I need to blow off some steam...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 8, 2001
on a country road...
Here's why...

*As I was walking across campus to meet with one of my profs today about study abroad in Dublin, I spotted this cute guy that's in two of my classes with this chick that's in one of those classes....Oh, did I mention that I do not like her...at all???!

*One of my roommates laughs like the wicked witch of the west, only, like, ten times louder and more friggin' obnoxious! I think she needs a muzzle. :wink:

*Tonight, as soon as one of my other roommates comes home, she goes over to the wall behind me (plastered with pictures of U2, a couple of River Phoenix and one of Billy Idol!), points to a young picture of River (he was like 16 but looked younger) and says, "Jen, how old is this guy?" and I explained it all and whatever and it was okay...Except I'm just in one of those rather pissy "Don't cross me!" kinds of moods and I could write a novel about the icky-looking guys she finds attractive...

:madspit: Anybody else want to vent? This'd be the place! :up:
:hug: Wertsie :hug:

I'm sorry your day was yucky. :( I've had plenty of those days myself... yesterday was my day.

My alarm didn't go off so I woke up 13 minutes before I was supposed to be at work. Then I went to shower and didn't have any hot water ... the water was fookin ice cold! (a fellow PLEBAn seems to think I NEEDED that cold shower after my gutter thoughts of Lar lately :yes: :lol: ) and then I went to put on a necklace I bought last weekend and it broke. :banghead: i think something happened at work too, but it's all a blur now I can't remember.

Anyway, here's to sweet Lar dreams and a better day tomorrow!! :D
erised said:
:hug: Wertsie :hug:

Anyway, here's to sweet Lar dreams and a better day tomorrow!! :D

Thanks! Whenever I have a crappy day, I just say to myself, "Well, that must mean something good is going to happen soon!"
:hug: to ppl having bad times

I actually don't have anything to complain about right now.... except I'm scared about the sniper attacks

and I miss my neices. I might go home again this weekend though. :tongue:
Venting about everything and nothing all at the same time

:mad: :censored: :madspit: :banghead: :rant:

There I feel better...okay so not really....I have plenty of things that I would like to vent/rant about...however, I really don't have the inclination to put them all down at this moment.
I have days like these all the time....

The other day I had a stressful day since I booked a holiday to Dublin when I knew I couldnt pay for it... and then luckily at the end of the day I couldnt help it any longer :( I just felt downright miserable. So my mum said she'd lend me the money! :happy: HOORAH for MOTHERS! lol.... and today I've just been so annoyed with the fact that I can't get a job. :( I've tried everything. I'm just hoping one comes along soon.
So my history prof makes groups in our class teach a chapter, and we have to turn in an outline ahead of time, right? So my group is supposed to be doing this on Friday, and we turned in one outline last week and she said it wasn't good enough, so we turned in another one today, and she said it still wasn't good enough.
We might as well just not do it anymore, since she already has it in for us. Oh, and did I mention that this whole damn thing is only worth 10 points?
daisybean said:
Yeah so I got the Beauty and the Beast DVD :heart::heart: and in the "work in progress" version (mainly pencil tests) there is a skip in it, at my favorite part :mad:

:yes: I'm getting that too...s'posed to come in the mail soon!
wertsie said:
Here's why...

*As I was walking across campus to meet with one of my profs today about study abroad in Dublin, I spotted this cute guy that's in two of my classes with this chick that's in one of those classes....Oh, did I mention that I do not like her...at all???!

That sucks, but just because he was with her doesn't necessarily mean anything. Maybe they're just friends. (You didn't say anything about them holding hands or anything like that, so I assume they were just walking together).

I hope you get to study in Dublin. That would be so cool!
Re: Re: I need to blow off some steam...

Bono's shades said:

That sucks, but just because he was with her doesn't necessarily mean anything. Maybe they're just friends. (You didn't say anything about them holding hands or anything like that, so I assume they were just walking together).

I hope you get to study in Dublin. That would be so cool!

:yes: They were sitting on a bench talking...And on Wednesday in class I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary...Who knows? But I guess I'm sort of intimidated because she's this loud, obnoxious type and I'm SO the antithesis of that!

btw: the girl:guy ratio on this campus sucks! I think it's like 60:40 or something!
I have plenty to rant about #&@%$!#@@$# roomate!....
but I'll save that for when i'm in a bad mood instead of ruining my good one
Okay, I had to bump this thread back up because I'm in a really tough position right now and I don't know what to do...

My brother is eighteen. This is his first year down here at Grand Valley. He's been going out with the same girl for over a year and she's here with him too.

