I Need $$$

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MacPhisto's serving wench
Jun 6, 2001
Inside a bubble
I'm serious. I have to buy Christmas gifts, books for next semester, not to mention the little things that I spend money on here and there. How will I afford U2 stuff?

*You could have flown away, a singing bird in an open cage who will only fly, only fly for freedom*
I need $$$ too! Can I cry with you?
Dreamt last night that I won $2000 while in Vegas. Yeah right! Why did I have to wake up????

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
lol. I'm paying off 2 credit cards and 4 college loans. OH well. At least gasoline is cheap right now!

*looks on the bright side*

Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
...At least gasoline is cheap right now!

*looks on the bright side*


LMAO sula!! So true! so true! *kicks herself for selling her car*
Jeezus its like $2.00 in Cali. And that doesnt count Supreme which is what I use that costs $2.69.

[This message has been edited by SicilianGoddess (edited 12-13-2001).]
Originally posted by SicilianGoddess:
Jeezus its like $2.00 in Cali. And that doesnt count Supreme which is what I use that costs $2.69.

wow. I think the supreme stuff around here is about $1.19ish.

*sends Sicy a container of it*

Unfortunately, I have to agree with ya' all!
Broke here too
and yep, U2 certainly did not help the finances one bit.
I need money too...

Credit card bill with Christmas gifts is coming...

Tuition over $900...

Looks like books will cost close to $400!!!!!!!! WTF????? Are they made of gold??????



"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

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