I'll go crazy if the album doesnt LEAK TONIGHT! part 3

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what makes it a "Deluxe Edition", looking at that tracklist it looks like normal. it looks totally fake to me.

Only thing I can think of is that Crazy Tonight has a Bonus track after it (which is why the file size is double of what it should be)
the fact that is says deluxe makes me suspicious too.

Those of you who have downloaded even a fraction of a kb, just double check that its actually bytes from the files in the torrent. Because often when getting torrents u dl a few extra bites here and there. Coz from this torrent I got 1.2kb, but none of it attributed to any of the files. Hope i didnt jumble that too much
Crazy Tonight's size does seem wrong though, but if its the deluxe edition maybe theres a hidden track or VBR might be doing that.

Again not nearly confirmed to be real but this is easily the realest leak alert.

I didn't notice that at first. There's no way that track could be nearly seven minutes long (and I doubt the VBR quality would be THAT much higher just for that one) unless, like you say, there's a hidden track attached.
the fact that is says deluxe makes me suspicious too.

Those of you who have downloaded even a fraction of a kb, just double check that its actually bytes from the files in the torrent. Because often when getting torrents u dl a few extra bites here and there. Coz from this torrent I got 1.2kb, but none of it attributed to any of the files. Hope i didnt jumble that too much

Torrents confuze me. :sad:
the fact that is says deluxe makes me suspicious too.

Those of you who have downloaded even a fraction of a kb, just double check that its actually bytes from the files in the torrent. Because often when getting torrents u dl a few extra bites here and there. Coz from this torrent I got 1.2kb, but none of it attributed to any of the files. Hope i didnt jumble that too much

Same here. I have 2.38 kb wasted. :(
Somebody on atu2 is jumping the gun and saying it leaked, but won't say where. Either he/she saw what we're seeing and jumped the gun, or they saw it somewhere else. Or they're making shit up. I think I covered all the bases.
I didn't notice that at first. There's no way that track could be nearly seven minutes long (and I doubt the VBR quality would be THAT much higher just for that one) unless, like you say, there's a hidden track attached.

Who was it that talked about a "wicked twist" in the middle of the album that would keep the listener interested?

Probably a stretch, but I really want this to be real.
@u2 has a new thread saying it leaked. But of course aren't saying where. Frustration continues. :mad:

EDIT: Already posted. Sorry.
Somebody on atu2 is jumping the gun and saying it leaked, but won't say where. Either he/she saw what we're seeing and jumped the gun, or they saw it somewhere else. Or they're making shit up. I think I covered all the bases.

Heh, just noticed that topic. :lol:

I'm guessing he/she has found the same torrent. :hmm:
Yeah, the atu2 guy seems to have Pm'd the other guy about mininova. Probably info. coming from here...
Damn! It's so hard to keep up with all these posts and life.

Anyhow, yes, a good leaker (not someone who's been consuming liquids all night) would be rockin the suburbs with super bandwidth. Keep in mind not only true fans want this shit leaked. Some scumbag will want it to sell to not so true fans for an easy $$$. (those who don't follow Interference or @u2 or whatever else. . .)
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