My mom has been really depressed lately because both her kids are away at school and I know she misses us a lot...But the problem is, although my brother's girlfriend is a nice girl, she's VERY insecure and very possessive of my brother. I don't think she's made any friends down here other than her roommate, and she gets pissed off at my brother whenever he talks to someone else.

My brother was supposed to come home this weekend with me, but now he doesn't know if he's going to because she doesn't want to. It seems like any time I call my mom anymore we both end up crying. She's afraid she's losing my brother, and I don't know what to do!

HELP!!! :sad:
does your brother realize what his girlfriend is doing to your mom?

if not, talk to him. even if he does, talk to him anyway and see what he thinks.
Stories for Boys said:
does your brother realize what his girlfriend is doing to your mom?

if not, talk to him. even if he does, talk to him anyway and see what he thinks.

I don't think he realizes how much our mom is hurting right now because of all of this. I have to figure out a way to bring it up without pissing him off.

my very uptight and rather strict college may be kicking out one of my best friends because of a giant misunderstanding. i am very upset right now. his dad wants him to leave and his lawyer wants him to leave...but i don't. this is very unfair. :(
no one loves me...all my friends are dating people and so on, but no one likes me...no one's even interested...not too cool...
Stories for Boys said:
no one loves me...all my friends are dating people and so on, but no one likes me...no one's even interested...not too cool...

:eyebrow: well, I'm certainly not dating anyone (boyz have cooties :madspit: j/k!)....so.....does that make me.......not yer friend?......:der: <--- multi purpose smilie
:hug: Laura

I know we haven't really talked in a while...but I know how you feel....it's like everyone in the world is in love except for you, it makes you feel horrible and that you will never find that certain someone. Believe me, I know, I'm still looking for Mr. Right....I think he's out there, but I'm starting to doubt that too. Where all the good looking guys are taken, or have no interest :sigh:
Stories for Boys said:
no one loves me...all my friends are dating people and so on, but no one likes me...no one's even interested...not too cool...

:sad: The ratio of girls to boys here at GVSU is just DEPRESSING! It's like 6:1 or something. Grrrr...And I do NOT like to play games, so if a guy is interested, he's going to have to let me know...

Although there IS this one guy who I see about twice a week riding his bike who always either smiles and nods at me or says hi...and I have no idea who he is...???
LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

:eyebrow: well, I'm certainly not dating anyone (boyz have cooties :madspit: j/k!)....so.....does that make me.......not yer friend?......:der: <--- multi purpose smilie

nope...you're not my friend ;)...bad days, y'know? i'm working on it...being content...:yes:
Ug. I think I NEEEEEEED to rant. (this could get realllly long and prolly cornfusing too :huh: )

Remember back near the end of July we helped my step-sister and her family move from Chicago to Florida? Well, here we are in October and I am getting sooo terribly annoyed by them (how bad is that?????) Just about EVERY weekend they are at our house. Laura (that would be my stepsister) keeps BUGGING me to come down and visit (mind you it is two hours from my house to their house) and mind you now I go to school and work, and if I'm not at work, I'm at school. How in the world would I fit a two hour drive there and a two hour drive back? Unless they are willing to pay for my gas, or a tow truck, cause Lord knows my car wouldn't even MAKE it that far. She does NOT let it go that I never come down and visit. Every time she sees me, she brings it up at LEAST one, and if they are here every weekend, WHY do I need to come down and see them? But you can't go making a comment to her to tell her to stop because she is ultra senstive. Then Andy, her husband, thinks he can tell me what to do! Last time I checked, he wasn't my father. I HATE being told what to do from people that isn't my parents, and he is CONSTANTLY correcting me and thinking he is better then me. And he lets Leighton (remember my Bono impersonating nephew) do basically what ever he feels like, which includes tearing apart my room, and I had to put a HUGE sign on my legos (which I dare say, I payed good money for them too and I don't need them to be destroyed by a 5 year old) And Brittanee, (yes, the one who RUINED my car :mad: ) She comes in my room, and also tears apart it, leaves her wet, disgusting towels all over the floor in my bedroom, leaves her dirty dishes about (she RUINED one of my U2 things because she left a glass with ice on it, so now there is a big watermark over Bono's face:( ) None of them have ANY respect for ANYTHING when they are at our house. They come, make the house a huge mess and then they leave. And now they are gonna be at our house tonight all the way to Saturday, I don't think I will be able to make it without saying something....but if I say something, it may cause a big ol family fight, cause my parents are feeling the same way that I am feeling. Ugh. :sigh:
:hug: topop :hug:

patience...maybe talk to them about how their kids tear apart your room to start with...i'd say go easy...try and put it so they aren't offended...that's the only advice i can give...

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