interest, teams up with his goofy-looking son (neat reversal of positions from the last crusade), gets the awesome Ray Winstone as a side-kick and goes looking for some relic of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Sounds totally epic and badass, if you ask me. So let's just wait and see.
LemonMacPhisto said:
And Cate Blanchett plays a badass communist.
MrsSpringsteen said:Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” will be released on May 22, 2008.
phanan said:
Sounds like a Harry Potter title.
Lancemc said:It's been confirmed that LeBouf plays his son, and that Karen Allen is returning to reprise her role. It may or may not have been confirmed that she's his mother, but I'm pretty sure that's to be inferred either way.
Utoo said:
Where've you seen that? The last few sources I've seen have said that he's not Indy's son----the most impressive being Harrisson Ford saying that the only son in the Indy series is himself (with regard to Indy & his dad). The biggest description I've seen for LeBouf's character is only "greaser," and that he might be one of Indy's students.
Lancemc said:
Turns out you might be right. Guess I was comfuzed. What I was thinking of was the Empire Magazine article that states Lebouf is playing Ravenwood's son, but that the identity of his father was unclear.
phanan said:
Sounds like a Harry Potter title.
namkcuR said:
Given LeBouf's age and the ending of Raiders, that still leaves the door wide open for LeBouf to be Indy's.