If you had your own theme song...

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Blue Crack Supplier
Sep 6, 2004
Austin, TX
what would it be?

I know this sounds like a James Lipton "Inside the Actors Studio" question, but have you ever thought about that?

You know, walking/dancing down the street and everyone else hears this song coming from your direction but have no clue where it's coming from?

I have to say "I Got Ants in My Pants" by James Brown, that would be fucking awesome, plus it gives me a chance to do James Brown foot shuffles.
Well I don't know about a theme song...but it would be kind of epic and cool if Muse's "Knights of Cydonia" was playing as I walked down the street.

The ladies swoon, the wind blows, and fire flows from my fingers.

I dunno where that came from exactly.
nightninja56 said:
Well I don't know about a theme song...but it would be kind of epic and cool if Muse's "Knights of Cydonia" was playing as I walked down the street.

The ladies swoon, the wind blows, and fire flows from my fingers.

I dunno where that came from exactly.

I have no idea. :huh: So do you mean a song that one relates to? Lyrics one can relate to one's own life?
Just something cool, like the Crazy 88s in Kill Bill Vol 1.

It can be anything.
No spoken words said:
Now I'm thinking that it would be cool to walk down the street and enter rooms to the beginning of "Superunknown".

The title song from that Soundgarden album??? :drool: :drool: :drool:
I'd need a medley with each song having about 5 secs to each montage frame. :inflatedsenseofselfyes:
For a song that relates to my life and sums me up pretty well? "I've Got the Music In Me" by KiKi Dee.

A song I'd like to accompany me in the cinema of my life? No clue. Maybe something sexy as I walk down the street in slow-motion, my hair blowing artfully in the breeze. :wink:
corianderstem said:
Maybe something sexy as I walk down the street in slow-motion, my hair blowing artfully in the breeze. :wink:

If you hadn't used the word artfully, I would have said that sounds like the Elevation video. :shifty:
No spoken words said:
If it's about lyrics, then "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" is my fucking theme song. Sadly.

Because your life is tragic? Because every little thing just turns you on? Because you fantasize about police? What a weird theme song, man.

And besides, we wrote a theme song for you. "NSW GFY". That's your theme song.
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