I.O.---I'm going back to Nursing school

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New Yorker
Oct 24, 2001
mainly in my fantasy land.....ooooo how I wish it
well after a very long and trying weekend spent at the hospital I used to work at, on the floor I used to work on, with the people I used to work with.....and a few surprises: (2 of my friends that I went to school with-1 since 4th grade and the other since 7th; both of whom I've not seen since Highschool Graduation night that work on that floor now too) I am going back to Nursing school and I have every intention of finishing this time.

Not only finishing, but after I get my Associates and can work as an RN, I'll be going back to finish my BA.

Took me 5 years to realize the mistake I made the day I walked away from Nursing. It's about damn time I woke up and saw the light! :lol:
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