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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
May 22, 2000
Orange County, CA
August 5th, 2002


For almost six fun-filled and exciting years, has served as one of the largest online U2-centered communities in the world - offering lyrics, photos, U2 News, and the popular ?U2 Feedback? message board forums.

Recently, bandwidth for Feedback has dramatically increased, raising the cost to the administrators and providers of by a substantial amount each month ? this increased traffic is a result from U2?s wide-reaching popularity and the forum?s new features and rapidly growing membership. In brief, the more visitors a web site has, the more ?bandwidth? the web site uses. Bandwidth unfortunately isn?t free.

In truth, the providers/hosts of Interference are young people with full-time jobs, and/or students, and don?t particularly have deep pockets. Throughout the history of Interference, the administrators have provided the unlimited use of Feedback free of charge, while silently paying for escalating bandwidth costs resulting from the aforementioned cause of traffic, new features, site redesigns, picture posting and so on.

The once far off and inevitable bridge has come into our sights, and we now appeal to you in the most earnest way. Without you, there is no Interference, and there will be no Interference at the price of about $5000/year without your sincere help. Individually this number is quite a large sum, but together we can make this happen.

There is no such thing as a free ride, Interference needs your help to continue as we know it, or risk the inevitable shutdown if support for the site/community is not present. We do not want to see this dream end, as so many of us have made lifelong friends here whom we speak to every day (all day every day for some of us!).

Although an awkward request, please consider donating to this community. Any amount is greatly appreciated. If we raise more than enough money, this will spill over to the next year and so on, allowing for increasing traffic as U2 releases their upcoming albums and DVDs, and new tours are underway!

PayPal, for those who are not familiar with the term, is an Internet-based payment system for those who wish to purchase items, or donate, online through places such as EBay, etc. The system and account set-up process is simple. PayPal will deduct any donation from the debit/credit card account you provide, or even checking account, and will only do so at your designation. PayPal is a secure method of payment and takes all major credit cards.

If you?d prefer to make a donation via ?snail? mail, please send an email to for more details.

To donate via PayPal click the PayPal icon below:

In The Name of Love,

Creator ?

Editor ?

Forum Administrator ?
I don't blame you at all for doing this, Elvis. I'm glad that you are asking for assistance instead of just shutting down on us or something. You've created a wonderful community for U2 fans, and it would be very sad to see it end. I'm a little strapped for cash myself right now, but I will be donating in the very near future. I love this place. :)

If everybody donates even just a little, that adds up. Please, everybody...every few dollars will help!
Public Service Announcement for All

After I get a job, and quite possibly turn 18 if thats a requisite to donating money online, you can count on my funds :up:

We have more than enough users, I cant imagine itd be too hard to reach that goal... Come on people, which would you rather have? Sacrifice one days worth of coffee or sacrifice an immesurable ammount of fun and entertainment that you get with Interference? just send in the cash, its really not that difficult... Dont believe me? I made this little public service announcement for all of you...

The fate of
You if you dont give: :wink: oh look at me I didnt donate!... hey? whered interference go? :confused: :sad:

You if you do donate: :cute: look at me, I donated and still get to visit interference, boy that was the best cup of coffee Ive ever not had :up:

The choice is clear... Thank you.
i too will donate, once i get a job. :)

just a suggestion though...since bandwidth will always need to be payed for...the forum could always be set up as a pay-only forum. like say, maybe $2-5 a year, or whatever. this way, the money would always be there. *or* if you want to have it be open for anyone to join, maybe have like a platinum account or something for the same price. this way, you could join for free or stay free if you want, but you could donate and become a platinum member or something. they'd have special privledges, like the ability to search the forums and stuff (since i know that takes up bandwidth).

