I'm In Big Trouble, Part II

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Ok, he's not gone for the day!

I was making copies when I saw him saunter back in. Then I had to go follow up on something with a legal assistant and she was in his cube (it was about more files he took forever to get back). I told him jokingly "you got me in trouble today" because I can't ever get his files and when he was giving the other woman crap and she said he was going to get "mad", I said all cute, "Well he won't get mad at me" he looked over and winked. It was really fast, but cute and I caught it and grinned back at him.

HE needs to stop it, right freaking now!!!!
Note to self: Work Luncheon, wear red top and make sure to have glossy, sex kittenish lips and to sit right across from BD.

I ran into him again two more times after the ink, and one of the times I touched his arm (I asked if he was feeling well because he gave us a file early and without being badgered) and he said he felt a bit dizzy ;), then again when I was making copies I teased him about giving up the machine for him. I said, "I don't know why I'm so nice to you," and he said, "I don't know why, either!" then we talked about our holiday plans.

Before I left for the day I made sure to swing by his cube - he was on the phone but I waved and mouthed, "Have a good holiday" with a cute look. :cute:

I HATE this man. Hate him! :madwife: :combust:
It seems to me that Mr. is using some type of stealth technolgy as he's just not picking up your frequency...time to drop da' bomb on him! The red bow tie absent any other miscellaneous clothing should be a sure hit! :)
Ok, this is going to drive me nuts until I get some sort of clarity..

He said he was going to his "in-law's' tomorrow... He's not married, not with anyone (as far as I know, and there have been plenty of conversations I and other people have had with him where it would have come up by now, and I've asked around) so could that be a sibling's family, then? He's one of six, and like I said, he's divorced, so... :shrug: And when he sang with his whole family there and we talked about it, no So was mentioned and then when we talked about his house he told me what he alone paid for it, etc. And when we had that talk when I first started down there about liking living along and he said, "I hear ya on that!"

I thought it was an unusual way to say it. Or maybe I'm I'm just paranoid, lol. I got a wink and I touched his arm and am going to ask him to lunch next week :girlyballs:, damnit!
That's it. I've lurked long enough. Consider me a regular to this reality peep show. :wink:

Now, not to be too detailed, but your situation is so perfect leading up to this luncheon that you have to pay attention to detail, are you wearing your hair up or down to said luncheon? :lol:
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Ok, this is going to drive me nuts until I get some sort of clarity..

He said he was going to his "in-law's' tomorrow... He's not married, not with anyone (as far as I know, and there have been plenty of conversations I and other people have had with him where it would have come up by now, and I've asked around) so could that be a sibling's family, then?

Yeah sure, I sometimes refer to my brother's wife's family like that. I guess it is kind of odd but it's a little easier than saying that I'm going to my brother's wife's parent's house. :p
neutral said:

Yeah sure, I sometimes refer to my brother's wife's family like that. I guess it is kind of odd but it's a little easier than saying that I'm going to my brother's wife's parent's house. :p


I refer to my mothers friend as mother, is that strange?
thats a weird one - it may be that its easeir to use like neutral said.
it may also be that he's still in contact with his ex-wifes family, it's not impossible????

oh god, can you imagine after nearly 1000 posts we find out he's marries :ohmy: :faint: :sad:
I suppose someone will take pix during the luncheon..

Maybe we're getting to see Mr Wonderful soon!!:wink:
where april, i need her to share in my frustration!!!

i'm having a very confusing day :huh:
the guy at work is just being weird - fun and flirty one minute, cool and distant the next
he's toying with my fragile (ha ha) emotions! :madspit: :wink:
Even though he's divorced, he may still have ties with his "ex" family right? Does he have any kids?

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere already... it's been a LONG thread. :D
I went out with my friend last night and we decided that it would have come out if he was married or getting married (she said he would have mentioned it to one of us by now). And everyone I told about the wink said that was a good sign. ;)

But let's see... Last night my friend and I went out and I got so drunk that I apparently made out with some guy who thought my nails were fake but kept kissing my hand and telling me that they were "hot", and my friend told me this morning that I kept saying, "You know why I did this, right?" (got drunk) over and over. :reject: So, yeah, note to self, if I'm ever at a bar with BD, don't start ordering shots of tequila and Jack Daniels. :eek:

And no kids as far as I know, Kathleen. :up: Another reason why I like him!

But yeah, that in laws thing tripped me out. :angry: But again, wouldn't he have talked about the house as a "we" if he were married instead of all singular? And when I've asked him about weekend plans he's never said, "Oh, my S.O. and I are...."

Back to the bar thing.... I made a bet that if my friend gave this guy her number I'd ask BD out to lunch on Monday. So, guess who I am for sure asking to lunch Monday? :lol:
Jack Daniels mmmm
My type of girl.

Roll on Monday,

I have a feeling you'll be like this:


ClaytonMan said:
Jack Daniels mmmm
My type of girl.

Roll on Monday,

I have a feeling you'll be like this:



Those are cute. :cute:

Now I'm all nervous for Monday! :eek:

My friend also brought up the thing with the bar, when he asked if I was going "anywhere special". She thinks he might be hesitant to approach me for fear I'd go to my friends and go, "Ugh, that old guy asked me out!" (Which of course would NEVER happen!)

And my other friend said to me (she talks to him n a fairly regular basis) if he had a S.O. it'd have come out by now. So I should just chill and stop thinking bad thoughts. lol
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

And my other friend said to me (she talks to him n a fairly regular basis) if he had a S.O. it'd have come out by now. So I should just chill and stop thinking bad thoughts. lol

do you think he might be ... i don't know ... a little on the "festive" side?



i still want a picture.

LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Oh, HELL no. :lol:

well, if you'd post us a picture i could put my superpowers to work and give you a 100% accurate read on just how "festive" he really is.

it is the holiday season. you do want him to be a little festive, don't you?


ps -- i LOVE that Simpsons episode. "oh homer, you are the living end."
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