I knew there was something I had to do... Part Deux

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awwww! cute pets!
i'll have to dig up a few of the freakish pics i have of two cats i used to have. brother and sister. they had an
unusual relationship......:eyebrow:

dont have an ulcer! thats terrible.
on a lighter note, thats great that you get a digital cam. i dont have one:( cant afford it. someday though. when i get a decent car, a computer of my own, some nice clothes and pigs start flying over my backyard! :lol:
call me a pessimist.

I got my first purse today:reject:
ive been anti purse for a while because i cant stand carrying something around but i caved and got a courdoroy purse, very not purse-looking.
e gads, if you knew me really well you would know the significance of this event
u2bonogirl said:

on a lighter note, thats great that you get a digital cam. i dont have one:( cant afford it. someday though. when i get a decent car, a computer of my own, some nice clothes and pigs start flying over my backyard! :lol:
call me a pessimist.

Actually, I had to sell my computer (which I bought on my own right after high school) and a bunch of other stuff so I could get the camera. And cars are overrated, I've never had one (not even a family car to use). The camera is a splurge I've been saving for all summer (of course, it took so long b/c I got two cats and had their vet bills + $300 pet payment, but I'm not complaining!) and it's gonna be a pricey investment since I'll need enough memory to store a months worth of pictures. We're not leaving until January, but I'd like to get it ASAP and start practicing.

Instead of say, "Rainy", "Partly Cloudy", etc, our forecast for today said "Ice Pellets", tonight it's supposed to snow and sleet :huh: So I took out my screen, put in the storm window, sealed the storm window with a cardboard-and-bedsheet concoction, and lit my candles. Is it Christmas yet? :(
geeze, and i thought i had crappy weather!
um, maybe i shouldnt say that. my weather is almost identical to irish weather.
is that like u2 herecy or something? :huh:
regardless of weather i would choose ireland over oregon any day:wink:
i just altered my purse
now it looks like a ten year old raggy old thing
Kristie said:

:wave: iris


:wave: Hi Kristie

very cute picture!
My daughter informed me Friday that I had "scary hair". It's curly and red. So, I got it all cut off yesterday. I think I liked my scary hair better.:huh:
u2bonogirl said:
geeze, and i thought i had crappy weather!
um, maybe i shouldnt say that. my weather is almost identical to irish weather.
is that like u2 herecy or something? :huh:
regardless of weather i would choose ireland over oregon any day:wink:
i just altered my purse
now it looks like a ten year old raggy old thing

After 11 days in Arizona northwest weather is looking pretty good to me.
nanavancouver said:
My daughter informed me Friday that I had "scary hair". It's curly and red. So, I got it all cut off yesterday. I think I liked my scary hair better.:huh:


I am trying to grow my fine curly hair long but it is just growing out instead of down:(

i feel the pain of all who have fine curly hair. mines just curly in the front and wavy in all the wrong places the rest of the way around. i got so mad at it that a while ago i just went sinead:ohmy:
now its growing:madspit: because i cant do anything to it until after the wedding im going to be in at the end of the month.
its really making me mad!:mad:

hey hey, who likes peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches?
i do i do!

nanavancouver- i felt the same way last month when i was in phoenix. *gonna- die- from- heat*
its raining here today too. HARD. My hair gets frizzy when it rains:huh:
and its sticking up in the air everywhere
i cut my own hair so i never get the neato hair products on after a cut.
:lol: nanavancouver with slick hair
:reject: sorry
OK... last one for the day, I promise.

I feel like listing stuff... so i'm gonna do that.
  • I got new Halloween toe socks.
  • My students think my socks are cool.
  • For the first time in four years, I can finally say I :heart: my job.
  • I am in a huge financial hole.
  • I had a stalker.
  • He lives less than a mile from my house. :ohmy:
  • I want to move, but I can't afford it.
  • Larry's legs made an appearance for the first time since 1983's US Festival.
  • I'm lonely.
  • Kyle, my ex-fiance, met somebody.
  • I have yet to meet anybody that doesn't have the personality of a goat's butt.
  • I have too much stuff.
  • I'm getting better at playing the drums.
  • October is a very looooooong month.
  • I miss my mom.
  • I can't afford my truck payment this month, or the gas to get to work. :sad:
  • I sometimes pretend nothing is wrong, but inside, I'm dying.
  • Maybe I should start a donation site. :rolleyes:
  • That is all. For now.
Moonie :huh:
moon_is_playing_tricks said:
  • I sometimes pretend nothing is wrong, but inside, I'm dying.
Moonie :huh:

Special :hug: for Moonie!

I hear yah on this one... the past two weeks have been really crappy. And the next couple aren't looking up...

But all the new U2 is making me very happy :D

And I joined my Symphony Chorus, which means I finally am singing with a group again. It feels really good :yes:

Moobers, hippy@u2email.com or PlaysTheTart on AIM if you need me...

And that goes for everyone!
Ditto Kim and Moonie. This is the second Monday in a row I've woke up on time for work, gone into the bathroom, stood there for a minute, and gone back to bed. :yawn: I still haven't the slightest clue how I'm going to pay for this class in Africa. My mom started entertaining the idea of cashing out a life insurance policy, but I guess we have a new kind where you only get $$ when someone dies :|

Yay for two days off for advising next week. And yay for the Top of the Pops bootleg, the new song is hypnotic, especially when Bono goes "in the city of blinding lights..." and the visualization on Media Player goes all bright and sparkley.......
hey ladies.
moony- :hug: :hug::hug::hug:
I would say something nice or give advice but you didn't ask for it:wink:
hope things get easier for you. at least you like your job!
i hate mine, and i miss my guy too.
and you definitely have cooler socks than me!:D im sporting the unmatched bono look lately.
yeah... I updated my sig. the one I lost never was officially found... but for some reason, the original picture that I had in my sig was still in my in-box in my PMs from Bonogirl. So, I just updated it a bit. Until I find a better, more interesting quote from larry, it will have to do. ;)

Thanks for the hugs, all. It's been a trying couple of months. Until I get moved out of this house and into a smaller place that I can afford, it's going to be really, really tough for me. I'm 31 years old and I'm not financially stable, even though I have a great job. So, yeah. It's really hard. I haven't been eating all that much (because I don't really have a lot of money for food) so that's a plus, right? Don't eat too much, lose weight. *rolls eyes* yeah.

Anywho. I'll be back again tomorrow, hopefully. Went to go look for a new apt. today and the one I looked at I really, really like. It's got 2 of the three things I require in an apt. allows cats, has a garage, and a washer/dryer hookup. Didn't have the last one, but the first two are more of a priority than being able to do my own laundry in my house. ;) I'm gonna hate moving away from this place, but I'm excited about a bit of chance. The $300+ I'll be saving a month will definitely NOT hurt, either. ;)

:hug: to all of you.

Moonie :D
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