if not, oh well. :wink:
I will donate as soon as I get my paycheck, because I'm poor right now! Come on people, if everyone donates like 5 bucks it'll add up really fast. Instead of getting fast food one day send the money to interference instead! Fast food is bad for you anyways! I :heart: interference and would be heartbroken if it was gone. Don't just freeload and assume that everyone else will pay so that you don't have to. If we all thought that way then interference wouldn't get a dime and it would be gone!
I asked for info on donating by snail-mail. I don't want this place to go away, but this is the way to handle a cash crunch. Some figure skating board I was on screwed up big time. They immediately started to charge outrageous fees for using the boards! Can you say "$64 for three months?" We all quit and the thing crashed. The last I heard two notes had been posted that day. It had been hundreds a day. That was quick. The whole thing really pissed me off and still does because that's how I got my skating news. The idiots! That's how *not* to handle a cash crunch.:madspit: :madspit: :shocked: :shocked: :down:
verte76 said:
They immediately started to charge outrageous fees for using the boards! Can you say "$64 for three months?"


What did the $64 get you??????

That's alot of many members did it have?

Most people don't realize that websites cost money to run...I think a lot of us have taken for granted what Elvis has created here and out of his own pocket no less. Let's give a little back.... we can do it.
paxetaurora said:
Just think of it this way: how much do all of those pictures of man-cleavage'd Bono mean to you? HMMMM??? :macdevil:

daisybean said:


What did the $64 get you??????

That's alot of many members did it have?

About eight thousand. It was insane. They didn't need that kind of money to keep the thing going. I never really knew what I would have gotten if I'd paid up. I had it on good authority that the guy who owned the thing--some Canadian big shot-- wanted to line his pockets, shall we say? So I quit when they slapped the fee on. It was a monumental rip-off scheme. Horrors! It really pissed me off that there went the whole thing.........everyone quit and the thing just crashed.:madspit: :madspit:
<--for this smilie and this smilie alone

i will donate. my credit card is on its way and that means i need to spend SPEND SPEND!! . might as well make it for something i trasure so deeply. :D :heart:
I just donated!

:yes: I just donated $20! I had to have the number "2" in there somewhere! Now, let's see who can match it or beat it!:tongue:

:heart: I love! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be getting the latest and greatest U2 news! You're even faster than!;)

:dance: :bono: :edge: :adam: :larry: :dance:

There was recently a change on from links that went directly to an original site, now those links come here. How much of the increase in bandwidth is attributable to that change?
Re: Changes?

bonovoxorg said:
There was recently a change on from links that went directly to an original site, now those links come here. How much of the increase in bandwidth is attributable to that change?

It's acutally incredibly minimal.

Thanks to everyone that has donated so far! I cant emphasize enough how important this is.

Also... so far we have had 14 people donate - totally $437!
Re: Re: Changes?

Elvis said:

Also... so far we have had 14 people donate - totally $437!

14 people donated $437 total?? Wow!!!! I figured a lot more people than that had donated to get that much! It's great that people are being so generous! Only 14 people though?? Come on, everybody! Even just $1 or $2...every little bit helps!! :)
Just donated $30.00 and as I'm Canadian, that's about a BILLION dollars! ;)

But it's definitely worth it!
daisybean said:

64 times 8000=$512,000 every three months!!!!!!!!!!!! That's beyond lining the pockets.....that outright stealing. No wonder the site crashed and burned.

Damn! I never did any math, but I didn't need a "reliable source" to tell me that it was a rip-off. "Crashed and burned" is a good way to put it. We got connections to Eurosport for skating competitions, and Eurosport *is* better than U.S. network coverage. But--if you were stuck with a slow connection like I was the quality was so lousy it wasn't worth a purple tuppence, let alone that kind of money. There was no way they needed that kind of money for a Eurosport feed connection that mostly stank and they only used occasionally. That's why we didn't hang around for it. That crashed an entire forum. :madspit: :madspit:
I think could be good to find another provider Elvis!
Do you have more than 1 Gb traffic each month?
I know there are american providers which allow more than 10 gb traffic every month...or interference is bigger?
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