I don't go to theatres, even if it's a movie I am dying to see

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 13, 2000
It's Inside A Black Hole
I saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday.

6 months since you fuck asses non-Star Wars geeks saw it.

I refuse to see a film in "due time" unless Jeniifer Connelly has a bigtime lesbian scene.

In that case it needs to be graphic. And maybe contain Marisa Tomei.

Anyhow, this movie was probably better than I thought it was, because so many fuck faces went and saw it and said "huh???...oh... you mean that blonde guy is darth vader???"

fuck you

I thought it had balls bigger than you.

all of you.

Yoda, he'd kill all of us if he needed to.
Including you fucks who watch reality TV.

So, fuck you all.

Yoda would kill you

Ben Kenobi, perfect casting??? Or pounding your glory snatch?

so the unabridged version is....if you didnt like it, I'd kill you with my bare hands, and if you did like it, then I'd toss your salad.

that was like, the most gangsta star wars review i've ever read.


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