I knew there was something I had to do

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Cra! How's it been! *cough* Haven't seen you in quite a while!
Bono: were you-
Ellen: No. Quiet. *points* Now back to the studio with ye!
Bono: *pouts*
Ellen: *comforts Bono*

Cra: :crack:
remember the weird dream I had about brooce? Yeah, I think I had it again. Weird.

Well Cra, last time we met it WAS a low lit room...

My hero...I shall strive to one day be a Boola girl...never as cool as Adelina THE Boola Girl...but Boola girl none the less...
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Dude I had this freakishly disturbing odd dream last night.
Okay so I was at a U2 concert in this little theater, and the concert SUCKED ASS. Bono was in this blue SuperBono suit with a cape and stuff and... it was just really boring. But that's not important.
On the way home I had this CD, it was like rare U2 stuff or something... and I was like determined to kill everyone in this really long building. Somehow the CD was responsible for this. Anyway, there were all these celebrities in it (the only one I remembe was John Mellencamp) and I'd walk in, have my picture taken with them, and then set the room on fire. The plan was to leave the pictures somewhere so everyone knew I did it... and I got home and went to sleep (cos I sleep in my dreams, a lot). In the morning I wake up and I'm like "Oh my god, did I really do that?" and I was all scared cos I thought I was going to jail. My mom's like "Did you hear that tree fell on the building, caught on fire, and everyone died?" So evidently I'd dreamt (in my dream) that I did it. Still like everyone seemed to blame me for killing the people and somehow I was responsible for it but never got put in jail or anything.

Like, I've dreamt I've killed people before (no, I'm not a mass murderer) but it always was or seemed justified, I've never been terrified I'd get caught. That's the odd part.

Everyone: *backs away slowly and refuses to ever meet me again*
:wave: Hi olive!

And Kristie, I am not frightened of your dream. Rather, I am amused, athough that's probably just cause I don't want to go study. :tongue:

Okay, I need to share my dream after you shared yours because I think we might be connected at the brain...

So my whole family is gathered in this hangar at the end of a runway (it's this sort of smallish-for-a-hangar building). We're all there and there's a storm going on outside. The wind is blowing really hard and it's raining and lightening etc. So someone finally yells "There's a tornado starting!" and we're all really scared and yelling and stuff. Then the tornado really takes off and we're afraid it's going to come straight for us. Well, of course it does. And all of a sudden, there is this plane taking off right in front of us, from the same direction the tornado is coming from. As the plane flies over the building, the tornado clips it's wing and sends the wing smashing into the building. My family was all okay, but everyone else was dead or injured...

What is with people dying in buildings where we've been?

lol I told this to one of my friends and she goes "Have you been watching the video for Beautiful Day again?" :lol:
so I have 138 stills from EBTTRT, both Ones, Mysterious Ways, and Stay.
should I start a thread now or wait til I get done and put them in some semblance of order?
It's 10:30 am and WHY THE HELL AM I UP?!

Oh, that's right, cause I have an exam tomorrow and I still haven't studied for it. :D

*master procrastinator*
My grandmother drove into her neighbors house last night...

*everyone pauses*

Yes you read that correctly...

she DROVE INTO her neighbors HOUSE

She is so psychotic...(you can laugh...we did)

:huh: :shrug: :lmao: :coocoo:
Yeah she is fine, she shouldn't be driving but her damn doctor keeps writing her prescriptions and notes so she can renue her liscense. GRRRRRRRR...she thought she was in her driveway...

She is the bain of our existence.
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